Funny Poems About Feelings or Feelings Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Feelings poems and/or funny poems about Feelings. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Feelings funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Feelings Poems.

Poem Details | by A.O. Taner |
Categories: august, beach, beautiful, cool, crush, deep, destiny, devotion, fantasy, feelings, first love, fishing, freedom, funny love, future, girlfriend, hope, i love you, i miss you, journey, joy, judgement, lost love, love, love hurts, meaningful, miracle, ocean, people, places, romance, sea, sensual, simple, spiritual, water, women, world,


Don't rush to wash off the sea salt 
drying on your skin;
the hopes it carries from other oceans,
those remain yet to be seen.

Poem Details | by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: best friend, funny, missing,

- Feelings of Guilt -

Hold back the tears of sorrow

                   Imprisoned in this torment bounded by guilt

                          As I write your name on the wall

                        I miss the days when you were here

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

Poem Details | by Anais Vionet |
Categories: 11th grade, care, christmas, feelings, holiday, humor, teen,

Old Fashioned Christmas

It’ll be an old fashioned Christmas,
with Santa due down the chute.
I bet he Purells his reindeer, 
and Lysols his hazmat suit.

It’s an old fashioned Christmas.
We’ll all have on our masks,
and our muffled yuletide carols,
will be just like seasons past.

We’ll observe all the guidelines.
We’ll eat six feet apart.
We’ll have disinfectant under the mistletoe,
and keep safety in our hearts.

Sure, it’s an old fashioned Christmas.
One unique to the times.
The love this year might be careful,
but the feelings are genuine.

Poem Details | by Pat Adams |
Categories: absence, confusion, feelings, humorous, word play,

The Hot Brazilian

She said, "It was fun yesterday and hot!"
"I made love with a Brazilian all day!"
Her friend said, "Shut up, I hope you did not!" 
"How many is a Brazilian anyway?"

Poem Details | by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: angst, feelings, humorous,

- the Soup Cuckoo -

Jealousy is not the fear of losing
but the feeling that our position is threatened
As wet sand between your toes, unwanted

Sometimes jealousy turns into obsession
There are many wars, love your enemies ... never
We fight for love as a tender and small sparrow
Bitter taste, there is a fly in the soup

- Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
  Copyright © All Rights Reserved


Poem Details | by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: adventure, caregiving, celebration, confusion, desire, feelings, funny, humor, identity, life, october,

Sweet and Salty -Libra Tale


Sweet and Sour hectic sign
Love me, trust me, the stars align
   Balance of truth and dare
   Good and Evil, full of care 
Blind when it comes to blood line

:) PD

Poem Details | by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 8th grade, endurance, feelings, funny, humorous, school, teacher,

Limerick To Honor a Calm Teacher

Know you are the absolute best,
The new kid has given a test.
You stayed calm cool, and collected,
So completely unaffected,
His childish behavior a test

We are watching you here at the school
Your resistance makes some of us drool.
He is almost on our last nerve,
Taking some around the last curve,
Yet, your calmness surrounds like a pool.

We implore you to please teach us your way,
It seems he is here and going to stay,
I think it is totally true,
Because his mother is new too,
His mother, superintendent, Miss Kay.

Poem Details | by L Milton Hankins |
Categories: feelings, humorous, irony, spoken word,

Backhanded Apology

Sorry if I upset you, I really didn’t mean it Actually, I meant it Until I saw it upset you, Now I’m sorry you are Upset by my words But I got them said, Which I intended to do.
Written September 12, 2022 POEM OF THE DAY Poetry Soup September 14, 2022

Poem Details | by David Kavanagh |
Categories: allusion, dark, feelings, humor,

Clairvoyant Unveiled

i see dead people 
             but they can never see me 

              ~ i see through her too

any form any theme Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Brian Strand  10th place

Senryu Humorous, Satirical or Dark	
Sponsored by Tania Kitchin 3rd place

Poem Details | by Panagiota Romios |
Categories: feelings, humor, muse, poetess, writing,

Panagiota's Dream

        Panagiota's Dream

With trepidation she picked up her pen.
Should I try this now.......or when?
Her Muse whispered in her ear!
"It's now or never, poetess, dear!"
Ah, that word "poetess" made her
divinely lightheaded.
And thus, my friends, she and her
pen are most happily wedded!

