Humorous and funny Bird poems and/or funny poems about Bird. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Bird funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Bird Poems.
Poem Details | by
Jesse Rowe |
bird, food, funny,
They said how she ate was absurd;
A "Fatso", they called her she heard,
And ever since then
That poor, baby wren
Just pecked at her food like a bird.
Contest: Any Animal or Creature Limerick
Poem Details | by
Robert Ronnow |
bird, humor, insect, love, men, poetry, wine,
In the debate between accessible and difficult poems
Poets' poems and poems for people
Only the single poem and private reader matter
Both kinds and anything between can matter or not
Solid or made of air, a vase or heavy clay ashtray
One word repeated or many like a lei
An acquired taste, like wine, and like wine
Not sustenance, yet men die with their miseries
Uncut without it, news and mere matter
I advise everyone to keep a personal anthology of poems that matter
Or not. Perhaps it should be novels. Stones, insect wings,
Feathers, Birds you've seen, People loved.
Poem Details | by
Gary Smith |
bird, humorous, language, pets,
My parrots name was Captain Flint,
Boy that bird could swear.
I never invited visitors,
So blue was the air.
He'd squawk "pretty effing polly"
Or "give us a cracker you t##t"
I'd never heard such swearing,
I never taught him that.
I bought him off a sailor
Who was heading back to sea,
He said to me, "you'll love him
He's such good company."
And what he said was right
He entertained, it's true.
I said "who's a pretty boy then"
He squawked, " well not effing you !"
The profanities just got too much,
I sold him, with regret.
But the house seems so quiet now,
Without my 'effing' pet !
Poem Details | by
John Beharry |
bird, color, humor, red, sky, water,
Looking up into the sky
a bird pooped in my eye
as it was flying overhead
causing me to see red
It was warm and soggy
making me feel queasy
I scurried into the house
like an upset little mouse
I headed for the kitchen sink
and got there in a blink
Using the faucet spout
I tried to flush it out
When it was expelled
it had a funny smell
and the sink water
had a dirty colour
So when a bird is flying overhead
keep your head down instead
Do not look up into the sky
or you may get poop in your eye
Poem Details | by
Jessica Amanda Salmonson |
animal, bird, humor, nature, school, tree, work,
Have you heard
about the bird
Who built a nest
with zeal and zest?
With zeal and zest
with string and straw
It was the best nest
you ever saw.
She took her time
and smoothed out the creases
Then out jumped a chipmunk
who tore it to pieces.
Poem Details | by
Debra L Brown |
1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, bird, children, giggle, kindergarten,
There once was a silly raccoon
He slept in a tree until noon
He came down to play
He decided to stay
He danced a jig to a tune
Val the Cross-eyed Owl
She saw his jig and said-"WOW"!
The Owl and Raccoon
Then danced to the tune
She stepped on his tail then he "HOWLED"
The raccoons name is Harry
Miss Val lets you and I get married
The Owl and Raccoon
Were married in June
They lived in a tree near the prairie
Poem Details | by
Jackson Labaugh |
age, arabic, assonance, beach, bird, giggle, judgement,
As heat bursts around,
silence lets me ponder on,
where I left my phone.
Poem Details | by
Richard Breese |
best friend, bird, flying, giggle, humor, humorous, sound,
my friend quigley likes to sing
really almost any thing
till once a high note
caused a bird to float
back down to earth less one wing.
Poem Details | by
Arthur Vaso |
bird, children, hilarious,
Little men making laws
Little men seeking flaws
Little men laughing at the meek
Little men weaker than wounded sheep
Oh little men, come ye here
I shall score and brand you till you tear
You will whimper and cry out for the savoir
All due to your immature and cruel behavior
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
conflict, humorous, relationship,
Sue decided to send Jim a tweet
She used words that were quite indiscreet
Calling him a fat turd -
(Using another word)
Their romance has taken a back seat!
Poem Details | by
Phillip Arnold |
animal, bird, flying, humanity, humorous, i am, spoken word,
Birdpeople, they fly. birdpeople they glide. you wont see them. they live in the trees, watching you breath and breed. Those nasty human beings. doesn't this world belong to everything?
dictated by Jason Scogin.
Poem Details | by
Daniel Turner |
bird, humor, sleep,
Awakened before dawn, I gasped for breath
A sound of dark foreboding breaks the still
Outside, the unrelenting, "song of death"
That soul collector, singing, " whip-poor-will"
Before twilight, he lands high in the pine
His feathers tan and brown, his neck plumes white
In repetitious cries that chill the spine
He calls lost souls to him before first light
And though no souls may come, he sings his song
So maddening, it makes the weary weep
His tax upon the living until dawn
The only payment he accepts is sleep
I hope the morning finds him a new tree
Someplace, far, far away, from sleeping me
June 30-2017
Any poem contest
Poem Details | by
Kj Force |
bird, food, holiday, humor, thanksgiving,
I feel a blockage has occurred...
It must have been all that stuffing and Turkey bird...
The gurgles, the rumbling, the passing of gas...
It’s beyond my control ,Oh dear, please let this pass...
We have guests you see...
So I don’t have the privilege to just get up and flee...
No one should ever be in this state...
And I should never have put so much on my plate...
Cause now I’m paying and to my demise ...
The rite of passage has been denied...
