Funny Poems About Anger or Anger Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Anger poems and/or funny poems about Anger. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Anger funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Anger Poems.

Poem Details | by Blake Holland |
Categories: adventure, allusion, anger, art, color, confusion, cool, crazy, fantasy, fun, funny, music, new year, paradise, rap, riddle, rude, song,

Northern Suburbia

Your love is real 
the love you feel.
Your love is great 
the love you make.
Your records are on fire 
its your desire.
Take me out tonight
and go wild and crazy, 
or be fat and lazy. 
So I played some Doors 
and saw some whores. 
So I said goodbye 
and they all must die, fool. 
So dig my guts 
and eat my brain 
and then go insane. 
I don't
Care I love it 
so forget it, Punk!

Poem Details | by David Brown |
Categories: anger, break up, dark, humor, irony,

These Bare Walls

On these bare walls 
there once hung
artwork that was picked by you,
which you'd then picked over,
leaving only a needlepoint 
your mother made for our wedding 
and a picture an alcoholic friend gave you
of a bear

How ironic now, 
it seems, they're not so bare
since I've hung a painting of
dancing bears on the bare wall where 
I took down the needlepoint
and a butterfly, 
in the bare spot you left
by the front door

Poem Details | by Matt Caliri |
Categories: funny,


Anger is for sissies.
Does that make you angry?
Too bad.

Poem Details | by Zofia Gostkowska |
Categories: anger, funny,

I Ruined Your Suit

I have ruined
your brand new
Two thousand pound 
Dolce Gabbana suit
I am aware of 
how cruel it was, 

Forgive me, but 
when I saw the grin
on your face
the glass of red wine
gained a will of its own
and slipped out of my hands

Poem Details | by Duke Beaufort |
Categories: anger, care, celebration, drug, humor, relationship,

I love and kiss the CVS people

I’ll get to the pills with a twist
The scripts filled by my pharmacist
If there’s a hiccup
Delaying the pick-up
Watch out as I might just get pissed

Poem Details | by J.W. Earnings |
Categories: anger, childhood, class, confusion, crazy, dedication, children, kids, funny, growing up, growth, high school, how i feel, innocence, inspiration, life, middle school, people, rights, school, social, stress, student, teacher, teen, teenage, time, today, truth, words, writing, youth,

Bladder Problems In Class

Numbers on 
White board…names written hori-

Students ask
To go pee…right when class starts – 
THAT’S just wrong…

Bathroom line
Of students who have bladder
Problems – WOW!

People are
Not using lunchtime to do 
Their business 

No one knows
When to do their duties – SER-

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: anger, dog, humorous, irony,

The Dog Poo Fairy

Here’s a fact SOME dog owners have missed - The dog poo fairy DOESN’T exist So get out your scoop And clear up that poop Or you’ll get a big slap on the wrist! Inspired by a large poster I saw on a van 07~16~15

Poem Details | by Israel Curtis C. |
Categories: anger, candy, childhood, emo, funny,

Candy Crush

Candy Crush!
Fired on the first day
Must you be addicting
Candy Crush
Let's play again

Crushing the screen

I win!

I. Cantu

Poem Details | by Tyshawn Knight |
Categories: anger, crazy, humor, summer,

Mowing the Lawn

I’m mowing the lawn free and clear
Don’t have no pants on
Because it’s hot out here.
Neighbors always said I was insane
Always called me out of my name
“Well to hell with them!” is what I say.
I’m mowing the lawn free and clear today.
People always lookin’ down on me.
Well what I think of them…
Now they see…
My moon
And my sun
Watch me as I mow my lawn.

Poem Details | by James Fraser |
Categories: anger, holiday, humor, money, travel,

Vacation, Duration, Frustration, Grrr

I know of a pretty New Jersey lass Who decided to vacation First Class But on the very first night Oh no! Cancelled flight What a total pain in the *** I'm sure her tomorrows will be better Or she'll surely be posting a letter If her plane don't take off soon It could be worse than High Noon She'll be angry, we'll just have to fetter When things couldn't have gotten any worse Once again she has to dip into her purse For the flight is okay But triple charges she'll pay A vacation just shouldn't be a curse .

Poem Details | by Khaleel Graham |
Categories: funny, red,


A man turned red with rage,
He was going through an angry stage,
He saw a black man named Ray,
Get hung by the KKK,
And he just had to flip the page

A man turned red with rage,
He was going through an angry stage,
He saw a Jew named Joshy,
Get killed by a Nazi,
Then he just had to turn the page

Then he saw a Japanese man named Sukai,
So he thought this page was okay,
Then he saw a plant go boom,
And everyone went zoom,
So he just had to throw the book away

Poem Details | by Harshath Vidheya |
Categories: anger, fate, fish, funny, humor, life, nature,

Born In a Desert

I don’t need an Oven here
My Coffee never Cools down.
I tried raisin’ a Lemon Tree
but it just Sank in the Sand.

Suppose if comes an Apocalypse
I would Survive nevertheless,
And if I go to Hell someday
I guess it Feels just like Home.

I like Rains and Oceans
but I was born in a Desert.
I dream of Swimming like a Fish
and dying in a dried up Pond.

