Funny Poems About Diet or Diet Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Diet poems and/or funny poems about Diet. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Diet funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Diet Poems.

Poem Details | by Johnette Loefgren |
Categories: funny, life,

On a Diet

sugar substitute
low fat carbohydrate free
feed it to the cat

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: food, humorous,

Diet Dilemma

I’m trying a new ‘see food’ diet I’d recommend that you all try it Any food will do Nothing’s bad for you ... It's no wonder my trousers don’t fit! Written 18th February Posted on 23rd February

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: humorous,

Diet Footles

Sweet tooth In youth On scales She WAILS! Hot date Lose weight Diet? Try it Big eyes Large thighs Fat tum Huge bum Gobbles… Wobbles In mood For food Crunchies Munchies Wants choc - Whole block! Adore Fridge door Keeps shut With butt Risk it ... Biscuit Crispbread? Drop dead! Think thin As pin Eats less ... New dress Now slim And trim Look great For date 04~05~15 Contest Judy Konos - Your Footle Poem ~awarded 1st place~

Poem Details | by Deb M |
Categories: fun, humor,

A Diet Ditty

No longer will l sin

Treat my temple like a bin

Shoving all and sundry in

So l will bear and grin

Take it on the chin

To be happy in my skin

Be healthy within

No more biscuits from the tin

Against the bulge l will win

Today l will begin 

To do and feel better!

Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: christmas, food, humor,

Watch Your Diet, Santa

On his annual flight about the earth,

   Santa continues to expand his girth!

      'Tis due to cookies and milk,

         And other treats of that ilk,

            That he samples from Botswana to Perth!

Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
(c) All Rights Reserved

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: chocolate, humorous,

Diet Dilemma

I must stop eating Snickers
I can’t fit in my knickers
Have less food on my plate
Won’t moan about my weight

Written for Chastuska Me Contest
Sponsored by Dr Ram Mehta
Rhyme scheme AABB
~awarded 5th place ~

Poem Details | by Chaim Wilson |
Categories: cheer up, confusion, humorous, men, pride, work,

A Healthy Diet of Misteaks

My failures are rough but teach.
My errors, windows to truth.
Before discovery, I don’t hear the Greek,
“Eureka!” but “Huh…?” How uncouth!
Meeting a contradiction, I reach,
What the Author intended to auth,
Does this mean this world has a mean streak?
No, I think after hard work must ensueth,
Humility, for man needs help to be meek.

Poem Details | by John Williams |
Categories: funny,

Paddy's Diet

Paddy the Irishman was looking grim,
Put on his wife's diet to make him slim,
However Paddy kept sneaking out to the pub
To down some whisky and eat some grub,
I'm afraid Paddy won't be getting too trim.

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: body, humorous,

See Food Diet

Some people moan that they are overweight Attempt dieting but can’t shift it at any rate I could have an underactive thyroid they may squawk… But in reality They suffer from an overactive knife and fork! Poem based on a quote I heard on the radio and have since found on the web by Donald Kiddick 13th April 2016

Poem Details | by Barbara Gorelick |
Categories: humorous, imagery,

Diet Failure -Foolish Footle

Pants tight              
Not right
Eat less                              
I guess

No pie? 
I sigh

French fry

To gym
That’s grim

Oh hell
Don't tell

I ate
Whole plate

To store
Once more

I strut
Big butt

New pants
Lets dance!!

Poem Details | by David Fisher |
Categories: food, humorous,

Blimp's Diet

There’s a plump man they call The Blimp
Who recently started to limp
Though each day without fail
He’d eat a whole whale
So I proposed that he switch to shrimp

Poem Details | by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: food, humor,

Spicy Diet

The Tex-Mex festival was bountiful
But it scratched my innards, much like steel wool

     When the cramps began
     Oh, how fast I ran

My impersonation of Old Faithful

Poem Details | by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: health, humor, satire, society,

Diet Riot

You're not doing well,
  Ya gotta lose weight;
Keep track of every particle
  Of food on your plate.

