Humorous and funny Butterfly poems and/or funny poems about Butterfly. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Butterfly funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Butterfly Poems.
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
humorous, insect,
Today I saw a pesky fly
He buzzed around all day …
Until he landed on my lunch
So I zapped him with fly spray!
Now you’re really in the sky
Rest in peace little fly
Jan Allison
9th November 2014
Poem Details | by
Elizabeth Mccann |
funny, humorous, nonsense,
Fly in orbit, fly in creep,
Margin on the edge of sleep,
Feast your portion from the best.;
I would bargain blood for rest!
Leave your frantic fantasies bare,
Sculpted onto empty air.
Fly, you have not heard my plea.
You zoom in on my ear, my knee.
Rousing from my noonday haze,
My lassitude becoming rage,
I tell you, fly, cease now this play!
But here you come again my way!
Oh, brother of this feeble flesh,
Darting, dodge this trapping mesh!
'Til once the blow! Swift undoes
The circle into circle, buzz.
Alike with life our end begun,
Histories in speck and thumb.
(with a respectful nod to William Blake)
Poem Details | by
Tom Bell |
confusion, food, funny, parody,
Fly in the ointment,
I've heard said,
Flies will use you for
food, when you're dead
But a fly in the soup?
Which one of you??
How'd you get in somehow?
What did you do?
These rhetorical questions,
do not require answer,
But one thing does, for sure....
Just how did a zipper get in
my chicken noodle?
This question I do implore
My lips are torn,
my faith in Campbell's shot,
this is one thing,
to predict, I had a chance not
Poem Details | by
Robert L. Hinshaw |
food, humorous,
There was once a finicky chap named Lou,
Who espied a fly swimming in his stew!
Said the waiter to the bloke,
"What a fantastic backstroke!
He won't eat much and will leave some for you!"
Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
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Poem Details | by
Robert L. Hinshaw |
Clyde found a fly floundering in his soup
This discovery threw him for a loop
He summoned the maitre d'
And that pompous ***, said he
"Don't worry! He'll die if he eats that goop!"
Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
© All Rights Reserved
Poem Details | by
Gert W. Knop |
A stupid fly tried to swim
In my glass filled with a beer
But finally the beast made it to the rim
And when flying away it showed me its rear
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
bird, flying, humorous,
I looked at a bird flying high
Its poop landed up in my eye
I looked such a disgrace
As it slid down my face
Folks laughed, but I wanted to cry
Poem Details | by
Robert A. Dufresne |
“Hey Bill, what’s that spot in the hall ?”
“Awe, that’s just a fly on the wall.”
“John, you seen foreman Bob?
“No. Why? Where is that slob?
“Careful! He’s got big ears, y’all ! “
“Yeah, they say he’s got eyes in the back of his head.”
“Un huh, and he’s dumber ‘n dirt, I’ve heard it said”
“Yup, ugliest dude I’ve ever seen in my life!
“ Sure do pity foreman Bob’s wife!”
“ I hear ya! Can’t believe they sleep in the same bed!
“Hey Bill, that fly on the wall got lost.”
“Yeah,? Where in heck did it go, Hoss?
“Psst! Here comes foreman Bob!”
“Quick, pretend we’re doin’ our job!”
“Hey! So glad you could buzz in on us, Boss!”
Poem Details | by
Jimmy Anderson |
My fly cast got caught on my fly.
The hook hurt so bad I did cry.
While now in much pain
it started to rain.
What more could go wrong, my oh my?
My fly cast was still on my fly.
The zipper went zap on the sly!
It swished me around.
I fell to the ground.
But amazingly I was still dry!
The boat sunk so now I got wet.
Much like getting deeper in dept.
It took little glue,
to fix this boo boo.
But I haven't seen daylight yet!
For John Freeman's "Limerick's about Fishing" contest.
Poem Details | by
Ralph Taylor |
As a fly on the wall of Larry's domain
I would witness first hand the cause of his pain
Once I saw what I saw
Larry's Mother-in-Law
I'm sure that I'd never go back there again!
Poem Details | by
Kash Poet |
a busy fly
on his dense moustache...
post tea nap
Placement:3rd; (Feb. 2012)
Contest:Juxtaposition haiku
Sponsor:Charles Henderson
By:Kash poet
Poem Details | by
James Edward Lee Sr. |
analogy, animal, food, funny, metaphor, poetry,
There once was a donkey
He was married to a horse
Donkey was to stubborn
So the donkey got a divorce
Cleaver was the ways of the hen
She married a bucking rooster
He took her by the wing then
Tried to seduced her
Don't want no green eggs N ham
Don't want to go on the lamb
I am, I am horsey running away
Chickens can't fly they may leap and jump
Think I'm gonna have Popeye's Chicken for lunch, :) ha! ha! Ha!
