Funny Poems About Games or Games Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Games poems and/or funny poems about Games. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Games funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Games Poems.

Poem Details | by Cheryl Hoffman |
Categories: games, humor,

Rich Hide and Seek

Rich man covered eyes counting to 1,003
rich friend jumped in lear jet to flee
flew to Brazil
is there still
waiting to be found hiding behind tree.


Poem Details | by Dorothea Smith |
Categories: children, games, hockey, humorous, men, poems, sports,


They both wear black and white,
Sport’s fans will see some tonight,
As one type skates on frozen water,
The other keeps a herd in order.

The man can get caught up in media hype,
Each has the same angle of stripe,
Only one has them down to the toes,
And tries to out run the foes.

Seeing far away is their asset,
Always watching out for a threat,
While the other kind may need to hide,
Making some calls they seem crossed-eyed.

A zebra is born looking like this,
All the while, hoping their enemy will miss,
Linesmen and refs are known to make a bad call,
In the end, it could be a team’s down fall.

Poem Details | by Tom Quigley |
Categories: games, humor,

Go Pokemon Go

kids get distraction 
oh I love Pokemon Go
parents get action
once I've had a Peek-at-chu
can't wait to play Poke the mom


Poem Details | by Andrew Crisci |
Categories: boyfriend, character, crush, funny, games, teacher, teen,

Distraction In the Classroom

Some boys forget their mom's words,
they leave for school in a mad rush
with uncombed hair looking like nerds;
in the classroom they have a crush.
Liz, their teacher, wears tight jeans,
they can't concentrate on the test;
she's happy for attracting the teens,
their girlfriends notice their unrest.
They hate their beautiful teacher, 
but her vulgarity makes them sneer: 
her character isn't worthy of cheer.
When paper planes start a warfare,
Liz's hair seems a style so rare;
all the boys laugh: it is a snare.

Poem Details | by Michelle Naves |
Categories: 5th grade, character, funny, games, race, silly,

Mario Kart

I was playing my Nintendo
controller in my hand
I guess I dozed off
to Mario Kart land

It was Donkey Kong Stadium
I was in the lead
no one could catch me
as I reached maximum speed

Approaching the finish line
I heard a thundering squreech
slamming into the back of me
was my opponent peach

Everything went dark
and when I opened my eyes
I had fallen off my bed
only a dream to my surprise.

Poem Details | by Brittney Lopez |
Categories: absence, age, angel, april, baptism, beautiful, beauty, bible, birth, blue, boat, body, books, boyfriend, bridal shower, flower, for her, forgiveness, freedom, funny, games, garden, girlfriend, goodbye, graduation, poetry, voice, wisdom, women, words, writing, youth,


You send bolts through my skin 
something I was never to 
accomplish with you, when I 
saw you it's like my heart sank 
to my stomach and I was in 
shock my body still my body 
heavy felt like when I moved I 
was about to fall to my knees 
you make me want to get 
inside my brain pick you up and 
take you out pick you one by 
one like a flower because I do 
love you and love you not.

Poem Details | by Adell Foster |
Categories: fun, games, giggle, happy, imagery, imagination, muse,

There Is Something In My Pocket

There is something in my pocket…
Is it perhaps a rocket?
Oh no, that simply would not fit;
Yet, there’s something in my pocket…
Could it be a lovely locket?
Good guess, I confess that’s not it…
Could you plug it in a socket?
Oh now that sure would be shocking.
Okay I give, do tell, won’t you?
Well…There’s a poem in my pocket,
And I’ve written it just for you.

Poem Details | by Jessica Amanda Salmonson |
Categories: baseball, basketball, games, high school, humor, teacher, teen,

Our School Cheer

On the floor.

Poem Details | by Isaiah Zerbst |
Categories: animal, friendship, funny, games, giggle,

Five Funny Footles

Spice of life

Cultured dance

Treetop climb
Blow off

Pride precedes

Waiting bush
Got him,
Caught him!

Watching girls

Normal day

Monkeys see
You do
Do too

Game is born:
Spunky monkey hokey pokey showoff blow off humble tumble got him caught him bushy pushy!

{aka: Monkeying Around. Written June 6th, 2015}

Poem Details | by David Fisher |
Categories: funny, games, golf,

Desert Golfing

When playing desert golf I parch easy
Which then means I don’t get pars easy
So when I am done
I hide from the sun
And play eighteen whole games of Parcheesi

Poem Details | by Raven Howell |
Categories: books, kids, funny, humorous, silly, word play, words,

Word Games

A noun
It stands on solid ground
And may not want to fool around
With a verb who’d need to prove
That it could rouse it, make it move.
An adjective might think it best
To decorate it, get it dressed.
And prepositions, have you heard?
Connect them to another word.
Yet out of all the nouns I’ve known
Some prefer 
To stand alone.
The End.

