Funny Poems About Allegory or Allegory Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Allegory poems and/or funny poems about Allegory. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Allegory funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Allegory Poems.

Poem Details | by Jslambert Mister Roboto |
Categories: allegory, fantasy, father, funny, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, health, hope, husband, imagination, life, love, passion, people, places, romance, social, wife,

Viagra Falls

There once was a man from Niagara
whose wiener's so long it would stab ya'

but when it got little 
his pills became skittles   
until he O.D.'d on Viagra

© ~JSLambert  2011*****A classic "stiff" competitor, standing "firm" amongst other "members" in the "thick" of the competition:) hope everyone gets "a rise" out of it!

Poem Details | by Michelle Faulkner |
Categories: allegory, humor, math,

Nevermind Number Nine

Rounded up
Forgotten pup
No hourglass shape
Like sister eight
Denied the pluck
Of seven's luck
No flashy tricks
For clever six
Lacking the vibe
Of cool kid five
Awkward score
No balanced four
Craves symmetry
Family of three
Alone and blue
Unlike cute two
While ten and one
Have all the fun
Eleven stays
Aloofly away
Twelve is far
Too popular
And all the teens
Have their own scenes
So, find time for nine
In your counting rhymes!


Anacreontic Verse contest
Sponsor: Silent One

Poem Details | by Duke Beaufort |
Categories: allegory, humorous, war,

The Pen Versus the Sword

The incorrect usage of tense
And phrases of total nonsense
Wipe out brain status
With more apparatus
Than the Department of Defense

Poem Details | by Mark Pringle |
Categories: allegory, funny, lost love, heart, heart,

Once Upon a Happenstance

Once upon a happenstance
I gazed, a look, and paused in trance

To dream upon a crystal palace
Her heart aglee and form to chalice

With towers true and field in view
I set a course to give tongue to

I crossed the field - anxiety smote
And walked upon this palace mote

Yet, as I firmed, my heart to pour
She drew the bridge and bolted door

Poem Details | by Paloma P |
Categories: allegory, analogy, drink, funny love, humorous, hyperbole, romance,

Essential Spirits

She was like Bordeaux,
a tall drink of spirit
He was more a hopped
pale lager like Pilsner, 
both gorgeous and
super gingered flavors,
although clashing mid
respective savored aplomb,
one so refined the other
rowdy after hours,
yet they complimented
each other in the way
they blended their
drunken demeanors, 
intoxicated by mere
existence of nature's
essential complexities

Poem Details | by Ahellas Alixopulos |
Categories: allegory, funny, on work and working, parody, work,

Farming As a Terrorist Act

Going on down to the demos today
the last farmer has been put away.
They shot him down
just outside of town.
Police found him in his own cornfield,
where he resisted and  refused to yield.
Since his were crimes against the state,
then death obviously was to be his fate.

Going on down to the demos today
the last farmer has been put away.
He refused to buy corn from the corporation,
produced his own seeds for his liberation.
He refused to buy genetic sprays
to eliminate the bugs and the butterflys.
By his wanton self pollination
he threatened the food supply of our nation.
We're going on down to the demos today
to give thanks to those who put terrorists away.

Poem Details | by Ahellas Alixopulos |
Categories: allegory, funny, introspection,

Huge Garage Sale

The residents will soon be moving.
There is lots of miscellaneous and
still useable items.
Some old growth redwoods 
and fishable seas, some 
breathable air
and unpolluted shores,
bargains galore so
don't hesitate
to make an offer.
All prices are negotiable
and everything must go.
Saturday, from 9-5, please,
no earlies.
Earth, the nearest cross-street
is Milky Way.

Poem Details | by Paloma P |
Categories: allegory, day, deep, emotions, fear, humor, hyperbole,

Nothing More Or Less

hid insecurities within
  ambiguous humor &
   convoluted whimsies,
rules consistently changing
 in a game which required
hardly more than breath,
  nothing less than obscurity
     twisting a fallible fancy, 
    seizing day's intangibility

Poem Details | by Samuel Lee |
Categories: abuse, addiction, allegory, death, funny, metaphor, water,

To You, Crocodile

The river dragon of crimson streams
Swiftly swimming to bring my end
As I’m standing alone at the silent shore
The beast from this murk suddenly ascends.
Gripping my face in her flawless jaws
The teeth latched efficiently into flesh
Pulling me quickly into the depths
Dragging me into the shallow grave.
Surrounded in filth, drowning in the banks
The apex predator’s grip never relenting
All I can do is break, bleed and decompose
Hoping for some relief in the pending death.
I find some comfort in this prolonged pain,
Because I haven’t felt a thing in ages.

Poem Details | by Duke Beaufort |
Categories: allegory, humorous,

36 Left, 12 Right, 41 Left

To grab all seems some are inclined 
Their trespass could be unconfined
So passwords and keys
Though designed for my ease
Have got me all locked in a bind

Poem Details | by James Horn |
Categories: allegory, analogy, humorous,

Nicola Byrne

Nicola Byrne

Now know that her name is Nicola Byrne
Writes great poems with a smooth iron
And I also have heard some poets say
She recently had another Poem of The Day.

