Humorous and funny Flamingo poems and/or funny poems about Flamingo. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Flamingo funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Flamingo Poems.
Poem Details | by
Bonnie Cuber |
I gave my pink feathers a good old shake, and
Combed my hair with a short plastic rake
I picked up a cake mix I was going to make
Stirred it up, and put it in the oven to bake
Today I was going to my Silver Sisters
And I hoped we’d play twister
But I wanted to look my best, so
I went to the closet and took out a purple vest
I looked in the mirror to get a good view
Decided my lipstick was not the right hue
What color to use, I hadn’t a clue
I decided pink earrings would have to do
Oh, my earrings
They bobble
Whenever I hobbled
So, I stood on one leg
And called my friend Peg
We went to the meeting together
BJ Cuber
Poem Details | by
Lin Lane |
She was dressed like a flamingo floozie
Her big boobs and booty ~ what a doozie!
Wearing a shade of pink
She flirted with a wink
I ran away from Wicked Witch, Soozie
Soozie was once a he-man. Way back when
Turned into a Barbie doll... do ya Ken?
Overdid the implants
Axed the bulge in her pants
I heard tell her name used to be Big Ben
*Finding a balance between writing humor and serious poetry.
I try but will never be as well-rounded as Soozie... Thank Goodness!