Humorous and funny Cat poems and/or funny poems about Cat. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Cat funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Cat Poems.
Poem Details | by
Colleen Laforme |
funny, pets, cat, cat,
I have a cat
A real fat cat
My cat is all black
My black fat cat
It is a cat with a knack
A true fact about my cat
My fat black cat
She has a knack to catch a rat
My all black cat brought me the rat
This is why my cat is a fat black cat
So rats watch your back
From my cat with the knack
Or you will become a snack for my fat black cat
Poem Details | by
James Horn |
From Life of Cat
From life of a cat what can we learn?
Never have seen one wearing a sunburn
Our cat we do have that does exist
Seems to think he is a ventriloquist.
Took meow test and great grade he made;
To write poems even tried to persuade
Sweet and low chariot was met by a meow
And what I am about to learn no one knew.
In our house, cat has a humble place to live
Sufficient food and water to him, we will give
But when he wants to eat by himself alone
He likes ice cream served on a crunchy cone.
James Thesarious Hilarious Horn
So where is the cat poem contest at?
Poem Details | by
Robert Gorelick |
halloween, humor,
Cat Possessed
Mrs. River got a black cat named Mr. Right
The day her husband disappeared from sight
Now neighbors all shiver
Is Mr. Right—Mr. River?
And what spell might she cast Halloween night?
Poem Details | by
William Masonis |
funny, pets,
Hairy nuisance
Sprawling over bedsheets
Crowding limited sleepspace with
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
cat, humorous,
Tiddles didn’t like his new tinned tea
Angry Animal
Shows claws
From paws
Self catering cat
Catch mice
Tastes nice
Caught in the rain
Time for a sneaky sleep
Cat nap
On lap
Contented cat
March of the Footles Contest Sponsor Timothy Hicks
Poem Details | by
Seren Roberts |
oh lovely bed, dishevelled bed,
warm and cosy snuggle bed
too nice to get out of bed
too big for one it should be shared
crisp clean sheets, to curl the toes bed,
pack of pillows for my head.
duvet to wrap around me, bed
wish you served meals, need to be fed.
coffee and toast make it a special bed
crumbs to lie on, isn’t good it’s said
best you throw me out, get a shower,
oh bed, can I sneak back in an hour,
my bed I love you.
Penned 11th April 2013
Poem Details | by
Laura Breidenthal |
adventure, best friend, cat, crazy, cute love, friendship, funny,
March 21, 2015
you shan't win
not this day my furry friend
watch me run
head start - yeah!
close to end he leaps down ledge
watch him fly
staircase race
wins and rubs it in my face
prissy proud prance
Poem Details | by
Glen Schwartz |
cat, children, fantasy, fun, humor,
I Do not want a window seat .
I do not want to freeze my feet..
I do not want a waiter cat .
I do not like his pin striped hat..
I do not want him to touch my food.
And how he speaks is down right Rude..
So won't you take my order Jerry.
I know the menu, and I'm in quite the hurry..
Scrapple , egg and cheese on toast,
that is the meal I love the most..
The tall cat can have his green eggs and ham.
He's not from Philly but Sam I Am..
Poem Details | by
Debra Squyres |
animal, cat, humorous,
Here kitty, kitty. Come out and play
I have a new bow for you today
You tore the blue one out so quick
With angry paw…you seemed quite ticked!
I want to dress you and show you off
So all the other bows I now have tossed
No purple or green to match your eyes
Or orange, nor pink that you despise
Polk-a-dots were just not right for you
You tore them to shreds a time or two
No stripes or plaids are in my hand
For these I know you could not stand
The white one was lost in your white fur
When it came out you purred and purred
Here kitty, kitty, now don’t you tease
I’ve a red one here that’s sure to please
Written for “Hello Kitty (World)” members contest.
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
bird, cat, humorous,
Tweetie Pie
Knows Sylvester is sly
Of the cat he is wary
What a clever canary!
Will seethe and fester
When Tweety makes a mad dash
He exclaims 'suffering succotash!
Cleritoons Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Joseph May
Poem Details | by
Lycia Harding |
bird, cat, humorous, tree,
He listened for them in the wood
as daylight blossomed, poised to prowl
For breakfast, breast meat sounded good
and Cat could feel his stomach growl
Soon, struck by a cacophany
of cheeps and chirps, of coos and caws,
Cat snuck up on them, tree by tree
and hushed each cluck with teeth and claws
They paid no mind, so were plucked clean
from every nook where they would sing
but had they looked, they might have seen
him right behind them and took wing!
When Cat had eaten every bird,
he retched a ball of beaks and feet,
spat out one final bone and purred,
outstretched atop the spongey peet...
Poem Details | by
M. L. Kiser |
animal, cat, humor, pets, poems, poetry,
Ah, sweet slumber of nip-laden dreams;
the milk of mother moon bestowed,
a blessed drink and lactose-free
to this mine humble, feline throat.
