Funny Poems About Frog or Frog Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Frog poems and/or funny poems about Frog. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Frog funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Frog Poems.

Poem Details | by Roger Wilson |
Categories: animal, betrayal, fate, giggle,

The Frog and the Cricket

The frog croaked
The cricket chirped
The cricket croaked
The frog burped

Poem Details | by Charlie Smith |
Categories: humor,

Old Frog

There was an old bull frog from Cork Whose friends might've thought him a dork But when flies would swarm in And they all took a swim Old frog used his tongue like a fork. For Limerick Contest 04/11/2018 3rd. Place

Poem Details | by Gary Smith |
Categories: humorous, wisdom,

The Patience of a Frog

Across the pond float lily pads
Upon one sat a frog,
He looked rather startled
His eyes were wide agog.

Had he seen a stalking heron,
Was he scared to move, thought I
Then to my surprise, his tongue shot out
And caught a passing fly.

That wise old frog had patience
It comes to those who wait,
For that fly, it came to him
And that wise old frog, he ate.

Poem Details | by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: animals, funny, nature,

Frog Needs a New Pad

“Ribbit” croaks the frog
his lily pad is sinking…
     time to hop along

larger lily pad
makes a summer home for frogs…
     until the storms come

*Entry for Sidney Lee Ann’s “Lily-Pads and Frogs” contest
By Carolyn Devonshire
Theme: both lily pads and frogs

Poem Details | by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: funny, nature,

Strange Frog and Lily-Pad

frog strange croaking voice hanging on his lily-pad.. many allergies
Sponsor: Sidney~LeeAnn Contest:Lily-Pads and Frogs Written: Sara Kendrick

Poem Details | by Darlene Gifford |
Categories: child, humor,

A Frog In My Pocket

I have my friend frog,
in my pocket tucked away.
Because if my mother sees him,
she won't let him stay.

He smells like the fish gut,
I have on my hands.
We both need a bath,
and our feet's full of sand.

In a bath full of bubbles, 
I splash and I play,
knowing my friend,
is hidden away.

Green bubbles squish
between my toes,.
Green bubbles splash
right up my nose.

Climbing out of the tub,
I look for my clothes.
Oh, no! She has taken them.
My Mother, she knows!

I hear the swish, swish, swish,
of our washing machine.
Then, my frog leaps out, 
Clorox clean!

Now the green soap bubbles
are out of my nose,
and my wrinkled, white frog,
smells like a pink rose!

Poem Details | by Eve Roper |
Categories: humorous,

Frog On Lillie Pad

Frog on lillie pad
Dragonfly flies
Gulp Mmmmm..  :)

Poem Details | by Betty Harp Butler |
Categories: funny, humorous,

A Spring Frog and the Bath

A spring frog came to my bath one day
Unknowingly to me when I began.
I undressed quietly and stepped into the tub.
I hopped out when he jumped in!

Forgetting my clothes and propriety,
I left the room in a huff.
I will bathe when I can be by myself,
No frog will see me in the buff!

Frog though he is…
He could be a handsome prince in disguise!

Poem Details | by Poet. Undertaker |
Categories: humor,

The Fellowship of the Frog

A man of middle height, bearded to his waist;
eyes almost hidden under heavy brows white; 
stout and laborious of gait,
he came slowly by mid night…
bloody, could this man be “The Joker”. No fist!

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: funny,

I Search For Frog Sounds

entering between
two lily pads and pausing. . . 
a small dragonfly

in and out of view
the dragonfly flits four times. . . 
darkness following

I search for frog sounds
to go with the lily pads
of my cell phone’s screen

A link given me by Ruben about
a frog playing with a cell phone (hilarious,
and only 30 seconds: .

Poem Details | by Eve Roper |
Categories: food, humorous,

Frog Out Witted

Frog Out Witted

                                               Frog on lily pad
                                         Dragonfly cautiously flies
                              Frogs long tongue snaps, Gulp Mmmmm..

                                          Frog looks discomfort
                                    French and Cantonese cuisine
                                      Mmmm chicken tenderness

Syllables Per Line: 5 7 5 0 5 7 5

Poem Details | by Sandra Haight |
Categories: dance, funny, music,

The Fiddler and the Frog

One evening some folks came around
To hear Irish fiddler, renowned-
Play magical strings
That acted like springs-
And sprung all to dance to the sound.

So grand, it soon lured an old frog
To jump from his home in a log!
He bounced up and down
Made the dancers frown-
All left Irish jig for a jog!

