Humorous and funny Blue_Jay poems and/or funny poems about Blue_Jay. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Blue_Jay funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Blue_Jay Poems.
Poem Details | by
Sonia Walker |
bird, humor, nature,
blue jay in the yard
boisterous and beautiful
prima donna act
May 9, 2020
Poem Details | by
Raven Howell |
analogy, animal, appreciation, bird, funny, music, nature,
Blue Jay
With your blue “wheedlewee” and “tooltool”,
Blueberry in beak
Blue sky in full peak
Tweet your blue wheedlewee and tooltool
Poem Details | by
Caren Krutsinger |
fun, humorous, light,
Blue jay
A squawker
School mascot
Represents very few
Thank God
Poem Details | by
Daisy Ward |
bird, humor, life, poetry,
I'm the coolest blue jay
Singing a beautiful song
out loud, I can also
Mimic other birds
I love to eat so,
I'll grab a few
Caterpillars and beetles
They taste so good that
I swallow them whole
In the fall, I eat
Nuts, seeds and acorns
I also store some in trees
Then forget which tree
I put them in
I'm also a lover
I'll woo the one I want
Feeding and taking good
Care of her
If she chooses me
We'll be together forever