Funny Poems About Chicken or Chicken Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Chicken poems and/or funny poems about Chicken. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Chicken funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Chicken Poems.

Poem Details | by Johnette Loefgren |
Categories: family, funny,

No,You Hold the Chicken!

No,you hold the chicken
you hold the duck
you hold the baby;
I'll drive the truck!

  You bring the corn bread
I'll bring the wine
we'll go to Mamas'
and have a good time

  You wake up Grandad
I'll feed the cow
get us some slop
and start sloppin the sow

  Get Jr.'s overalls
off of the line
Let's go to Mamas'
and have us a time!

  Go get my banjo
and Grand Daddy's fiddle
yor juice harp's out back
on the porch where I whittle

   We'll have us a ho down
a shindig devine
Let's go to Mamas'
and have us a time!

   She'll spread out the grunions
under the pines
Let's all go to Mamas'
and have a good time!

Poem Details | by Jessica Amanda Salmonson |
Categories: animal, bird, farm, funny, music, silly, song,

Chicken Singing Turkey In the Straw

Buck buck buh-buck-buck
Buck buck buh-buck
Buck buck, buck buck, buck buck buck
Bucka buck bucka bucka buck
A'buck buck buck.

Buh-KAW k'buck buck
Buh-KAW k'buck
Buh-KAW k'buck buck
Buh-KAW k'buck
Buck buck buck buck
Buck buck buck
Bucka buck bucka bucka buck
A'buck buck buck.

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: humorous,

The No-Chicken Critter

Six sick skunks of one stinking litter
get startled by a fox; five of the six sick skunks scamper.
But one of the six sick skunk siblings is no quitter.
In spite of the fact he is the littlest,
there's not one thing that will this small sick skunk hamper.
A skirmish with the frisky shifty fox he starts.
Just one of those six sick skunks is a no-chicken critter.
The litter’s runt snickers as backing up in the fox’s face, he farts!

Jan. 18, 2020
For Nina Parmenter's Twist My Tongue Poetry Contest

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: humorous,

Chicken Footles

To Make a Hen Go Fast


To Make a Hen Fat


To Make a Hen Disgusted


Using a Hen for Football


Chicken with Lollipop


April 29, 2022
For  A Brian Strand Premiere Choice Poetry Contest

Poem Details | by Mark Koplin |
Categories: humorous,

Chicken of the Sea

There once was a ship,
full of chickens at sea.
They plundered and pillaged,
quite ferociously.

They sat on their perch,
with their ivory white sails.
They were led by a wolf,
with a chicken suit for a veil.

As their numbers declined,
they soon began to see.
He wasn't like the rest,
they could see his big sharp teeth.

One by one they jumped ship,
then the wolf was alone.
With his chickens all gone,
he trolled on back home.

Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: humorous, thanksgiving,

Eat More Chicken

Overheard at the annual convocation of a Butterball turkey flock:

"'Tis Thanksgiving again and as usual our necks are on the choppin' block!

Them pious Pilgrims began the tradition of dinin' on our hapless relations,

And ravenous *****sapiens have continued to do so fer many generations.

We're tired of 'em feastin' on our cousins, uncles, sisters and dads,

When there's tender chicken nuggets to be had by the scads and scads!

Now hear this dear brothers and sisters - this here's the bottom line:

We're gonna advertise that chicken is the better flesh upon which to dine!"

Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
(c) 2014 All Rights Reserved

Poem Details | by Reason A. Poteet |
Categories: humor, spring,

Spring Chicken


There was a spring chicken named Brewster.
He was the school’s number one booster,
      but this spring he forward-sprang
      from the girls’ room overhang.
Now he’s called - the naughty old rooster.

Poem Details | by Anya Chebukina |
Categories: food, children, funny, life, giggle,

Chicken Noodle Soup

Chicken Noodle soup On a cold and winter day makes you feel all warm inside And ready to face today You slurp the noodles and you smile at its tastiness You drink the broth and giggle a little Its Chicken Noodle Soup So slurp away.

Poem Details | by Preston Hill |
Categories: funny,

Chicken, Chicken In the Yard

Chicken, chicken, in the yard.

When will you be quiet?

All day long it's cluck, cluck, cluck

It sounds like there's a riot.

You flap your wings, yet you don't fly

And eat and eat and eat

You give us eggs, I don't eat eggs

And you have funny looking feet.


Chicken, chicken, in the yard

You're fatter even still

I gaze at you across the way

And drool on the window sill.


Chicken, chicken, in the yard

I'll bet you're really tasty.

Wings and breast and thighs and legs

To leave any is a wasty.

Poem Details | by James Edward Lee Sr. |
Categories: analogy, animal, food, funny, metaphor, poetry,

Donkey Horse Hen Rooster On the Lamb Chickens Leap Fly Jump Popeye's Chicken For Lunch

There once was a donkey
He was married to a horse
Donkey was to stubborn
So the donkey got a divorce

Cleaver was the ways of the hen
She married a bucking rooster
He took her by the wing then
Tried to seduced her

Don't want no green eggs N ham
Don't want to go on the lamb
I am, I am horsey running away
Chickens can't fly they may leap and jump
Think I'm gonna have Popeye's Chicken for lunch, :) ha! ha! Ha!


Poem Details | by Tom Cunningham |
Categories: food, funny,

Chicken Dinner

A farmer fancied some chicken for dinner
A fat cockerel he spied sure was a winner
He sharpened his knife
To end cockerels life
Cockerel wished that he'd been a bit thinner.