              August 7, 2020
               7:45pm PSt

Poem Details | by Alexis Karpouzos |
Categories: dream, feelings, humorous, inspirational love, magic, soulmate, universe,

Where Is the Magic - Alexis Karpouzos

Where is the magic?
We all start out knowing magic. 
We are born with hurricanes 
and whirlwinds, oceans 
and galaxies inside us.
We are able to sing to birds 
and read the clouds 
and see the destiny 
in grains of sand.
But we have forgotten the magic 
and we feel without compass, 
alone and desperately, 
only selfishness, only pain, 
fear and darkness.
But, magic of love has never 
disappeared from the life, 
the love hold the life.

Poem Details | by Melani Udaeta |
Categories: computer, emotions, feelings, humor,


Judging you by your emojis 
they disclose untold stories;
Those that get the click
more than just one pick;
Not so random categories.

Poem Details | by Melani Udaeta |
Categories: emotions, feelings, humor,


You will always share a meme,
motivation just like a dream;
Why are you faking? 
You don’t do a thing; 
Your screen only inspires a stream.

Poem Details | by A.O. Taner |
Categories: beautiful, cheer up, computer, desire, destiny, devotion, emotions, encouraging, fantasy, feelings, funny, future, humorous, i love you, love, love hurts, math, meaningful, metaphor, miss you, mystery, passion, relationship, romance, romantic, sad love, school, science, science fiction, silly, social, sweet, teacher, together, true love, truth, uplifting, visionary, word play,


One is love, 
Zero is everything else.

Poem Details | by Smail Poems |
Categories: age, angel, baseball, beauty, butterfly, caregiving, celebration, character, child, father daughter, feelings, film, fishing, flower, football, children, for her, friend, fun, funny, gender, girl, girlfriend, giving, graduation, grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, growing up, growth, hair, happiness, happy, health, heart, hero,


Pretty princesses
Dancing all around
Frolicking through fields
Very beautiful
Just like you!

Poem Details | by A.O. Taner |
Categories: addiction, april, best friend, computer, confusion, courage, culture, cute love, earth, emotions, encouraging, environment, fantasy, farm, feelings, funny love, garden, happiness, happy, i love you, i miss you, inspirational, internet, irony, july, june, kiss, loneliness, love, magic, me, metaphor, nature, parody, repetition, satire, science, social, technology, tree, women, world, youth,


follow on facebook,
adore on pinterest,
fall in love on instagram,
kiss on a hunch,
all under a tree.

Poem Details | by A.O. Taner |
Categories: beautiful, change, cheer up, confidence, cool, courage, cute love, deep, destiny, emotions, environment, fantasy, fear, feelings, first love, for her, funny love, happiness, happy, how i feel, humanity, hyperbole, i am, i love you, inspiration, journey, joy, life, lost love, love, love hurts, miss you, missing, missing you, ocean, paradise, philosophy, pride, romance, romantic, senses, smile, spring, sunshine, travel, uplifting, wind,


imagine the rainbow being
the dark tunnel 
you've been stuck in for years

the lighthouse on the horizon,
the beam 
that gets brighter as it nears

get soaked in the rain,
feel the sun in your heart,
let go of all your fears.

Poem Details | by Tasha Taylor |
Categories: cute love, feelings, giggle, smile, student, teenage,

Your Smile

I see you walking down the hall.
Your gorgeous blonde hair, 
Thoughtful blue eyes, and 
Perfect smile make me flustered.

I try to disappear into myself
When I will pass you. 
A God like you doesn't notice
People who are like me.

Somehow, you catch my eye
And you wink at me as we pass.
When you can't see me anymore,
A smile lights up my face. 

