Humorous and funny Deer poems and/or funny poems about Deer. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Deer funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Deer Poems.
Poem Details | by
Joe Dimino |
cute love, dedication, destiny, devotion, humorous, love, wisdom,
There is no right way...
there are only wrong
ways – there is no
Luke-warm love, for
love is not a portion
nor temperature...not
a two-step – but a toward
You Step. And we know love
when we see it...let it
happen~yes, free it!
Too often we flee it;
failures leave a lasting
mark – making us Leary
of future spark – once a
flame ignited, and then
smothered out, can leave
a nasty ash; better to make
the dash~yes, run. Before
the heart is barbecued~
But no one has ever won
if not a wager on the board
of life – just ask my very
wise wife – who made a purse
out of a sow's ear...her headlight
on my deer.
Poem Details | by
Randy Johnson |
angst, animals, funny,
(This is a fictional poem)
When my friend and I went deer hunting, I accidentally shot a doe.
If you're wondering if I got away with it, the answer is no.
It was a bad day for me to lose my glasses.
The game warden saw us and he kicked our _____.
We got the crap beat out of us even though it was two against one.
After beating us to a bloody pulp, he put a second hole in our butts with my gun.
We had to sleep on our stomachs for weeks, it was terrible to go through.
We went through all of that misery and we didn't even get some damn venison
Poem Details | by
Robert L. Hinshaw |
funny, holiday,
Santa Claus has been unemployed all year
On the dole watching TV drinking beer
Ms. Claus was going berserk
Its Christmas time you fat jerk
Get off your duff and saddle up them deer
Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
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Placed No. 1 in Francine Roberts "Christmas" Contest - December 2010
Poem Details | by
Iolanda Scripca |
death, nature, sad, sky, giggle,
Chasing dazzled eyes of dew
Forests tickling greenness at my toes
Pebbles giggle lullabies in blue
Thirst is penetrating soul...
Echoed steps worries the skies
Violins long for their trees
Thunder without lightning shoots
Wounded sunset bleeds on heart
Chased and dazzled, color-blinded
Grass turns sky and sky is dirty...
No more thirst, a deaf encounter
Hunters of my soul...and I...
Poem Details | by
Anna J Carroll |
Just sitting here
On top of a peer
Drinking a beer
Watching a deer
It is so near
I see it clear
Can't believe my ears
I heard it say rear
I shed a tear
This is my fear
Just like last year
Poem Details | by
Harold Hunt Sr |
The Deer Hunter
I grab my gun and to the woods. Thinking today will be fun.
I stand next to a tree not to pee .Justas I see a bear coming towards me.
I drop my gun and start to run.
As I hear my gun go bang. I look to see the bear on the run.
But on the ground under a tree I see . A deer just for me.
So I take my deer and have another beer.
Thinking deer meat for me tonight
Poem Details | by
Rico Leffanta |
When a doe runs across the street
A stag will soon follow her feet
You may rant and rave,
"The buck is not brave!"
but her tail intimates a treat!
Poem Details | by
Sandra Haight |
animal, funny, word play,
Two deer
stand near
Soon stop
to hop
In barred
front yard
O'er stump
they jump
Leap dense
spiked fence
Each rub
huge shrub
Then nip
and clip
To scrunch
and munch
They pare
shrubs bare
Oh, dear
bad deer!!
Poem Details | by
Elton Camp |
Deer Me!
By Elton Camp and Maria Camp
Safely in woods a deer can bound
The thickest trees easily get around
Although running right beside
With another deer never collide
Models of grace as well as speed,
With all the control they need
All that will soon disappear
If a busy highway draws near
Into traffic they will dash
Causing a devastating crash
No matter if it’s day or night
They will fail to react right
When driving always look hard
Against a deer remain on guard
The speeding car is ten feet away
“I can make it,” the deer will say
Poem Details | by
Frederic Gray |
humor, parody, song,
Do a deer, a female deer
Ray, a singer that is blind
Me, the most important thing
Fa, a rhyme I cannot find
So, you looking rather woke
LA, a city that's all show
Tea, some leaves that you can smoke
and that sells for lots of dough,
(no, no, no)