January 18, 2023

Contest: The Fiddler And The Frog
Sponsor: Craig Cornish

Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: funny,

Cure For Frog In the Throat

Clyde was harassed by a frog in his throat

   Chances of finding a cure was remote

      But much to ol' Clyde's surprise

         Doc said feed it a few flies

            Proving to be the perfect antidote

Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
© All Rights Reserved

Poem Details | by Iolanda Scripca |
Categories: funny,

Frog In Limbo

So here I am -  Reincarnated
No more keeping up with Joneses
Free at last ! ... forgetting though:
They love to eat frog legs for dinner...

I was given a challenge to write a short poem by looking at a picture of a frog... :)

Poem Details | by Jessica Amanda Salmonson |
Categories: animal, cat, funny, nonsense, nursery rhyme, pets, silly,

Down At the Frog-O-Mat

Wash Those Froggies, Wash Those Froggies,
Dirty Froggies Get Eaten By Moggies.
Don't Be Mean, Get Them Clean
While You Read Your Magazine.

Poem Details | by Martin Kloess |
Categories: animal, funny, future, humor, mystery, nature,

The Frog Who Could See His Future

While watching man jog to his friend
A frog croaked a future portend
Man finished his jog
By sitting on log
And that’s how the frog met his end

Poem Details | by Melinde Guadalupe |
Categories: animals, funny,


The frog jump on me due to shock i scream out loud and i laugh after

Poem Details | by Neill Mockett |
Categories: animals, children, funny,

Lily the Frog

Leaping off a garden fence
There is a frog called Lily
She has very little sense
There isn’t one more silly

Leaping up without a care
Lily reaches for the sky
Hear that silly frog declare
Like a bird see how I fly!

Poem Details | by Connie Pachecho |
Categories: funny, sensual,

Frog In Her Cup

Frog In Her Cup

there once a frog that jumped into her cup
he filled her rim so fast he got the hiccups 
was all he could wrestle
as he swam her vessel`
croaks waned once a release of his buildup

connie pachecho


Poem Details | by Ghita Manaila |
Categories: 4th grade, animal, dog, children, funny,

The Angry Frog

One day a cute little dog
Met in the street an old frog.
" Hello, dear! How are you?"
" Not too well because I've flu.
And my doctor said to me
To drink daily a cup of tea.
So I'm angry, I'm not fine
Because I like to drink wine."

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: fantasy, funny,

Frog In Your Throat

Have you ever had a frog in your throat?
Well it isn't a pleasant experience
They tickle and wiggle and try to escape
It's certainly an inconvenience

Ribbits come out whenever you speak
Your head starts dancing around
You get a strange urge to dive in a pond
Or kiss a Princess's crown

There's only one way to fix this affliction
Drink some warm “Antifroggation”
You'll cough and sputter, the frog will fly out
It will also reduce inflammation!

@Jack Ellison 2012

Poem Details | by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: friend, humor, music, night, song, star, voice,

The Fiddler and the Frog

The bow would let out a groan
the big green frog sang baritone
we had great home cooked food
with stars for the best mood
heavenly nights at the lily pad zone

Mr. Cricket the fiddler would play
on the lily pad by the bay
here we made a great friend
friends until the very end
how about another round Jay

Date Written:1/26/2023
Double Limerick

Poem Details | by Bh Hallenburg |
Categories: cute love, humorous, mother daughter, valentines day,

Frog Valentine and Toad Response

Valentine from my Mother in 1973:

If you see a frog sittin' in a tree, 
Pull his tail and think of me.

My response:

Oh Toad!
Though butt of Jest and Ridicule since days of yore reviled;
Though favored on a Frenchman's plate and victim of a child; 
Though hunted by Brazilian bats, devoured in the night,
Or dried and sprinkled in the brew to conjure up a blight;
And even blamed for warts and such (although the wise know better)
when little boys decide it's fun to slip one down a sweater!
Despite all this, Poor Toady knows worst yet to come he sees...
is lovers climbing through the boughs tugging toadtails in the trees!!!

Poem Details | by Sean Rackley |
Categories: funny,

Pinto the Frog

In the strange case of Pinto the frog,
"Innocent," he pleads (for the green fog)
He claims a magic fruit
Was the real cause of toot;
At least he didn't point to the dog

Poem Details | by Sonia Walker |
Categories: humor,

A Frog In Love

froggy went courting 
on a sultry summer day
his flowers wilted.