Poem was about a person who was a pedant
Who for long life and acting had a pendant
And something else that also is ironical
She has become Byronically Byrneimical.

Jim Horn

Poem Details | by Xavier Keough |
Categories: allegory, angst, funny, life,

Prelude To a Poke

I do not recall
The bravado with which I spoke
The titillating prose
Seduction’s prelude to a poke
You spoke of love
with a lust that I understand
your heart a bloom
your derriere met my hand
I pulled you closed
my eyes nearly met yours
your bosom winked  
thank God I wore drawers
Do you not see
that my passions are pure
a burning in my loins
for which water has no cure
We gazed upon the heavens
I wrapped her in the moonlight
I looked at the time
my prayers faded into night
We danced till dawn
I had answered her romantic call
I whispered sweet somethings
Before her foot procured my fall

Poem Details | by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: allegory, allusion, analogy, art, happy, history, humorous,

A Life of Commentary


Poem Details | by David Kavanagh |
Categories: allegory, humor, perspective,

Winter Is Not Forever

winked tortoise to the snail ~ the hare was already springing past summer 

Winter is not Forever Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: BJ Legros Kelley 
Howmanysyllables 17

Poem Details | by James Horn |
Categories: allegory, analogy, humorous,

Weird Physical

Remember Trump's weird physical report
from his doctor. 

A doctor have given Trump a physical;
Really awkward, weird and  whimsical

Took his temperature using a popsicle.

James Thesarious Hilarious Horn
Retired Veteran and Poet

Dedicated to Akkina.

How about using a popsicle for a rectal

Poem Details | by David Kavanagh |
Categories: allegory, humor, nature,

Nature Calls

eerie squeaks in the canopy ~ make creatures below quite ill at ease

Poem Details | by Joe Dimino |
Categories: allegory, analogy, humor, philosophy, society, wisdom, word play,

Intelligent Life

Before leaving earth
we should seek to find 
intelligent life…if

we are to identify it elsewhere;

for the universe is
an obvious abundance

while man has yet
to expose his own….

Poem Details | by B. Andrew Kelly |
Categories: allegory, anxiety, funny, life, silly, surreal,

Ballad for the Wacky Waving Inflatable Tube-Man

air rockets skyward
uppercutting inside
plastic neon flesh
contorting at inhuman angles
what does my body language spell?

ankles anchored into the Earth
to stay grounded as the wave
of time and space crashes
a flood of stagnant flux

there is a symphony of bones
snapping and cracking
in twisted orchestrations
the act of existing for me
is a resilient demonstration

Poem Details | by Dr. Upma A. Sharma |
Categories: allegory, funny, simile,

Night Owl

Night owl

Wake up all the night,
Asleep whole day bright,
Am I a night owl ?

Ward of seriously sick,
Moving my neck at three-sixty is a trick,
Am I a night owl ?

Disease in fluffy plumage,
Prey to hooked talons' curettage,
I am a night owl !

Aboard in the black hours,
Be dark sky or glitter of stars,
I am a night owl .

Inheriting the mystery and magic of night,
Taking a noiseless flight,
Blessed are the night owls !

Written on 5/8/14
Contest - Night Owl
Sponsor- Kelly Deschler

Poem Details | by Gary Fields |
Categories: allegory, funny, slam, time,


No comment!

               by GF

Poem Details | by Jslambert Mister Roboto |
Categories: allegory, childhood, family, food, children, funny, happiness, hope, imagination, inspirational, nature, seasons, uplifting

Orange You Glad To Be---An Orange---

Contract Delete

Poem Details | by Brandee Augustus |
Categories: allegory, funny, life,

A Lesson Learned

electric shock

extreme pain

Poem Details | by Duke Beaufort |
Categories: allegory, business, funny, health, imagination, mystery, parody, science,

Voldemort, By Contrast, Was Vanquished Easily

Changed climate is not a surprise
With drilling for gas on the rise
Where can life forms hide
From carbon dioxide
And methane let loose in the skies?

Neo-druids auger gas wells
And add fluids with sulfurous smells! 
Are poisons they've tapped
With their magic wands trapped
Evermore by sorcerous spells? 

Votes and news seem not relevant
The unrelenting elephant
In all our best rooms
Is fossil fuel's fumes
And toxins we can't circumvent

Poem Details | by Duke Beaufort |
Categories: allegory, funny, journey,


Obsessive workers in their seat 
**** about documents neat
Choose never to rush
Or the toilet to flush  
Unless the paperwork's complete

Poem Details | by Tirzah Conway |
Categories: allegory, angst, fantasy, funny, holiday, imagination,

Brown Bag Flu

I made myself sick with the brown bag flu,

     From drinking too much of that “Mountain Dew”;

          So here’s what I say,

          NO drinking today;

                I pray this never happens to you!