These are funny poems written by international poets. Funny poems are added daily and hundreds of new funny poems are added weekly for your reading pleasure.
Poem Details | by
Mckeithan, Oliver |
Carl Edward Sagan
who thought he was a pagan
instead of hanging out in bars
he learned to study stars
Poem Details | by
Romios, Panagiota |
humor, love hurts,
Glow in the dark heart, hear its onorous bump!
She still dreams amourlessly of him~ in her throat, a lump.
He left her with malice~ she wrongly felt like a true chump?
Come back, her heart cries for him,with his feelings of a tree stump!!
Poem Details | by
Bauer, Ilene |
appreciation, humor, music,
Between the Pauls, there were some laughs
From some with valued autographs
And glimpses of the former staffs
Of Saturday Night Live.
Some old routines brought up to date,
Including some just second-rate,
Performed to help to celebrate
What’s managed to survive.
Paul Simon started with a song
To which we all could sing along
And with a voice no longer strong,
For harmony he’d strive.
Sir Paul, the final singing guest,
In dapper shirt and jet-black vest,
Despite his lessened pipes, impressed,
The audience alive.
For fifty years of SNL,
We’ve watched careers it helped propel
And since this wasn’t a farewell,
We hope it long may thrive.
Poem Details | by
Rodrigues, Kim |
whatcha do when your mom
has on speed dial a bunch
of famous folks, find
your favorite and text ‘em
funny faces and love
from you to d’em
finding the cookie jar open
gasp, your full name exhaled,
ultimate laughter and forgiveness
Poem Details | by
Foster, Margaret |
Sighing in the rain
Was a
Dull morning
Dark and cloudy
But we ventured out
Rushing to catch the train
Before long we were engulfed
Half way along the avenue
In a downpour of torrential rain
Of course Jan had forgotten her brolly
So we had to turn back, go home again
As she was soaked to the very skin
The rest of us were so annoyed
We would miss the train to town
Be late for the concert
And afternoon tea.
Our day out spoiled
“Not happy
Poem Details | by
Mckeithan, Oliver |
‘A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!‘
(Richard III, Act 5, Scene 4)
By Shakespeare
I’ve tried riding horses
I don’t like them-they don’t like me~
I’ll keep the kingdom thank you
Poem Details | by
Mckeithan, Oliver |
‘The better part of valor is discretion‘
(Henry IV, Part 1, Act 5, Scene 4)
By Shakespeare
After 38 years of marriage
I have learned to be very discrete~
I just say yes dear you are right
Poem Details | by
Mckeithan, Oliver |
The lady doth protest too much, methinks‘
(Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 2)
By Shakespeare
cold snowy day
Clint Eastwood marathon on the tube
honey-do list not done
my wife complains all day
Poem Details | by
Evangeline, Vanya |
history, humor,
Katsushige Mizuno
Is too awesome for just one lord, you know
For 15 years lived as a wanderer
Moving on from one liege to another
His father's serf once tattled on his misconduct
So he drew his sword upon the man and struck
Dad got sick of his wild displays
He swiftly sent the youth away
But no scorn or exile can put a hamper on his pluck
Though he at last went home and made up with dad
Who shortly died; that made him the family head
They say a rolling stone gathers no moss
But putting down roots is no great loss
Poem Details | by
Poetry, Alkas |
allusion, appreciation, confusion, extended metaphor, humor, perspective,
There are only changes
for those who like dancing
and don't dislike messy parties
Poem Details | by
Poetry, Alkas |
allusion, analogy, humorous, perspective,
...what I always carry inside me
...without rest
...asks for a job
...for my nails...
PS. translating Miranda Paulo
Poem Details | by
Wolf, Gershon |
celebrity, dance, humor, kiss, pain, women,
Chubby Checker was doing the twist
Poor guy fell right down and broke his wrist
No dancer anymore
Chubby's wrist is sure sore
Ladies: Make it 'all well' with a kiss
Poem Details | by
Wolf, Gershon |
change, giggle, language, word play,
Ro manse languages were once all the rage
But Mandarin's now taken center stage ~
Flankry, I can't stand it
The Chinese are bandits ~
It's rike leceiving kick in reft libcage
Poem Details | by
Mckeithan, Oliver |
‘To be, or not to be: that is the question’
(Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1)
by Shakespeare
the scary part-what if there is no answer
Poem Details | by
Mckeithan, Oliver |
‘All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.’
(As You Like It, Act 2, Scene 7)
By Shakespeare
If this is so
I hope it’s
more than
one act.
What of us
who are mere
or stage hands?
I don’t remember
rehearsing for
any parts-do you?
My entrance
wasn’t so grand
my exit probably
won’t be either.
Hope I don’t
fall off the stage
and I know I don’t
want any singing parts.
What if I get
Stage fright?
does that mean
I don’t get to act?
Is this Broadway
or off Broadway?
Is it local theater?
Whatever type
I hope I can win
a Tony!
Poem Details | by
Lillico , Margarita |
Dreadful deed
Damned if you do
Damned if you do not
Disturbing drill din daunts
Drat! Delectable doughnuts
Digging deep childhood cavities
Done! Drear disposition diminished
Displaying the dazzling disarming smile
Poem Details | by
Lowe, Millard |
conflict, hilarious, imagery, nature, rain, sunshine, winter,
In bright shining sun,
cold winds blow, hale-like rain falls;
winter's paradox:-
Poem Details | by
Mcgreavy, Maureen |
america, education, humor, political,
Dear MAGA,
How is a dictatorship better than socialism?
Explain it to me like I’m a Canadian
The American way
Sell it to me
Becoming the 51st state
Make annexation sexy again.
Poem Details | by
Mckeithan, Oliver |
there was a young man named Sean
who pledged his undying love to Dawn
one day at the faire
he met a different woman there
and now he has run off with Fawn
Poem Details | by
Mckeithan, Oliver |
there was a young man named Dennis
who staggered from a pub in Ennis
he thought he boarded a train
but woke up on a plane
and found he was headed to Venice
Poem Details | by
Sms, Ryan |
confusion, funny,
There is this lady
whom I'll call Ms Maybe
cause she excites
and spites
each man in her life
as she's not ready to become a wife.
Ms Maybe
is a real Daisy
that turns shady
in the blink of an eye.
She's a one-of-a-kind flower
that transforms by the hour.
Goodbye lady who turns each admirer
and aspirer
into a perspirer.
Farewell Ms Maybe
whose heart has turned cold lately.
Hello Ms Steady
who is ready
to welcome her future baby daddy.
Poem Details | by
Healey, Jim |
humor, relationship,
Did you know Albert Einstein married his cousin?
It's a topic that makes for interesting discussion.
And while it may engender some negativity,
it gives new meaning to the theory of relativity!
Poem Details | by
Freie, Randy |
So this is where I'm bound to sleep
Just three feet wide and six feet deep
No shirt, no shoes, or even sox
Only me in my little box
So grab a shovel, lend a hand
And bury me in desert sand
I know that it's a boring job
Guess I shouldn't have robbed the Mob
Poem Details | by
Freie, Randy |
Let me tell you of my friend Wheezer
Spent all day just trying to please her
When she strung him along
He felt something was wrong
Now she keeps his nads in the freezer
Poem Details | by
Freie, Randy |
In my pool, what did I see
A shark fin circling me
Could this be an illusion
Or an actual intrusion
My circumstance became clearer
As the shark kept drawing nearer
I felt a sharp pain in my seat
Soon my tail looked like shredded meat
A shark's a shark, I can't blame him
Why did I have to learn to swim
I survived to talk about it
But now I have nowhere to sit
All Funny Poems