Funny Poems About Autumn or Autumn Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Autumn poems and/or funny poems about Autumn. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Autumn funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Autumn Poems.

Poem Details | by Richard Breese |
Categories: autumn, funny, giggle, halloween, humor, humorous, october, silly,

witch bakery

there once was an old witch whose pies

were unique in flavor and size

she delighted her covens

when she opened her ovens

with dozens of old crusty guys.

Poem Details | by Key V. |
Categories: autumn, december, february, funny, summer, weather, winter,


I hate the cold weather, whether to say the least,
the cold weather hates me, i slipped and fell last week,
plus the warm weather's better, i'd rather sweat than freeze,
put the ice in my drinks not in my socks and sleeves, 
the reason i feel this way, stems from two things, 
maybe i'm a fall guy, with wants to see some leaves, 
or i just miss the summer days with vitamin ray beams, 
either reason or way my thoughts remain oblique,
because i hate the cold weather and cold weather hates me.

Poem Details | by Paige Kostyniuk |
Categories: autumn, fun, funny, halloween, holiday, humor, october,

Vlad the Vampire

There was a vampire named Vlad. 7
The Village all thought he was bad. 7
But the true story. 5
Just wasn't gory. 5
It turns out Vlad was just sad. 7

October 23. 2019

Poem Details | by Tania Kitchin |
Categories: humor, satire,

Autumn Notes

you carry a tune
as delightful as autumn ~
raspy and bitter

Contest: Simply Senryu Contest
Sponsor: John Lawless

Poem Details | by Dan Keir |
Categories: adventure, angst, autumn, business, confusion, dark, dedication, depression, fear, grief, growing up, happiness, happy, hate, health, home, hope, humorous, imagination, inspirational, introspection, journey, life, lonely, loss, lost, love, on work and working, pain, parody, people, relationship, retirement, sad, satire, school, social, stress, success, sympathy, time, work,

Reflections: Midlife Crisis

P     aranoia permeates, etching itself into your fractured face,
A     cacophony of constant pressure; life remains a stressful race,
N     othing to hope for, no positives like promotion in the workplace,
I      nability to love, relationships lift anchor and set sail without chase,
C     hildren crushing dreams under mortgages; age grows with disgrace

Poem Details | by Diane Lefebvre |
Categories: autumn, humor, silly,

Tony's Torrid Toga - For Contest

Tony wants to teach Mary some yoga, While dressed in a short, little toga He bends over the mat, Where she just then had sat. From jail Tony cannot now teach yoga.

Poem Details | by Richard Breese |
Categories: autumn, children, funny, giggle, halloween, humor, urban,


tiny goblins running round

some in mothers dressing gown

witch cackle delight

was there such a night

in this hallowed little town.

Poem Details | by Jeff Green |
Categories: funny, parodyautumn,

Shall I Compare Thee To An Autumn Day

Shall I compare thee to an Autumn day?
Thou art more windy in the afternoon.
Old leaves of gold October throws away
Can never match your bottom's lively tune.
The scents of fruits are sweet at harvest time,
While scent of you can make a strong man cry.
Much beer and curry serve to fuel your crime
For saving scent of harvest I must sigh.
Each year the sweetness fades to winter rain,
When mud and grit are mixed with diesel fumes,
Your pungent stench appears whene'er you strain
Eternally we know your rank perfumes.
    So long as beans are served and you still live,
    You'll have a complex mix of scents to give.

Poem Details | by Betty Harp Butler |
Categories: autumn, funny, humorous, october,

The Pumpkin Show

Down in the meadow
where the pumpkins grow,
God is putting on an extravagant show.

Bright orange pumpkins
lying all around…
Little pumpkins, middle-sized pumpkins,
and giant pumpkins can all be found.

Hundreds of pumpkins
waiting for the day,
when they’ll be loaded
on a truck filled with hay.

To market, to market,
and then to the store,
Soon they’ll find a home
by someone’s back door.

Then Grandma will cook the pumpkin
and turn it into pies,
And that’s why God
rains pumpkins down from the skies.

Poem Details | by Elisabeth Sheaffer |
Categories: autumn, environment, humorous, nature,

Leaf It Alone

As I watched the rain pouring into the drain
I reflected on just how perverse
Was the Summer we had, with the weather so bad,
And the future can only get worse.

Now that Autumn is here, bringing with it some fear
Since the drains are blocked up with leaves
Which are crimson and yellow, so pretty, so mellow,
And they're also blocking the eaves.

As the weather gets colder, the leaves get older, 
Black and dirty, and's the thing!
The council won't clear it and therefore I fear it
Will leaf us at risk till the Spring.

Poem Details | by Mel Brake |
Categories: autumn, black african american, black love, cute love, funny love, i miss you, romance,

Love Like a Rose

Love is like a rose
Like the fibonacci frequency
Perfect geometry in all its curved lines

Love is like a rose
Like the shape of the heart
Filled with satisfaction and passion and love

Love is like the sweet smell of the rose
Like a romance that said what is the good smell
When your car needs to be cleaned

Poem Details | by Richard Breese |
Categories: autumn, best friend, body, halloween, humor, humorous,

halloween friend

to the skeleton within

slinking about in my skin

let me thank its feet

a halloween treat

that i do not bump my shin.

