Humorous and funny Goodbye poems and/or funny poems about Goodbye. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Goodbye funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Goodbye Poems.
Poem Details | by
P.S. Awtry |
goodbye, humor, moving on, red,
Oh no! What are YOU doing here?
I haven’t seen you in a year!
But I’m sure it’s perfectly clear,
I’m still red-dress fabulous, Dear!
You thought you could steal my spotlight?
You sauntered in like it’s your right.
But now you know, it's no fair fight—
I’m red-dress fabulous, tonight!
Surely you see, it’s my parade!
You’ve been upstaged. You’ve been out played!
And now your welcome’s been overstayed,
there in my red-dress-fabulous shade!
It's getting late and you should fly-
I bid you, red-dress-fabulous Good-bye!
January 15, 2019
Poem of the Day ~ January 17, 2019
Poem Details | by
Gershon Wolf |
giggle, goodbye, relationship, smile, word play,
Rescue relationships that are only so-so
~ Take your leave with a 'Pip, pip, Cheerio!'
Poem Details | by
Anthony Scandrick Ii |
anniversary, baby, beautiful, beauty, caregiving, child, childhood, confusion, courage, dark, dedication, depression, devotion, freedom, goodbye, graduation, growing up, happiness, hope, humorous, lonely, lost love, love, mystery, passion, satire, slam, sorrow, sorry, success, suicide, teen, thank you, uplifting, write,
You almost had me,
I wanted you,
The way you stuck to me like super glue,
I was feeling you,
But I knew,
I could never have you,
But, the way you looked at me,
The way my body pleads,
We can never be,
Because I’m too old,
And your only thirteen.
Poem Details | by
Brittany Reynolds |
funny, life,
Goodbye, farewell, adieu, please go away,
this house is mine. I will not share with you.
You see my cabinets as a buffet,
pay no rent, and use the floor as your loo.
You fail miserably as a roommate,
and I’ll be more than glad to see you gone.
Sinisterly gleeful about your fate,
I’m anxious for the curtains to be drawn.
No more ceaseless chattering though the night,
nor any more wires cleaved by rodent teeth.
I won’t fret on small eyes reflecting light,
or creatures hiding in my Christmas wreath.
Escape, or, if you prefer, you can die.
I don’t care which, as long as it’s Goodbye!
Poem Details | by
Nya Johnson |
black african american, childhood, dedication, funeral, girl, goodbye, growing up, humorous, satire, teen, thank you, tribute, happy, happy,
Thank you for being in my life,
to think you were only broken twice,
you taught me how not to be late,
and how to get my timing straight,
my mother made you and loved you too,
she stayed up at night to make sure you show true,
I'm not going to say I'm happy you're gone
but i do rue the day you were spawn
now that I'm 18, you've done your job,
I'm happy you will no longer make my heart throb,
with every minute that i am late,
made my life full of hate,
so thank you curfew, and thanks a lot,
now my own schedule will take your spot.
Poem Details | by
Tonytocaa Camacho |
funny, goodbye, humor,
The puffs of air came and went bubbling
Happily putting on the exhaust on high
Running like hell to the outhouse saying bye
Poem Details | by
Brittney Lopez |
absence, age, angel, april, baptism, beautiful, beauty, bible, birth, blue, boat, body, books, boyfriend, bridal shower, flower, for her, forgiveness, freedom, funny, games, garden, girlfriend, goodbye, graduation, poetry, voice, wisdom, women, words, writing, youth,
You send bolts through my skin
something I was never to
accomplish with you, when I
saw you it's like my heart sank
to my stomach and I was in
shock my body still my body
heavy felt like when I moved I
was about to fall to my knees
you make me want to get
inside my brain pick you up and
take you out pick you one by
one like a flower because I do
love you and love you not.
Poem Details | by
Barbara Gorelick |
goodbye, humor,
His favorite chair had a broken spring
He was quite fond of the ugly old thing
But his brand new beau
Said ” this thing must go!"
