Funny Poems About Anniversary or Anniversary Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Anniversary poems and/or funny poems about Anniversary. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Anniversary funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Anniversary Poems.

Poem Details | by John Coopey |
Categories: funny, love, wife

Anniversary Card

I splashed out on this greetings card,
It cost me 50p,
I thought that you were worth it,
For putting up with me.

But yours, I know, will cost far more,
(Perhaps a quid or two), 
But that’s because I’m worth far more,
For putting up with you.

Poem Details | by Anthony Scandrick Ii |
Categories: anniversary, baby, beautiful, beauty, caregiving, child, childhood, confusion, courage, dark, dedication, depression, devotion, freedom, goodbye, graduation, growing up, happiness, hope, humorous, lonely, lost love, love, mystery, passion, satire, slam, sorrow, sorry, success, suicide, teen, thank you, uplifting, write,

Dear Michelle

You almost had me,
I wanted you,
The way you stuck to me like super glue,
I was feeling you,
But I knew,
I could never have you,
But, the way you looked at me,
The way my body pleads,
We can never be,
Because I’m too old,
And your only thirteen.

Poem Details | by Payne Poet |
Categories: adventure, anniversary, caregiving, daughter, family, fantasy, forgiveness, funny, happiness, health, holiday, hope, imagination, life, passion, peace, travel,

Dancing Angels

Angels in heaven
Dancing on a small puddle
Always stay afloat

Poem Details | by Kim Merryman |
Categories: anniversary, funny love, love,

Happily Married

Thirty-four years we've been married, and our life together has been varied. But our love just keeps growing, so this I am knowing, we'll be together until we're buried! Now if that's not okay with you, dear, let me make myself perfectly clear: you are stuck with me like glue, and there's nothing you can do. So take that and stick it in your ear!
5/29/30 (Tomorrow is my wedding anniversary and the first limerick is truth. The 2nd limerick is just to be funny. No trouble in Paradise here, folks!)

Poem Details | by May Fenn |
Categories: anniversary, children, humorous, kindergarten, mystery, preschool,

Mystery Solved

I saw a little button,
 It was lying on the floor,
 I wondered who had lost it
 And looked around for more.
 It hadn’t come from Donna
 Or from Stuart’s nice new shirt,
 And it wasn’t Kelly’s button
 That was lying in the dirt.
 I couldn’t find who lost it
 I had a worried frown.
 But now I know the answer,
 My trousers just fell down.

Poem Details | by Duke Beaufort |
Categories: anniversary, appreciation, art, beauty, body, funny, simile,

New Year's Resolution Inspired By John Cameron Swayze

We suggest a v-gina's for sex
And hope the owner expects
To take a licking
And keep on ticking
Over and over like a Timex

Poem Details | by Cona Adams |
Categories: anniversary, fun, giving, green, humor, money,

Money Chain

My parents’ repeated refrain -
“Money doesn’t grow on trees.”
In my dreams, a lush tree grew
with leaves of high numbers,
nothing under a twenty.

On our 25th Anniversary,
our church threw
a surprise party.

After the pot-luck dinner,
a gaily wrapped gift box
sported a top slit, waving
a bit of green. As we pulled,
a chain of bills roped up
through the slot, coiling
ribbons of green.

I had seen “Money Trees” 
as special occasion gifts,
but for the one and only
time, we experienced the gift
of “Money in a Box.”

Poem Details | by Gerard Keogh Jr. |
Categories: anniversary, confusion, funny, places

Red Cheeks. ( Both Sets.)

After tossing back too many shots,
My tummy got tied up in knots.
But the outhouse fell down,
now a king with no crown,
I cover up where I must: "Thank You Scotts'!"

Poem Details | by Anna-Marie Docherty |
Categories: anniversary, caregiving, christmas, devotion, family, freedom, girlfriend, growing up, holiday, home, hope, humorous, imagination, journey, life, love, marriage, people, relationship, romantic, satire, song, song-thanksgiving, uplifting,

12 Days of Kiss-Mas

On the 12th day of kiss-mass my true love sent to me
12 dirty undies
11 socks a stinking
10 shoes a humming
9 shirts for pressing
8 trousers 
7 days of take-out boxes
6 flagons of beer
5 D V D's
4 mischievous children
3 dozen wine bottles
2 ex partners
and an engagement ring under the tree

Poem Details | by James Fraser |
Categories: anniversary, funny

Oo La Ween!

Welcome to my naughty Halloween Meet my dark and beautiful dream On this night she's a witch But by day not a stitch So she's a stripper, but she's still my Queen

Poem Details | by Jaquay Atkins |
Categories: addiction, anniversary, anxiety, art, baby, beautiful, beauty, blessing, boyfriend, class, confidence, conflict, desire, destiny, devotion, education, environment, faith, fantasy, fate, feelings, for her, fun, funny love, future, giggle, girlfriend, happiness, heart, heaven, life, light, loneliness, lonely, lost, lust, magic, strength, stress, sweet love, symbolism,

I Love You

Often, I have uttered these words to myself
Your feminity has entranced my manhood
My vision is focused on your subject matter 
A quick study of a woman's psychology 
I feel you with my mind, and touch you with my eyes
Senses are heightened in your very presence 
Soon, I will utter the ultimate words of encouragement 
Constant admiration for your hidden strengths 
Instant chemistry between us has changed our biology 
Soon, I will hold you tight and recite the following;
Baby, I love you

Poem Details | by Ernesto P. Santiago |
Categories: anniversary, funny, imagination


my wife left without a word-
to buy a cheese cake!