Poem Details | by John Beam |
Categories: fun, games, humor, words,

Pun and Games

Contrary name paronomasia                                                                                                                 I ask no pardon                                                                                                             the pun came unattended                                                                                            free from lucid prying eyes

Poem Details | by Pat Adams |
Categories: funny love, games, kiss,

The Australian Kiss

Have you heard of a brand new bliss
An Australian Kiss is the wonder
It's just exactly like a French kiss
Except for the fact it's "down under"

Poem Details | by Martin Kloess |
Categories: funny, games, humor, sexy,

Class Is In Session

A game that my wife and I played
To teacher I would be an aide 
My best I applied
To pass test I tried
And at breakfast I’d wait for grade

Poem Details | by Gorlum Gorlum |
Categories: funny, games, lust, men, sexy, silly,

Dirty Limerick

Once seduced by his junior coworkers
Old man took his dates to the lockers
They used penile tweezers 
And shagged like young weasels
Too bad he forgot beta-blockers

Poem Details | by Ronald Kent |
Categories: confusion, creation, games, humorous,

Mumble Jumble

Mumble Jumble Write poem I Will Excite word and Thrill Concern a Doubt Learn must verse bout Dig this brain Spike Big this challenge Like Work hard to Think Lurk me to Ink Feel the words Drive Deal staying Alive Wear that top Hat Care that top Cat Eager writes Read Meager to Concede Worried for Outcome Hurried I did Some Need me not Fret Greed not this Bet Between friend a Test Preen then we Rest

Poem Details | by Jessica Amanda Salmonson |
Categories: drink, fun, games, giggle, nursery rhyme, silly, song,

Hi, Tiddley

Hi tiddley hi ti I'm all right
I needed a mai tai, keeps me tight
I'm a waking winky -- got a belly ache
I think a Bromo-Seltzer is what I'll take.

Poem Details | by Simon Hamill |
Categories: appreciation, celebrity, funny, games, sports,

Snooker Mad

Hendry says that Ronnie,
The best to pick up a cue.
He's never seen me play
So that might not be true.
I had a break of twenty
When I was just a lad,
I'm getting on for sixty now
So a forty ain't so bad.
So come on then O'Sullivan
I challenge you to play,
I will give you a game for twenty quid
And you can pick the day.
I know you are a great player,
I watch you all the time.
You can make that cue ball sing
But I can make it rhyme.

A Strand (1071)
Sponsored by
Brian strand

Poem Details | by Mary Rotman |
Categories: animal, cat, funny, games, pets,


So quietly she trips across the floor,
dragging random flotsam and jetsam
she finds in niches the vacuum can't reach.
With evil intent, she crouches at my feet.
Then BONK! I've been kitten-bombed.
She exults in my reaction
of flying drink and floor-bound french fries.
Then she creeps away again
waiting for her next opportunity
to turn on airplane mode,
shut down the computer without saving
my changes,
and scare me half to death.

Poem Details | by Brian Johnston |
Categories: dark, games, humor,

Haiku Inspired By Video Games

angry birds in flight
think of how you’d feel -
black humor perhaps

Brian Johnston
July 12, 2016

Poem Details | by Eve Roper |
Categories: games, humor,

Hate Thunder

Oh My,
Rain, lightning and thunder
 It just made me wonder 
Whose winning the game that thunders
I hide in my room in blunder because of the thunder
Wondering when it’s going to stop thundering
I am a coward of the thunder 
So I hunger for the thunder to slumber
I do so hate thunder

 By: Eve Roper

Poem Details | by Andrew Holt |
Categories: funny, games, giggle,

A Young Man Named James

There once was a young man named James
Who was good at most boring board games
Excepting for "Clue"
Because he didn't know who
Dunnit because he forgot the names

Poem Details | by Harshil Jain |
Categories: funny, games, games,

World of Games

There are many types of games, 
Which are payed by Bond James. 

The games are also types of arts, 
Like the interesting game of Darts. 

Games are also called as toys, 
Which are played by girls and boys. 

Some games are very easy, 
But human beings are always busy. 

There is a game named cricket, 
Which is full of runs and wicket. 

The international competition of games is called Olympics, 
Which are played by using many tricks. 

Playing games will be more fun in Future, 
Because every human being will Mature.

Poem Details | by Peter Brooks |
Categories: games, humor, humorous, mountains, silly, solitude, sports,

Why I Am Not Interested In Climbing Mountains

I can't imagine any pleasure,
              in being stuck,
                          at               the                end               of               a      rope,
       (no doubt in great discomfort),              
             up some gully in the cold,
                    in danger of being blown                                                        off,
                           with no obvious way of getting back





Poem Details | by Gwendolen Song |
Categories: friend, funny, games,

Two Kings Playing Checkers

Two kings were playing checkers. One challenged the other to a dual over lunch. The first king took a bite of his salami sandwich. And oh what a pickle he was in! The second king jumped two of his pieces and then took two! “Check!” he said proudly. “Check?” questioned the other.  “How is it that I only turned my head briefly and you have called check?” “No, no!” shouted the other. I knew I was going to lose so I called the waitress for my receipt.

Written by Gwendolen Rix