Funny Poems About Alligator or Alligator Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Alligator poems and/or funny poems about Alligator. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Alligator funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Alligator Poems.

Poem Details | by John Williams |
Categories: children, funny,

Alligator Tale

An alligator on a floating freighter
Ate the Captain and the navigator,
He also ate the crew 
In a meaty stew,
In a feast which included the waiter.

Poem Details | by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: animals, death, funny, imagination, life, nature

On the Southern Alligator Farm

Down south on the small alligator farm
Alligators grown to size to alarm
All the workers there too scared
Of young gators as they aired
Parachuted food to keep them from harm

(Inspired by Carolyn's picture but not entry.)

Poem Details | by John Fenn |
Categories: animals, childhood, children, funny

Please Mister Alligator

Please  mister alligator don’t eat me
There must be something nicer
You could have for your tea
A great big slice of carrot cake
A sickly sticky bun
Just stay there while I reach for my gun
Now mister alligator please stand still
Don’t come any closer
Cos you know that I will
So go home to your family
And the rest of your gang
Smile mister alligator
Click click, BANG!

Poem Details | by David Crandall |
Categories: animal, dance, humor, music,

Alligator Sashay, Unabridged

Circle left, hang on tight
Don't get caught in an alligator bite
Allemande left, what you want to do
Is turn that alligator into stew
Do-si-do, listen to the band
Alligator shoes look mighty grand
Roll away to a half sashay
If you're a gator, forget what I say

Right and left grand, give a kick,
Gator eyes fall on a dancing chick
Swing your partner, run, don't stop 
Toss him in the water, with eyes on top
Ladies in, men sashay
Ditch that guy without delay
Pass through, separate and go home
Say bye to the bald gator with the crazy comb

Poem Details | by David Crandall |
Categories: animal, dance, humor, music,

Alligator Sashay v1

Circle left, hang on tight
Don't get caught in an alligator bite

Allemande left, what you want to do
Is turn that alligator into stew

Do-si-do, listen to the band
Alligator shoes look mighty grand

Roll away to a half sashay
If you're a gator, forget what I say

Poem Details | by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: humorous,

Alligator At the Table

there might be a gator at Sunday’s table.
Don’t act surprised, if you are able.
Why does Shelly always cross-species date?
She wants to prove that she does not hate.
Why do we have to be polite to them?
They are her dates, her beaus, her men.
But a gator? I protesed. Grandma, no!
She would not budge, so I did not go.