Humorous and funny Manqabat poems and/or funny poems about Manqabat. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Manqabat funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Manqabat Poems.
Poem Details | by
Jessica Amanda Salmonson |
baseball, humor, murder, parody, satire, song, sports,
Take me out to the kill people game
Turn me loose on the crowd
Give me some kidneys and backs to crack
I don't care who it is I attack
Let me bash, bash, bash as they scream loud
If they don't die it's a shame
Cuz it's one, two, three strikes you're dead
In the old kill people game.
Poem Details | by
Shane Solomon |
The " Fraidy" bat flew high away
The "Fraidy"bat said he hated night more than day
I asked him why things were so,
He told me of the time he was molested by a moth named "Bo"
My ears were so violated by what I heard, I didn't know what to say
Poem Details | by
Romeo Naces |
animals, funny, people, cousin,
The rat to the bat: " Sir, up close
you look almost like a rat
so, I'd want to call you cousin,
if you don't mind being that."
The bat to the rat: "No way, impudent
rodent, you're so crass
denizen of the foul gutter,
you're without a touch of class,
" listen, presumptuous fool, I swoop,
you creep, you crawl, I fly
in evolution's totem pole,
you're down below, I'm way up high
" I'm first cousin of the larks,
you're brother of the ticks and gnats
remember this, angels are to humans
as bats are to rats."
Poem Details | by
James Horn |
allegory, analogy, humorous,
Again Off the Bat
Again, another thought came off the bat;
Trump has truly become a spoiled brat;
What he wanted to him was always given;
Never desired poor behavior to be forgiven,
And both his body and lip sure seem so fat.
James Thesarious Hilarious Horn
Retired Soldier and Poet
Poem Details | by
Jim Slaughter |
In the natural world the bat is an anomaly,
For it seems to me that neither bird nor beast is he.
He can fairly fly, but lays no eggs,
Can barely crawl, he has no legs,
And yet this little guy's been able
To inspire an opera*, films**, a fable***.
Though his identity's unstable,
For some he's acquired of Muse the label,
And for that I must admire his versatility.
*"Die Fledermaus"
**Any one of hundreds of vampire movies
***One of Aesop's
Author's Note: This is a little early, but Happy Halloween, PS.
Poem Details | by
Kai Bredwell |
animal, funny,
One time a bat hit a door.
The bat then fell on the floor.
It shook out its wings,
Tried to gather its things,
But couldn't; its eyesight was poor.
Poem Details | by
Matthew Herfurth |
Cricket Bat
My old cricket bat stores all the
divisions of
geological time.
Poem Details | by
Daisy Ward |
The bat searched around for blood
And ends up biting a stud
He became so cool
That he broke every rule
So, the bat king tossed him into the mud