Count calories obsessively,
  Go on diets galore;
Don't even eat jello,
  'Cuz "there's always room for more."

Drink water constantly
  Eight bottles a day;
That'll surely take
  Your appetite away.

Yet at the end of the day,
  When all's said and done;
You lost one whole ounce,
  Was that any fun?

Poem Details | by Terezia Kontova |
Categories: funny,

Diet Business

Today I am eating spinach
Tomorrow I am eating spinach and your smile
On Monday I am eating spinach or your smile....
This is how I reduce my kilograms.

Anyhow, if you are too fatty,
Please, look at me,
And I will reduce your kilograms too
By kissing you
By hugging you
By loving you

This the Diet I worked out on my own
How many dollars will you offer me to perform?

Poem Details | by Bernard F. Asuncion |
Categories: humor,

Seafood Diet

I am on a seafood diet, 
Each time I see food, I eat it.

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: humorous,

Marguerite's New Diet -Edited

Marguerite -
how she'd cheat!
She would eat
something sweet
for a treat.

All for that,
got MORE fat.
Oops! She sat
on her cat.
It went splat!

Jan. 10, 2022
for Joseph May's What's New Poetry Contest
(adjusted to NEW theme)

Poem Details | by Sidney Beck |
Categories: food, funny,

Diet of Poetry


A Limerick man who ate jam with his ham
And his oats soaked in Irish goat’s milk,
Who had cream with his bream
And drank ale with his quail,
Went vegan,  with beans and greens of that ilk.

Poem Details | by Russell Sivey |
Categories: funny, life,

My Diet

I sit, wishing to lose a pound
My diet is failing, I frown
I eat all day
Putting it away
I’m having trouble getting around

Russell Sivey

Poem Details | by James Horn |
Categories: allegory, humorous,

Buy It, Try It, a Diet

Buy It, Try It, A Diet

About crash diet;
Always be sure you try it;
Don't keep it quiet.

Presume it will pay to advertise,
So diet why should you despise;
Go ahead and further analyze.

Jim Horn

Jim Horn

Poem Details | by Cheryl Hoffman |
Categories: food, humor,

My Diet Cereal

Want to lose weight the natural way,
keeping the sweet cereal at bay,
tastes rather bland,
but looser waist band,
thats why I'm eating little bales of hay.


Poem Details | by Alex Klugman |
Categories: funny,

The Chinese Diet, Always On Top Picks

The Chinese diet, always on top picks,
Two grams of rice, which boiled in bucket water, 
It should be eaten only by  chopsticks.
But be a modest, eat this no more, than quarter!

Poem Details | by Joseph Spence Sr |
Categories: family, food, funny, imagination, people, social, uplifting,

My Sister's Diet Coke

My sister sips diet coke
Gets her day going that’s no joke.
It even helps her dream of the Baroque;
Dazzling her eyes while frying her egg yoke.
And folks this is no smoke
It makes her strong as an oak,
While floating like a butterfly stroke
Whenever she drinks her chilled diet coke.

Poem Details | by Bill Lindsay |
Categories: food, funny,

Bad Diet

and as for the people who told me that having bananas every day was good for my colon; you didn’t mention that I had to eat them

Poem Details | by Lindsay Laurie |
Categories: humor,

Adding To a Cat's Diet

There’s a query that I need to conclude,
about my cat who with mice does collude.
Now I’d pay the price
to get rid of these mice -
Where can I buy mouse-flavored cat food?

Poem Details | by Panagiota Romios |
Categories: boy, fun, holiday, humor,

South Park Holiday Diet


There once was a boy, named Eric Cartman.
A roly-poly little brat, sorely in need of a diet!
His friend Kenny had the just the answer:
"Just date a belly dancer, eat lots of candy canes,
And soon you'll be thin and svelte as Santa's reindeer, Prancer."

                December 24, 2019

Note: Based on the television USA adult, animated comedy series,
"South Park."
{Created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone.}