Running freely through outer space,
I touch upon thy blessed universe.
My home of emerald and lapis lace,
is where in I lay in furred repose.
Chasing neon rainbows in nebulae bright,
my dreams are filled with gold doubloons.
I’ll spend them on treats and nip-delight,
and chase away any greedy tycoons.
A feline black as obsidian night,
in a home filled with human love;
among the faeries and tree sprites,
mind flies just like the doves.
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
cat, humorous,
Tiddles didn’t really like the new cat food
The result of the new cat food
Tiddles returns from a long walk in the rain
Contented Cat when towel dried
Any theme two liner – March 2017 Standard Contest
Sponsored by Brian Strand
Poem Details | by
Caren Krutsinger |
cat, funny,
Shark, the cat, is sitting catty-wampus today. He is a contortionist. His head is to the north,
His tail to the west, paws to the east, crossed in a southwesterly way, except for one which is
Somehow sticking up in the air like a lone feather. He is licking his Neverland region, as I step
Over him. At first when I noticed him on the porch, with all these extensions, I thought he was a
Fat, giant spider. Shark is an older cat, there is no way he should have this kind of agility, but
He does, and I am in awe.
Poem Details | by
Robert Gorelick |
cat, humor,
Kept Cat
You called me your dream bird, now it's too late
We'd fly off in bliss, our purr-fect dream date
I deemed you my winner
you deemed me your dinner
How does it feel to be my kept cat, mate?
Poem Details | by
Janis Medders Tobechi |
cat, fun, humorous,
I walk toward you less and less,
cringe and hunch at your caress.
Outside oozes from your pores.
I steal my chance to get outdoors.
My eyes reflect the magic night.
Excitement bodes within my sight.
The winds of wildness set me free
on my first romantic spree.
My feline fancy, you’re the one.
In full moonlight we jump and run.
Lady, Lady, my sweet Lady
will you have my litter, Baby?
Where I live? It matters not.
Let’s enjoy, the time we’ve got.
I’m hanging loose, trying to be feral.
Oops just remembered, I’m fixed and sterile.
8/6/18 Marathon Mile 23 3rd Place
Poem Details | by
Ronald D Thompson |
cat, humorous, silly,
All I hear is 'kitty, kitty!’
Such a shame. Such a pity.
I want my food. That’s where I’m at.
After all, I’m just a cat!
Poem Details | by
Paula Goldsmith |
cat, giggle, rap, sleep, smile, uplifting, words,
Cat cat wear your cap,
Cat cat go catch a rat.
Cat cat paws to tap,
Cat cat can you rap?
Cat cat now take your nap.
Poem Details | by
Caren Krutsinger |
baby, grandchild, grandmother, grandparents, humor, humorous, relationship,
She was born with cat ears.
So cute! Everyone lied.
Some of us felt them.
They were striped, and furry.
Odd for a human head.
Gray, pink in the middle.
“Adorable!” some of us said.
“Can they be removed?” the new grandmother asked.
Making her daughter-in-law her enemy for life.
Poem Details | by
John Lawless |
humor, word play,
John G. Lawless
Poem Details | by
M. L. Kiser |
animal, cat, funny, nature, pets, poems, poetry,
My toilet paper
regularly trots
out of the bathroom,
throughout the whole house,
no, it is not trained.
If it were trained
I am certain
it would proudly
stay nice and neat.
My cat walks
it every
single day;
Poem Details | by
Janet Grace |
animal, cat, happiness, humorous,
Kittens caper
Crinkle paper
To ruin the news
Wad it up
Bat and cuff
Bite and chew
Strike with claws
Shred with jaws
Rip to smithereens
No newspaper news
Today will be seen
Poem Details | by
Lisa Ricci |
cat, fun, humor,
my attempt at a simplistic limerick suite
thank you
"cats and hats"
I once went to the beach with hats
and noticed in the back seat were my cats
I couldn't leave them in the car
so we ended up sitting at the bar
later I placed them on cool mats
we stayed until the sun went down
in between they managed to be a clown
they nestled and played with my hats
in style as true diplomats
now for all it was a showdown
as our day was nearing end
we were happy and could not pretend
my cats were never alone
my love and patience had grown
but now my hats I need to mend
Poem Details | by
Robert Gorelick |
appreciation, cat, humor,
Mighty Mercury
Alert then aloof, snuggly warm then colder
His rangy legs spring to hitch a ride on our shoulder
Lifting our hearts to elation
He’s our portable vacation
We cherish Mercury more each day we grow older
Poem Details | by
Panagiota Romios |
cat, humor,
Feline on the Town
Tried to bathe cat in my kitchen sink,
She ran out the back door in a wink!
Kitty, my kitty,you are bad.
Too much beer you indeed had!
Here you recline in public,very stoned.
Taking you home right now, to atone!