And that was the end of their short lived fling
Poem Details | by
Sam Ruby |
angst, art, beautiful, beauty, boyfriend, butterfly, caregiving, childhood, computer-internet, confusion, courage, cowboy-western, dance, dark, daughter, dedication, depression, devotion, dream, funny, girl, girlfriend, goodbye, growing up, happiness, humorous, inspirational, lost, lost love, nostalgia, peace, romance, romantic, sad, song, teen, time, uplifting, women, me, love, me,
Your love pricks me like a rose each thorn grows but no one knows Your so full of
it as it shows so carry on now go on, go. I'm fed up with the phony and i'm
through with the tears, you couldn't pay me all your money to make up for those
years. Someone help me I feel faint how could I think he was such a saint and
worst of all I let me fall into a spiral down below. A magic called love carried
by the dove of someone I use to know.
Poem Details | by
Julie Grenness |
break up, change, cheer up, divorce, family, funny, goodbye,
I think my mother-in-law is poisoning me.
The electric range is smelling strange,
She tests the smoke detector by cooking everyday....
Now the entire kitchen is acting deranged.
Semolina at 3:30,
Mercury hits 120 degrees!
Nausea and stomach cramps are rising in me,
Red-sauced tripe is afflicting me.
Outside it's now Celsius 43 degrees.
Now Bulimia is what I see,
I have to stay for tea,
Yes, my mother-in-law is poisoning me,
There's much to said for ...
Poem Details | by
Hanif Munthali |
absence, addiction, allusion, cry, funny love, goodbye, lost love,
I wake up to unusual ringtone
I rise to pick up my phone
One eyed half open,
I stretch out my hands down my pillow
I clean my throat ready to say “hallo”
My right thumb on the screen to slide the green icon
But….there is no message or a missed call
Oh my God, I forgot that I never had you’re new number at all
Because you’re gone- my sweetie
So reluctantly, I have to go back to sleep
Poem Details | by
Brenda Rose |
appreciation, cheer up, dedication, emotions, goodbye, humorous, word play,
He’s known as Bob the Builder
But soon we must say farewell,
He says it’s time to leave
And so to this we wish him well.
What shall we do without him?
How will the work get done?
Because he does the work of several
And still he makes it look like fun.
So before we say goodbye
It’s important to understand
He’s not just Bob the Builder
To us he’s Bob the Gentleman!
Brenda Elizabeth Rose
Poem Details | by
Rudolph Rinaldi |
care, funny, funny love, good morning, good night, goodbye,
The oversized
Plastic coffee cup
with the plastic lid
I am hot and wet
Handle me with care
Do not microwave
Poem Details | by
Stanley Harris |
celebrity, crazy, football, goodbye, hilarious, surreal,
Richer than rich!
By Stanley Russell Harris
The new mad Author
& A Poetry Soup honourably mentioned poet
Has football gone completely mad!
A sport of all now to be had!
Boys and girls play it today.
I wonder, is it for the pay?
Talk is now, if one does go.
To China, that’s overseas, you know.
If here you have made your name.
There you would be one of fame.
I mean a million pounds every week!
No doubt one will work, so to speak.
But kicking an air filled ball.
Ain’t worth one million pounds at all!
Still, if I was offered a payment so.
Off I would blinking go.
I’d write a verse every day!
Rest of the time I’d count me pay.
lol (The new mad Author)
Poem Details | by
Diane Lefebvre |
farewell, goodbye, humor, nonsense,
There was a young man we'll call Mac,
who loved to suck on a tic tac.
But one choked him today.
What a price he did pay
and he'll never, ever be back.
Poem Details | by
Jimmi Canada |
brother, caregiving, crazy, dark, funny, goodbye, nice, poems,
Two prates,
sick paste,
wanton waste,
yet terrible brain.
One more way,
for me in the daze,
then the song with the wait,
then the bong and your faith-
yes it's gone,
but no you're still to gait-
you're still to frame,
you're still to blame.
Poem Details | by
Brenda Meier-Hans |
flower, funny, goodbye, imagination, leaving, nature, summer,
Goodbye sweet friend it's time to go,
Don't act as if you did not know.
Now is the chance for me to show,
You have become my greatest foe
I'm leaving you at dawn.
Remember when we used to be
Like peas in a pod, you and me?
Now all I want is to be free
It's time I'm moving on.
The sun awoke to bless my sky,
Wind has given me wings to fly,
I'm feeling so free, I cannot lie
Turning I whisper one last goodbye,
As I'm leaving you at dawn.
Today has become my greatest test...