The impossible actually happened!
I am left grinning like a giggly idiot,
Getting concerned glances by others.
Yet, I don't care because you smiled at me:

You with your sunshine hair,
Deep, blue ocean eyes, and 
your contagious smile.
My smile glows because of your smile.

Poem Details | by Laura Breidenthal |
Categories: beautiful, child, childhood, children, emotions, family, feelings, kids, giggle, growing up,

Water Balloons

stretching it
balloon breaks on faucet
spray giggles


Poem Details | by J.W. Earnings |
Categories: angst, change, childhood, confusion, depression, fear, feelings, children, kids, funny, growing up, home, homework, humor, inspiration, lonely, me, miss you, moving on, nature, pain, poetry, school, self, sorrow, stress, teen, time, writing, youth,

My Boredom Disease

Like sick allergies, 
Boredom can be passed around

Like a horrid storm,
Boredom can catch you off guard
Hold on for DEAR LIFE!

Like the whooping cough,
Boredom can be serious
If I were you, I’d
Get a vaccination !

Poem Details | by Gene Bourne |
Categories: allusion, confusion, dedication, emotions, feelings, first love, funny, funny love, humorous, relationship, social,

A Boxcar Named Desire

No, we weren't a couple one expected. 
"What could she be thinking", one reflected. 
Yet we held an undefined attraction; 
Some subconscious neuron interaction. 

After weeks we gathered our composure 
Time to face my parents' first exposure. 
True, your looks were just a bit off kelter(sic). 
Poets often live at homeless shelters. 

Mother stiffened, held her throat, and gasped. 
Father never moved, in shock perhaps. 
Then we vowed to do what we must do. 
Freight trains leave at seven, ten and two.

Gene Bourne


Poem Details | by Reta Pruitt |
Categories: desire, feelings, humor, love,


Finally we were alone
Bridesmaids; best man all gone home
We eyed the gifts piled on the rug
Bill looked at me, I gave a shrug
Tomorrow would be soon enough
Tonight we'd focus just on us
And like a flame that grew and grew
Our burning kisses did ensue
And soon our clothes were tattered rags
Phone ringing, door bell; distant nags
Somehow our room we gained at last
Observed by just the mirror glass
And though you'd like to know much more
Friend, this is where we shut the door

August 23, 2016

Poem Details | by Robert Candler |
Categories: angel, beauty, blue, body, cute love, desire, feelings, giggle, girl, hello, hope, humorous, lust, relationship, romance, sexy, song, sweet, together, uplifting, woman,

Please Help Me, Re-Lyric

Please help me, I've fallen
In Lust with You.
You're just so damn sexy,
That's why I'm hittin' on you.
You don't have to love me,
Some good sex will do.
Please help me, I've fallen
In Lust with You.

Yes, you turned me on
When I saw you walk in...
The face of an Angel,
A body just made for Sin.
Now, I may be real horny,
But one thing is true:
What would satisfy me, Girl
Would be to satisfy You.

So please help me, I've fallen
In Lust with You; 
And I hope that you're fallin'
In Lust with me too;
But if not, then please fake it,
Please don't leave me "blue"...
Please help me, I've fallen
In  Lust  with  You.

Poem Details | by Raffy Relator |
Categories: dedication, dog, feelings, funny love, kiss, memory, smile,

A Puppy Love

I met you in the city
I introduced myself as Raffy
How glad I met you
Since I don't know what to do..

Each day had passes
And I thought that was the last
I tried to search you again
But the city is vain

Hoping you will see
I search you with glee
At last, I saw you
Kissing to others as much you do

Seeing you in that way
Feels me hard even though your a DOG anyway
But now I don't know what to do
Coz your OWNER is much beautiful than you.....

Poem Details | by Rudolph Rinaldi |
Categories: beautiful, feelings, fun, funny, life, poetry,

It Is Nice To Write Happy Poems

it is nice to write happy poems
nicey nicey 
happy happy 
that make the sky 
and everything around me
and me 
and everything around me
much much lighter