Funny Poems About Dodoitsu or Dodoitsu Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Dodoitsu poems and/or funny poems about Dodoitsu. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Dodoitsu funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Dodoitsu Poems.

Poem Details | by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: humor,

- Keep It Secret -

The aged priest did not worry
                                          about the latest fashion
                                     Beneath the ankle length cloak -
                                                 vulgar lingerie

Poem Details | by Carol Sunshine Brown |
Categories: family, funny, history, life,

The Brown Tree

All the nuts fell to the ground
The sane ones on branches hang
Long line from many countries
My family tree

Poem Details | by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: funny, wedding,

Green, But No Envy

Had my hair color treated To surprise the wedding guests Shock came at the rehearsal Groom wanted to leave His once-blonde bride had green curls She’d been hoping for brunette Oh, how the bridesmaids chuckled Wig worn at wedding
Sadly, a true story.

Poem Details | by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: funny

Blinking and Winking

a new riddle for the Sphinx concerns terrorist high jinks when our free-world countries blink does bin Laden wink?
*For John Freeman’s Dodoitsu contest

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: funny,

Why Love Is Blind

Diapered kid flies around,
shoots arrows at mismatched souls,
and does it all blindfolded?
That stupid Cupid!

For the SYLLABLES OF WISDOM 2 Poetry Contest of Silent One

Poem Details | by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: funny,

Camelia Reticulata

Valentine Camelia gift A forever gift he gave Blooms its beautiful blossoms All years come what may
Sponsor:Olajide Adelana Story of Valentine

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: humorous, senses,

The Sound of Silence

Sometimes my world falls silent
I’m longing to hear your voice
So replace dead batteries
In my hearing aids!

At last I can hear clearly
Yearning for those little words
You whisper to me each day ...
What time’s lunch ready!

Poem Details | by Wendydawn Brindley |
Categories: funny, humorous, slam, truth,

Monday Monday

Piece of gum attacked my shoe.
My fingers could not release.
Now, my hair is entangled.
Typical Monday!

Poem Details | by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: funny, girlfriend-boyfriend, love,

Bed Bug Bites


It's time to fix the mattress
fluffy pillows and blankets,
enough room for just one more.
BITE ME' if you can!

Swat after, swat, after swat!  
Red itchy skin, what the h3ll!
The open breeze feels real good,
crawling too bite NATE!


NOTE~ I've never been bitten by these insects,
I just love the way my mother would always say...
"Don't let the bed bugs bite!"

Contest: "Bite me!"  

**I bite Nathan, who'll probably will love it ;-)**...LOL...

Poem Details | by Curtis Moorman |
Categories: funny,

Ode To Trees

High as a Georgia pine they say
I think that I shall never see
From little acorns a mighty oak grows
So goes my tree knowledge

Poem Details | by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: funny, love

Duck Quickly

Yikes! Arrow targeting me Cupid, please choose another Scars from your last shot remain Heart still bleeding red
*For Francine's "Red" Contest

Poem Details | by Barbara Gorelick |
Categories: age, birthday, humor,

Age Has Its Privileges

A special birthday party Imagine being ninety Guests sang the birthday song She slept through it all

Poem Details | by Joyce Johnson |
Categories: funny

The Spice of Life

Youthful pleasures long ago
linger in fond memory,
spicier and sweeter than
Mama ever knew.

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: funny,

The Clever Gypsy Lady

The gypsy lady told me:
Lay your money down right here.
My crystal ball reveals all
and it never lies.

A smart doctor you will find
who doesn’t need M R I’s
to guide all his decisions.
One like Dr. House!

Health care and your living costs
will become affordable.
Then with a smile, she added:
All this - when pigs fly.

Written by Andrea Dietrich

for Linda-Marie's Contest:
Crystal Ball

Poem Details | by Mark J. Halliday |
Categories: conflict, life, love, marriage,

Love and Humor

Nobody's spouse is perfect. Marriage always has conflicts. You need a sense of humor To remain in love.

Poem Details | by Cynthia Buhain-Baello |
Categories: funny, hilarious, humorous,

Secret Identity

"Are you a boy or a girl"?

Angry Dad asked son five times

Dunked in water,  his answer:

Son: (gasping)  "Mermaid!"

All rights reserved ~~Cynthia Buhain-Baello~~05.28.15

The Dodoitsu is a fixed folk song form of Japanese origin and is often about LOVE or HUMOR. It has 26 syllables, four lines of 7, 7, 7, 5 syllables respectively. It is unrhymed and non-metrical.

Poem Details | by Laura Leiser |
Categories: funny love, youth,

Funny Mismatch

She's too short and he's too tall
When they kiss, their braces mix
Hard to untangle, twisting
Smiling, they giggle.

Written on 2/5/2015

Poem Details | by Cynthia Buhain-Baello |
Categories: conflict, funny, gender, identity, psychological,

Sadly Confused

He said he was a "woman",

Just trapped in a wrong body.

When time came he had to pee-

Used the room.... for "Men".
All rights reserved~~Cynthia Buhain-Baello~~05.28.15

The Dodoitsu is a fixed folk song form of Japanese origin 
and is often about LOVE  or HUMOR. It has 26 syllables, 
four lines of 7, 7, 7, 5 syllables respectively. 
It is unrhymed and non-metrical.

Poem Details | by Harry Horsman |
Categories: funny,

Harry-Elaine Cooking With Wine

My wife loves to cook with wine
when friends come around to dine.
sometimes when she’s in the mood
puts some in the food.

© Harry J Horsman  2011

Poem Details | by Kash Poet |
Categories: funny, me,

Let Me Surprise Her

In the backdrop of full moon
silhouette of my darling
searching me among the stars.....
let me surprise her!


Placement:2nd;(September 2011)

Contest:Dodoitsu Darkness

Sponsor:Tracie~Indigo dream weaver~

Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: funny, girlfriend-boyfriend

Shotgun Wedding

Pa held shotgun to his head

   "Marry her son or you're dead"

      "It wasn't me" the lad pled

         "Yes it was" she said

Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
© All Rights Reserved

Placed No. 2 in John Freeman's " Love or Humor" Contest - January 2011

Poem Details | by Lee Ramage |
Categories: funny, imagination, loss, nostalgia,

One Step Forward, Two Back

Spelling a thing of the past, Thank-you cards will disappear, Cursive writing will be lost, No more postal mail. Phone conversations are gone, All temples of worship close, Libraries lock their front doors, No more paper books. Good news for Craig Ferguson, Entertainer - Late, Late show, The all new Johnny Carson, No more Jay Leno. Written by Lee Ramage September 7, 2011 For Linda-Marie’s Contest “Crystal Ball” Placed 7th

Poem Details | by Deirdre Omaidin |
Categories: funny

Lost Love

Love is like an alarm clock
Just when you think all is set
she cheats and then wants to buzz 
Off goes the first ring  

For John Freemans competition Love or Humhour

Poem Details | by Janice Canerdy |
Categories: humor,


Only five minutes can seem 
like eons to a man trapped
in an elevator with
his mother-in-law.

April 19, 2017

Poem Details | by Clifford Villalon |
Categories: feelings, funny, love,

Loving Eyes

loving eyes I can't resist
shines like gold I always miss
eyes so red i kiss you hide
sore eyes I deride