Poem Details | by Trevor Mcleod |
Categories: anniversary, boyfriend, girlfriend, happiness, hope, humorous, inspirational, lonely, lost love, love, philosophy, relationship, satire, valentines day,


No valentine on Valentine's.
I haven't met one yet.
Each year I wait another
for a person I've not met.
There's nothing I've done wrong:
yet waiting is in vain.
And all that's left is hope
that love's a ball and chain.

Poem Details | by Andrew Crisci |
Categories: anniversary, funny, wedding

Zelli's Shoes

Stylish Zelli's shoes are unique,
they stand out in my neat boutique;
what a distinguished look
in a suit nobody took...
green cognac is gorgeous and chic!

Poem Details | by James Fraser |
Categories: anniversary, funny

Diluted To Polluted

Christmas Day will never be the same Whilst companies who will only think gain It's charms now diluted Commercially polluted Frankly, the fat cats are solely to blame

Poem Details | by Jerry T Curtis |
Categories: anniversary, humorous,

Mcgee Pleads the 50th

The boys were sitting all around the table with McGee
As he took to task to pour the glass of every man he'd see

"It's my anniversary" he would boast and say it loud
"50 years of married bliss" He shouted to the crowd

Remembering his first one he lean toward good Ole' Finn
"A trip to Hawaii, was the gift I gave her then"

Finn said "After 50 years what gift could she now lack ?"
McGee just smiled and softy said," I think I'll bring her back"

Poem Details | by Jimmi Canada |
Categories: anniversary, art, funny, future, november, riddle, space, voyage, wife, wisdom, work, writing,


Orange reef,

a riddler on relief;

an ancient beat-

a walking priest,

a breed!

An ancient thief-

floating on now,

foraging in the great wild, was like a drum,

oh it was so fun,

yadda da da da.

Poem Details | by Jimmi Canada |
Categories: angst, anniversary, city, fish, giggle, sad love, tribute,


Booze doggy,

Snooze sloggy groove,

Cruz... cruz-

so true,
exactly what I do.

Ignite it!

Write the flame,

understand litany's shame,

do one do others,

because of my brothers,

who said who'd who?

Calculated the hairy groove...

I seemed to choose,

I seemed to have become new-
but this towns very coldness shows me shoes.

I'm going home now, 
to vote for more proof, 
an even-ness or eventual eagerness.

Poem Details | by Faire Lucas |
Categories: anniversary, childhood, giggle,

Sitting On the Swing

laughing a joyous laugh
a giggle escapes my mouth's path
swinging on this swing i do
another swing here by you
with the sky as dark as my mother's hair
playing here then playing there
with one small swing takes another flight
im here with you on this wonderful night

Poem Details | by Lee Ramage |
Categories: anniversary, funny,

Anniversary Bubbles

Put on a new dress, was looking really hot, Dyed my hair with several blonde highlights, Applied my MAC makeup... ooh-la-la, I’m singing Al Greene, “So In Love With You” Its our wedding anniversary, 29th and you knew Bubbles overflow from the champagne bottle You beckon me to come hither into our room Which shoes to wear... oh you burst my bubble! Written by Lee Ramage September 8, 2011 Sponsor Debbie Guzzi Contest “Bubbles”

Poem Details | by Robert A. Dufresne |
Categories: funny, me, time,

Anniversary Memory

On this date I had my first spanking in the days of yore,
The first of many I received not realizing what for. 
This one was very special causing a unique frown ,
because this time they turned me upside down.
Well that should have given me a clue,
That they weren’t about to be through.

There I was hanging by  my feet,
Hungry wet and naked..
looking for something to eat..
Some dude cut a rope off my gut,
then had the nerve to spank my butt.
Yes, the first time I was spanked and didn’t know what I did..
Well that was a fine howdy do….  Welcome to earth kid!

Poem Details | by Marie Harrison |
Categories: anniversary, fantasy, children, funny, on work and working, upliftingme,

Squeaky Clean Floors of Teak

Squeaky Clean Floors of Teak
All clean and shiny is my teak
When they step on my 
Glossy black my heart leaps
Joyous smiles deep down my timbers leak
You can see your face and physique
When you look at me
Don’t walk on me with your dirty feet
Shhh….. Whisper when you speak
If you’re real quiet you’ll hear me squeak.

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: anniversary, humorous, marriage, together,

Anniversary Poem For My Long Suffering Hubby

Twenty-six years we’ve been married I can’t believe it’s been that long If there was a medal for ‘bravery’ You sure deserve to be awarded a gong! When I wake up in the morning Your face is the first thing that I see But YOU know in my wildest dreams I’d prefer it was that hunk George Clooney! Dedicated to my hubby on our anniversary which is actually on 22nd June although one year I had put it on the calendar incorrectly as 20th June so if I post it on soup on 21st I am pretty close to both dates! 06-21-17

Poem Details | by Vladimir Tumanov |
Categories: anniversary, humor, humorous, music,

Beethoven's 250th Birthday In 2020

The loudest composer, ’tis clear, was Beethoven - man of the year. The Germans are proud of music that’s loud because Ludwig van couldn’t hear.

Poem Details | by Rory Clark |
Categories: anniversary, emotions, humor,

Happy Anniversary

Romance to me is like a toy
New and fresh, than I enjoy
But as the months drew into years
Anniversary in arrears
Where did the love that once we shared
go, was it ever truly there?
Soulmate for some might be true
Not for me, old pal, and as for you?
If it helps you to hold that debris
Then who am I to set you free?
But for myself I know full well
From Her wrath, I'd rather chance in hell!