I feel like I may blow up and explode...
It’s times like this when you miss the commode...
Poem Details | by
Jessica Amanda Salmonson |
animal, bird, farm, funny, music, silly, song,
Buck buck buh-buck-buck
Buck buck buh-buck
Buck buck, buck buck, buck buck buck
Bucka buck bucka bucka buck
A'buck buck buck.
Buh-KAW k'buck buck
Buh-KAW k'buck
Buh-KAW k'buck buck
Buh-KAW k'buck
Buck buck buck buck
Buck buck buck
Bucka buck bucka bucka buck
A'buck buck buck.
Poem Details | by
Gail Foster |
bird, heart, humor, irony, love, myth, pain,
The Gift of Eros
Aloft flies Eros; mischief fluttered wings
With silent rustle whisper overhead
By arrows pierced; the hearts of knaves and kings
The chilly grave, the restless lover’s bed
Blue London air, red Piccadilly light
Above the shifting crowd and constant noise
In summer heat, in neon and the night
He aims his slender bow with perfect poise
Aloft flies Eros; underneath his feet
As shadows of the Circus slowly shift
I contemplate my own love, bitter, sweet
The wound that Eros wrought in me, the gift
And as I turn my tears up to the sky
A pigeon drops an arrow in my eye
by Gail
Poem Details | by
M. L. Kiser |
animal, bird, funny, nature,
“Hi Sexy”, I said to
The giant beaked black emu;
The next thing I recall,
Big yellow beak heading
At me, full speed ahead
And I quickly stepped back.
Stalled claws gripped the ground;
Halting bird staring;
Obsidian eyes
Screamed in confusion;
Rejected big bird emu;
Approached slowly.
I held out seeds,
His feelings hurt;
Still, he ate them.
We remained
Friendly and
A few more
Seeds he
Poem Details | by
Chris Hagy |
bird, funny, may, nature,
All day long the little bird cries
Over and over again he tries
Full array for all the ladies passing by
Can't they see he's found a home
Where little babies can be grown
But he cannot do it alone
He's desperate for a date
He really needs a mate
In month of May it's not too late
On the little red house there sits a perch
Where on and off he chirps and chirps
But all the ladies only flirt
So alas this tale has but a sad end
As the little house sits with no one to attend
For it seems his services he could not lend
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
bird, cat, humorous,
Tweetie Pie
Knows Sylvester is sly
Of the cat he is wary
What a clever canary!
Will seethe and fester
When Tweety makes a mad dash
He exclaims 'suffering succotash!
Cleritoons Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Joseph May
Poem Details | by
Lycia Harding |
bird, cat, humorous, tree,
He listened for them in the wood
as daylight blossomed, poised to prowl
For breakfast, breast meat sounded good
and Cat could feel his stomach growl
Soon, struck by a cacophany
of cheeps and chirps, of coos and caws,
Cat snuck up on them, tree by tree
and hushed each cluck with teeth and claws
They paid no mind, so were plucked clean
from every nook where they would sing
but had they looked, they might have seen
him right behind them and took wing!
When Cat had eaten every bird,
he retched a ball of beaks and feet,
spat out one final bone and purred,
outstretched atop the spongey peet...
Poem Details | by
Randy Johnson |
bird, funny, humor, humorous,
I bought a parrot but he has a foul mouth.
I let him loose so that he could fly South.
But he came home again.
This proves that I can't win.
He says the F word two hundred times a day.
He offends everybody and drives them away.
Nobody will take this bird even though I offer to pay them.
I'm going out of my mind, it looks like I'm stuck with him.
I have the only parrot on Earth that's a sinner.
If he doesn't shut up, he's going to be my dinner.
(This is a fictional poem)
Poem Details | by
Sonia Walker |
bird, humor, nature,
blue jay in the yard
boisterous and beautiful
prima donna act
May 9, 2020
Poem Details | by
Bill Baker |
beach, bird, boy, funny, magic, miracle,
An adventurous lad named Ling,
By chance he found a talking ring.
Then a big surprise,
Right before his eyes,
It became a bird that could sing!
Poem Details | by
Joe Dimino |
bird, change, environment, fish, future, humorous, wisdom,
Build them wider, taller
let us reach for the sky
when we run out of bird's
we'll clip angels on the fly
90,000 lb. sperm whale
wandering, searching for
his misplaced tail...
but elite global outlets will
never fail....only us commoners
stuck in the dark, our vehicles
needing, only one gear~ Park!
Poem Details | by
Gershon Wolf |
beach, bird, humorous, universe,
The professor turned to me
What is infinity?
‘Neither the stars in the sky
nor the sand next the sea’
thought me
The answer, thus he:
‘Every thousand years
a bird picks up a single
grain of sand, oh-so-wee’
‘And even that
'is not infinity'
thus me
‘Jolly good!’
chuckled he
Poem Details | by
Pat Adams |
bird, humor, nature, water,
The Wellington Harbor vagrants that waddled
Removed from the sushi stand where they coddled
Were heard to say,
"That is okay,"
"For it badly needs to be remodeled"
New Zealand Police Detain Penguins
New Zealand Police on Monday arrested a pair of penguins as they were caught loitering outside a sushi outlet. The birds, described as "waddling vagrants" were held near a Wellington train station as they made their way to a nearby Sushi Bi.