Humorous and funny Crocodile poems and/or funny poems about Crocodile. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Crocodile funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Crocodile Poems.
Poem Details | by
Samuel Lee |
abuse, addiction, allegory, death, funny, metaphor, water,
The river dragon of crimson streams
Swiftly swimming to bring my end
As I’m standing alone at the silent shore
The beast from this murk suddenly ascends.
Gripping my face in her flawless jaws
The teeth latched efficiently into flesh
Pulling me quickly into the depths
Dragging me into the shallow grave.
Surrounded in filth, drowning in the banks
The apex predator’s grip never relenting
All I can do is break, bleed and decompose
Hoping for some relief in the pending death.
I find some comfort in this prolonged pain,
Because I haven’t felt a thing in ages.
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
Been writing Limericks in the last while
In my own inimitable quite naughty style
Hope I get by those censors
Nothing gained, nothing ventured
Might be singing “in a while crocodile”
© Jack Ellison 2013
Poem Details | by
Paul Callus |
dark, humor,
He made her life a living hell.
Her heart immune to the death knell
She breaks down and cries
Tears spring from her eyes
Her acting days now serve her well.
Contest: Open Poetry
Sponsor: Charlotte Puddifoot
11th July, 2015
Placed 7th
Poem Details | by
John Trusty |
humorous, travel,
Here’s the best thing you should know,
if ever to Australia you go.
Don’t ever wind up as a feast,
for this voracious reptilian beast.
For your reasoning surely would be faulty,
if you ever “muck about” with a “SALTY”.
And don’t think he was born with a tooth that’s “SWEET”.
To him you are just another piece of meat.
So if you must visit his polluted “Billabong” retreat,
make sure the only thing he swallows is what you excrete!
For the Sweet or Salty contest
Poem Details | by
Brian Eatherton |
See you later alligator
In the Nile crocodile.
Poem Details | by
John Wilmore |
1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, child, childhood, children, funny, hilarious, humor, humorous, nonsense, silly,
Carol is a crocodile with big long pointy teeth,
She likes to hide in lakes under the surface, just beneath.
She doesn’t want to bite your legs or eat you in one chew,
She only wants to sneak up close behind you and shout “Boo!”
Poem Details | by
Mc Mc |
He would go the extra mile with a smile;
He could do it too. cause he's a crocodile!
Poem Details | by
Clive Blake |
fun, funny, humor, humorous, school, teacher, word play,
We had a most horrid schoolteacher,
And us children did all hate her,
She’d shout at us for no real reason,
And threaten to see us later,
She had a dip on a Florida trip,
And was swallowed by an alligator,
But only crocodile tears were shed,
‘Cos we were all just … gladiator!
Poem Details | by
Dale Gregory Cozart |
animal, humor,
My boy, I've bought you a crocodile,
it's swimming in the pool.
He'll eat you and you'll die of course,
that's usually the rule.
Funny Poem for a 7-Year Old
Poem Details | by
Anthony Biaanco |
humorous, political,
Politics have swallowed his laughter and smile
he's deaf to any other point of view
head banging like a heavy metal crocodile
while stroking a harp from his pristine pew
His bitterness is like a pissed off tarantula
fangs raised high above star-spangled heads
of those with a different colored mantra
he labels all of them the living dead.
In another time and circumstance
we could have become best friends
but his demon has always been politics
and this head demon never-never rests.
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
funny love,
Writing Limericks in the last wee while
In my own inimitable quite naughty style
Hope I get by those censors
Nothing gained nothing ventured
Might be singing “in a while crocodile”