Poem Details | by
Anne-Lise Andresen |
funny, life,
My mirror
it shows me a middle-aged lady
Who is it?
A-L Andresen :)
Poem Details | by
Drjim Martin |
food, funny,
Fly in the Pie
Dr. James E. Martin
©May, 2013
He bit into his hot pie
And discovered half of a fly.
He tried to be brave,
And his reputation save,
But all he could do was cry.
Poem Details | by
Shaniki Smith |
food, fruit, health, humor, missing, poems, sad,
Dear Fruit Fly
I don't like you
I can't stand you
Everywhere I go
You seem to be there
Staring me in my face
waiting for me to turn my back
so you can steal the food from off my plate
but today you really strike a nerve when you snatch my Eggo
That was my blueberry Eggo waffles
You and your compadres have to go
I had a enough
so here is a bus ticket
find somebody else home you can invade
Please fruit fly go away
You have over stayed your welcome
Poem Details | by
Taryn Melville |
adventure, animals, funny, imagination,
I can swim but I should fly!
If I do, will I die?
With the birds and the fish
fighting over me if they wish!
Am I racing with the number two?
With the fish in the ocean blue,
or with the birds in the sky?
But I'm afraid I will die!
What should I do?
Boohoo, boohoo!
I know, I know!
I will do both.
I will fly in the sky,
and this is no lie!
Then I will swim with the fish,
when they wish!
Poem Details | by
Chris Matt |
A fly on Oprah's wall.
I think I'll build an Oprah mall.
All of this money
And still no honey.
I'm bored, I think I'll buy Senegal.
Poem Details | by
Ned Flanders |
The Flea and the Fly.
"You have an attitude at altitude."
Said the Fly as he flew,
to the Flea as he jumped
in the air as they bumped.
"Swearing like that".
"An attitude at altitude".
Said the Flea as he fell,
to the Fly flying by.
"I think you surly jest
you flypast pest".
Said the Fly faraway.
"I"ve gone and hurt my knee "said the Flea
groaning on the ground.
"Blooming Fly I hope you die
and all I can say at the end of the day
is I had the Height of way"!
Poem Details | by
Barbara Gorelick |
There once was a pesky fly
He kept buzzing 'round my eye
I gave him a whack
He fell on his back
Smack in my blueberry pie!
For the Insect contest..
Poem Details | by
Gail Foster |
car, food, humorous, irony, jealousy, journey, sometimes,
Past the layby fly
Cars with petrol in their tanks
Going home for tea
We're not going anywhere
Pancake flattened battery
by Gail
Poem Details | by
Cheryl Hoffman |
Now I've landed some crappy jobs in the past,
but finally landed a job I'd hope would last,
working as a spy for the C.I.A.,
my first important job
on the wall of the Soviets that day...
Flying around with a little camera,
wearing my little hat,
I saw Putin come towards me with something behind his back,
meeting my demise with a Soviet "SPLAT!"
Poem Details | by
Tahera Mannan |
I, a sexy fly on my teenager’s wall
Eager to hear what she'd say when he'd call
For times were bad
And I was scared
That she'd try to run away to Nepal
Poem Details | by
Pat Adams |
dream, humor,
I had a dream last night in bed
I was a fly on the wall overhead
But it was too real
No joy did I feel
I couldn't understand what was said!
Poem Details | by
Peter Onyancha |
anger, confusion, funny,
I deserve this flight,
I'd have paid, a little more
That I know, I know
The cheque wasn't mine, fine
But now, there's a fly aboard
Flying with me
Across the border
It's busy singing
Seat to seat, head to head
Sometimes it tastes a lip
And looks away
There's a fly aboard
I'm not petty
It doesn't. The fly does not
Deserve this fight
Its my war.
I want to skin it
I shall kill it
It a manner
It will live to remember
Thrice, I queued, I stood
Thrice, I checked my pack
Eyes, I passed the cops
I walked this talk
This fly did not
For fairness the fly must go
For sanity I've stopped
My mission
The fly must go
Poem Details | by
Sara Kendrick |
death, funny, life, nature,
There is a fly in this house
It can buzz and shout
Flies so fast can't swat nor douse
Buzz around my freshly made coffee
Buzz buzz fast as a wink
Buzz buzz over by the sink
Buzz, swirl over my coffee
Land on the edge softie
Can't stand this fly nope
Go get the fly swatter
Got to get rid of this bugger
Flap, flap right in my freshly made coffee
(Rhyme sort of)