Inspired by Jan Allisons poem   Cluck Off

Poem Details | by Debra Falgout |
Categories: funny,

Naked As a Chicken

Naked As A Chicken

Clock on wall, Tic Tock Tic Tock
Excitement in the air
Where is my makeup

Giggling, Laughing, Who are you
Music Loud, Dancing, Swaying
Just want a good beer buzz

Ouch! Loud alarm goes off
Bed Soft, wrapped in blanket
Where are my clothes

Written by:  Debra M. Falgout

Poem Details | by Karen Croft |
Categories: funny,

Chicken Fry

come on already
long line of hungry people
waiting for their meal

Poem Details | by Charles Henderson |
Categories: funny

Chicken Fried

There was a young redneck from Chapel Hill
He was good at cooking up quite a meal
While known near and far
For stewed alligator gar
His specialty was chicken fried road kill 

© Mar 13 2010      Charles Henderson

Poem Details | by Brandlynn Young |
Categories: animals, childhood, funny

A Special Chicken Hawk

He's not just any chicken hawk,
He's very special to me.
With a hat on his head, a tie on his neck,
And some shoes on his little feet.

He's brown and tan, a little worn,
Well loved you might as well say.
He was my friend as a little child,
I played with him night and day.

I've grown attached to that chicken hawk,
Even though I'm not a child anymore.
He was my favorite, although he was stuffed,
And he couldn't fly or soar.

He's a very special chicken hawk,
He's very special to me.
With a hat on his head, and a tie on his neck,
And some shoes on his chicken hawk feet.

Poem Details | by Bill Baker |
Categories: animal, confusion, dad, funny, silly,

The Chicken Plucker

Dad ordered a chicken to pluck,
in the end he had some bad luck.
Ready for the task.
He got not as ask,
not a dead chicken, a live duck!

Poem Details | by Celestine Ikwuamaesi |
Categories: funny,

Chicken In the Kitchen

I saw a fat chicken
	enter mummy’s kitchen;
soon it began dancing
	in a big pan, smiling.

The oil began frying,
         the chicken too, crying.
Soon a sweet smell arose,
	started tickling my nose.

With two eyes on the pan,
	along with sister Ann,
we waited for the meat,
	knowing it would taste sweet.

Soon the frying was done
	and the chicken was gone.
My eyes rolled as I smiled,
	enjoying like a child.

© 2017 Celestine Ikwuamaesi

Poem Details | by Faleshia Murphy |
Categories: funny

Poor Chicken

Why did the chicken cross the road
He was trying to make a run for his life
Why did the chicken cross the road
To get away from the fork and the knife
Why did the chicken cross the road
He didn't want to be between white wheat or rye
Why did the chicken cross the road
He didn't want to bake broil or fry

Why did the chicken cross the road
He didn't want to be the next one eaten
Why did the chicken cross the road
Poor chicken couldn't watch his eggs be beaten
why did the chicken cross the road
Because the poor chicken couldn't fly
Why did the chicken cross the road
Because he knew one way or another he was going to die

Poem Details | by Cecil Hickman |
Categories: animals, funny, imagination, life, pets, satire

Chicken Code

A naked chicken crossed the road
He needed to get to his abode.
He was puzzled you see
About the mystery,
Chicken or egg question, was just a code.

Poem Details | by Jennifer Proxenos |
Categories: funny,

Headless Chicken Serves Two


My son and his wife wanted fresh eggs so built a chicken run,
Always into something different that proved productive and fun,
They bought 4 rescue chickens, that each laid an egg a day,
One got brave, stuck head out of fence in an awkward way,
Next day they saw a headless hapless chicken in the pen,
Psychologist's prognosis chicken suicidal, make soup of hen.

Entered in Contest 
Sponsored by Line Gauthier

Poem Details | by Felicia Jarvis |
Categories: business, food, funny,

Take a Chicken Pie

What a lovely day!

Take a chicken pie

At a bakery nearby

Take it to the bay

Eat it without paying, yay!

The police caught me in a way

He does to a criminal, hey!

Poem Details | by John Fenn |
Categories: animals, food, funny,

Man Eating Chicken

I once saw a man eating chicken
It was truly a hideous sight
It wasn’t quite what I expected
As I walked down the street late at night

I watched as the victim lay helpless
I stood in the lamplight alone
Rooted with fear by the sounds I could hear
While the flesh was ripped off of the bone

I took in the view there before me
Appalled by the thing’s I could see
As the huge hulking beast continued to feast
I feared the next victim was me

So soon the whole nightmare was over
All the flesh was now lying within 
He wrapped up the bare chicken carcass
And threw the whole lot in the bin

Poem Details | by Adell Foster |
Categories: animals, art, friendship, funny, uplifting,

How Funky Is Your Chicken (Dodoitsu)

The rooster began to dance
It was raising quite a sweat
Barnyard pals joined in the fun
All funky chickened

Poem Details | by Heather Lewis |
Categories: food, children, funny,

Chicken Soup

Salty liquid, 
Floating letters
And sinking chicken
Warm the blood.

Poem Details | by Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen |
Categories: funny, poetry,

Get Back Chicken

Chicken, get back; don’t peck me
For the cleaver in my hand
Just think, could be, soon chopping thee.
Dinner captured, cleaned and panned.

© February 16, 2012
Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen

Written for Poetry Soup Member Contest: Chastushka Form-Russian Poetry 
Sponsored by: Gwendolen Rix