Poem Details | by Harry Horsman |
Categories: humorous, nature,

Autumn Rigmarole

scrutable squirrel
stocks up the winter larder...
another nut case

 © Harry J Horsman 2022

Poem Details | by Lee Ramage |
Categories: funny, seasons,

Autumn Splendor

Horizons painted orange and red and yellow and gold, Means there will be added garbage bags to fill and fold. Temperatures cool and people begin to move inside, Soon Influenza is at its peak, you’ve no place to hide. Flu shots may help, but you seem to get sick anyways, Rainy wet weather, dull and dreary, much shorter days. Doesn’t sound like splendor - outstanding and grand, But I still think its the best season, please let me expand, There’s good things and bad that comes with autumn, The splendor for me, is more clothes to cover my bottom.
Written by Lee Ramage September 8, 2012 For Russell Sivey’s contest “Autumn Splendor”

Poem Details | by Thomas Martin |
Categories: autumn, cat, humorous, moon, night, september,

Ferris Wheel

ferris wheel
rising with the moon and stars
suddenly stops
but hey diddle diddle
almost jump over the moon

Poem Details | by Virginia Mitchell |
Categories: friendship, funny, holiday, nature, autumn, halloween,

The White Pumpkin

Thank you, Ma’am, for the pumpkin.
I am not distressed in the least.
Though it’s not of my preference,
It’ll suffice for a Halloween feast.

Mother Nature could have mixed up her seeds.
That could explain why the color is bland.
One might think Jack Frost didn’t finish his work,
Or, Autumn is making a political stand.

I am so glad you came with this pumpkin.
Come on in Ma’am, and stay for awhile.
No, I don’t mind it isn’t bright orange,
Though it isn’t the most popular style.

Please, have a seat as good company should,
And quit the uncertainties filling your mind.
Don’t doubt my plan for sweet pumpkin pie,
As giving me this ugly, white pumpkin was kind.

Poem Details | by Charlie Knowlton |
Categories: autumn, birthday, football, funny, humor, november, weather,

Born In November

Birthdays, 1957-`66.
               Brown and gray, dead leaves allastray,
               stalks wither in mourning, pumpkins slayed.
               Dark at 5, little time to play,
               clocks retreat, set back to save.
               A gift wrapped football! Surprise! Again?
               What`s that make Ma?, 9 or 10? 
               Just finish your cake and when you`re through,
               homework then bed, tomorrow there`s school.
               Birthdays in Autumn, 
               of which I'm a member.
               70 in a row now, 
               all in November.

Poem Details | by Thomas Martin |
Categories: america, angst, autumn, humorous, night,

Lake Ontario

urban noise. . .
2000 mile drive
to Lake Ontario
dreamless sleep in tent
till generators charge

Poem Details | by Md Alzhrani |
Categories: arabic, autumn, dance, first love, funny, romantic, song,

A New Song

In the following rain
will make friendship with the sun.
I will  open my feelings ..
Anything could happen !
The four seasons will dance with trees.
Anything will takes the warmth of poetry.
Maybe ..
 I live with a new light.
A new rose.
A new star.
A new song.
The darkness leave me , forever.

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: autumn, endurance, funny love, grandfather, lust, natural disasters, sensual,

Pinch An Ear

O help me!  I've fallen
And I can't get it up!
I'm stuck here acrawlin'
Up a Double-D cup

Now don't let us dicker
I am over the hill
Just be a mite quicker
Slipping me that blue pill!

Poem Details | by Michael Smith |
Categories: art, funny, nature, seasons, autumn,

Autumn To Winter

Come October He strokes away the greens To touch mosaic Upon, the now of autumn trees November next And amidst set breeze Leaves of paint chips scatter And from on high, let a harrowing slip sneeze Lastly to December Branches, canvas bare When He's decided... To shake away the dandruff, from right out of His hair

Poem Details | by Eileen Clark |
Categories: autumn, humorous, october, poetry, time,

September and October

The September days can get very hot
Turn on the air conditioner, then it's not
By late afternoon you are cold again
Turn off the air and let evening set it

The very next day you wake up to a chill
Is that really frost on your windowsill
Get out the sweaters and turn up the heat
The days to come this activity we'll repeat

We are just now entering the first of November
Much talk of a heat wave, so try to remember
Weather change happens so don't lose your cool
Predicting the weather makes a smart man a fool

Author Eileen Clark

Poem Details | by Richard Breese |
Categories: autumn, fun, funny, giggle, halloween, humor, humorous,

trick or treat

we did something not too hard

put a scarecrow in the yard

now when kids trick or treat

theyll likely skip our street

or try my wifes stewed swiss chard.

Poem Details | by Emenaha Godwin Holiday |
Categories: autumn, birthday, february, for her, humor, innocence, missing you,

Happy Birthday Rachael

Through the wee hours of the dawn
On a cold autumn night of 
February. The harmattan harsh
And dry breeze blowing

I overhear the leaves weepy-scratchy
Noise. Still but almost conscious,
Generously, her angelic face
Came, flashing, over my memory

And those valentine that passed, 
One whom cannot be forgotten.
Smiles as tender, Rachael,
Emenaha says "all the best".

Poem Details | by Phyllis Babcock |
Categories: autumn, humor,

As Autumn's Breeze

Autumn's breeze picked up the delicate snow flakes
She tossed them until they turned to ice crystals
She recently put away her autumn colors
Now stirred Jack Frost into a frenzy
So upset he asked North wind to blow
in with a blizzard
North wind obliged and skated in with
a smooth glide
Showing Autumn breeze that her strength 
was waning
She twirled away giving North wind
and Jack Frost a cold shoulder.
