Humorous and funny Asp poems and/or funny poems about Asp. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Asp funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Asp Poems.
Poem Details | by
Gershon Wolf |
humorous, word play, words,
A-s-p are three high-functioning letters
And while I imagine that some might do better
Here are some ways to bring them together
At the start of a word we have aspirin and asparagus
Not to mention aspartame, aspects, and aspersions
Then there's aspire, aspirations, and asperity
And maybe even an aspirator, between you and me
Of course, if you have asp in the middle
You get asp in the end
As you'll find in clasp grasp, hasp and rasp
And it works the other way too--
Which I'm sure you can grasp
That brings to an end this discussion of asp
For more, read the Bible or Shakespeare
Or find a teacher to ask
Poem Details | by
Caren Krutsinger |
10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 9th grade, humorous, husband, wife,
Do not be an asp!
I say to my husband.
Putting him immediately into argument-ive mode.
Asp, I said Asp I shriek with glee
As he heads toward me
With a super angry face, to dismount and unload.
He stops at the couch.
Asp like a venomous snake? He asks me.
Yes, like a wonderful, Cleopatra-like, wonderful cobra, see?
And just how is that better? He asks me, in a dangerous way.
“Asps are handsome, determined, eager-to-please,” I happily say.
We both know I’m making this up on the fly.
We almost laugh when we catch each other’s eye.
He smiles. You’re an asp, he says.
Yes, I am, but not as much as Inez.
Submitted on 4-30-2018
Contest: ASP by Anthony Slausen