Poem Details | by Dave Collins |
Categories: anger, conflict, humorous, sick, wisdom,

Diamonte Dumbmonte

Irrevelant, trivial
Idiot, imbecile, moron, bastardo
Falling, vomitting, succombing
Unbecoming, reticient

Poem Details | by Chris Hagy |
Categories: anger, change, funny, how i feel, march, sun, voice,

Slap In the Face

Just a cold, hard slap in the face
Is Daylight Savings Time to morning place

Winter’s drive is dark and cold
Headlights searching for deer in the road

But March brings the sun like golden ripe fruit
To brighten my chores and morning commute

For just a while I pretend it will last
Try to keep winter’s veil in the past

But then the inevitable Monday comes
Because someone decided this silly thing should be done

I’ve changed the clock the night before
So once again only darkness awaits out my door

For another month
I keep the dark pace
Whoever thought of this needs a slap in the face!

Poem Details | by Marlowe Sr. |
Categories: anger, emotions, funny love, lost love, love, love hurts,

Asking Her Out

I asked. She said No. Talked to her on Facebook, She said No. Shook hands with her buddies, Befriended her mamma, But from her it was still a No. She grumbled, And said No. She thanked me for the bouquet, But still said No. Called her day and night Mailed her every fortnight, But from her it was still a big No. Then she writes back to apologize, But it is still a No! Ah well, I should have gotten the message, That was loud and clear, When Michelle had said No!

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: anger, humorous, pets,

Cheese and Whine

I despair when I’ve stepped in dog poo Excrement on the sole of my shoe It would be indiscreet If I crapped in the street I wish doggies would use a pooch loo! I mowed the grass but now feel forlorn I see cat poo all over my lawn My neighbour’s pussy Is so darn fussy ... It's just my lawn that he treats with scorn! Here’s my whine now pass the Cheese Contest Sponsored by Phillip Garcia 08~01~16

Poem Details | by Arlene Smith |
Categories: anger, funny, silly,

Mad As a Hornet

He spits his oatmeal all over the place;
holds his breath, now he's got a blue face.
He wants cookies and not just one.
He throws a fit, if he gets none.

He fell out of his chair and bumped his head.
That made him mad, now his cheeks are all red.
He pees his pants if he doesn't get his way.
He's cranky 'cause he's not had a nap today.

He wants another bottle so I tried to hide it.
He toddles around to try and find it.
He got it, now he's sucked it dry.
He can't get enough of that good old rye.

He's mad as a hornet with his stinger out.
Another day in the life of Grandpa Stout!..

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: anger, betrayal, humorous, lust,

Warning - Don'T 'Rodger' the Lodger

Billy's found with the Swedish au pair His wife caught them in bed – both were bare Billy couldn’t dodge her - She cut off of his todger ... He’s having urgent medical care! 05~29~16

Poem Details | by Blake Holland |
Categories: addiction, allusion, angel, anger, art, celebration, confusion, crazy, depression, desire, earth, emotions, fantasy, fear, feelings, freedom, god, grief, health, humanity, humorous, image, imagination, life, loneliness, love, magic, music, nonsense, peace, planet, political, poverty, power, pride, psychological, sound, space, spiritual, stars, stress, suicide, sympathy, teen, usa, wisdom, world,

An Aquarian Exposition

Take the pill
on the hill
and don't be shrill
when you see the rainbow
when you are low.
Just go with the flow
and eat the purple snow.
Chase the rabbits 
through the green field
but use my shield 
to end all of your habits.

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: anger, humorous, mother daughter, teenage,

Spoilt Brat Footles

in mess

Flicks hair -

Bad mood
Is rude

She whines
At times

She pouts
And shouts

Mummy … 

Stamps feet

Can clout –
Watch out!


Spoilt brat –
Hate that!

5th June 2015

Poem Details | by Lee Ramage |
Categories: funny, travel,

Pit Stop -- Anger Contest

Bursting for a bathroom; Tim Horton’s stop ~ closed for cleaning For Susan Burch’s contest “Show Me The Anger” Won 2nd place

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: anger, dog, humorous,

Strange Fruit

A really odd thing caught my eye They hang on a branch way up high Black bags in the trees What strange ‘fruit’ are these I wouldn’t want poop in my pie! Why do some dog owners tie their dog poop bags on branches rather than put them in a bin? 31st January 2017

Poem Details | by Peter Dome |
Categories: anger, angst, howl, humor,

Art of Successful Arguing

''All arguments should be dealt with swiftly
With bows and arrows
You'll both see each others points
You'll get your point across first 
End of matter.''

Peter Dome.Copyright.2015.May.

Poem Details | by Iron Bender |
Categories: africa, anger, bereavement, depression, humorous,

Am the Owner

I have my life to lead
My own precious life 
If it’s my life,
Then you should know
Am the owner

The morning breakfast
The midday lunch
The night dinner
Concerns nobody
Co’s I am the owner

The owner of my life
Is really me, 
Understand and bear in mind
My destiny, my life
Am the owner.

Poem Details | by David Fisher |
Categories: anger, humor,

Laugh At First Sight

There was a guy who itched for a fight
Wanting to beat the first man in sight
But let his guard down
As he faced a clown
And then laughed for the rest of the night

The human race has but one really effective weapon, and that is laughter. 

For Write With the Wit of Twain Contest