Find a field where my seed shall rest
Till when next year I'm a Dandelion pest.
That's why I'm moving on.
09.08. 2014
Written for Anthony Slausen’s Contest Moving On
Poem Details | by
Chriss Todd |
beauty, betrayal, death of a friend, devotion, forgiveness, future, god, goodbye, horror, humorous, image, inspiration,
i have crafted and shafted and then re positioned
divulged and indulged to precise disposition
yet frankly my points are most blunt at the end and my walls tend to fall at the slightest of bends
be it not such a bridge but a try at amends, with a friend who is quite hard of hearing
come step in my cauldron both women and children, these are the crimes i admit to both willinging and wildered
For i am the poet of pilgrims ,
what was left has been pillaged and raped, and only i who had managed escape
have been left to rebuild from the timbers
Poem Details | by
Jonathan Moya |
beautiful, betrayal, engagement, funny love, girlfriend, goodbye, wedding,
Oh sweet bride to be
as the flowers bloom
you snuck to my room
in hopes of a lustful spoon
Groom anxiously awaits
as your father opens the front gates
No one will comprehend our fate
Face to face we engage
Stockings, undergarments and satin lace
on the floor they lay
We embrace and grind away
Poem Details | by
Pat Adams |
character, farewell, funny, goodbye,
Frail boundaries pushed until they pop
I fall off the fence of protection
Shocked as my readers, but not surprised
With permanent loss of connection!
"Karma's a *****", the battle cry is heard
An apt notion I'm forced to suppose
Tempting fate, you'll eventually fail
To arise with the scent of a rose
Wait a moment, what's this you orate
I'm not an ejected noodle from the soup?
I guess it's not "goodbye and farewell"
You can just forget all of that poop!
Poem Details | by
Raven Tones |
absence, dark, depression, goodbye, humorous, metaphor, suicide,
Slowly We Are All Falling,
Some Just Quicker Than Others,
Some Will Have An Arm To Grab Before Hitting Bottom,
Some Never Bothered To Pack A Parashute,
And The Others Are Just Enjoying The Fresh Air On The Way Down,
Awaiting To Become A Pavement Pancake
If we have a hand to hold us we may never had fallen
And if we had an ear lent someone would have heard cries for help
My parachute is broken, no ever listened, and the held let go of me
Before we, land the only thing left to think is,
i wonder if anyone has any maple syrup
Poem Details | by
Rudolph Rinaldi |
death, fish, funny, goodbye, life,
I press my face
the window glass
like a small fish
in a large fish tank
looking out
in lukewarm water
the outside world
rush by
without a wave
Poem Details | by
Memphis Stacks |
adventure, allusion, art, betrayal, confidence, conflict, cool, corruption, crazy, culture, deep, extended metaphor, fantasy, fear, feelings, goodbye, humanity, humor, humorous, identity, life, literature, meaningful, metaphor, people, perspective, philosophy, poems, poetess, poetry, poets, psychological, relationship, symbolism, trust, voyage, wisdom, words, write, writing,
A Con-man's way out
Only in cases of emergency
Like the fire axe behind the glass
Only this is more deadly
Way more sketchy
Die with the lie
A mark gets wise
Gets hip to the jive
Catches on
Smells the cheese getting stinky
Eyes shift as reality comes to light
Can't let them find out it's all a lie
Make a decision!
It's about to get hinky!
Confidence is gone and it's time to fly
Make like some titties and bounce
Only one way out!
The Toledo Panic Button!
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
break up, humorous, husband,
I’ll blow you a kiss when I leave
But I’m off with my lover to Paris
The thought of you makes me heave
I know all about you and fat Alice
You said you were working late
But that’s just been a pack of lies
You were discovered in bed on that date
With that moo with the wobbly thighs
Guess that two can play at that game
I think its time to call it a day
We can both hang our heads in shame
As I’ve gone off with her hubby Ray
4th September 2014
Contest: The Poet II
Sponsored by Gautami Phookan
Poem Details | by
Suraj Singh |
goodbye, humor, i am, sorrow, sorry, strength, suicide,
One day I'll be gone
I guess I'm not wrong.
I have few questions for you
Answer them when you have time
But without a single crime this time.
Would you cry?
Would you even try?
Would you ever ask yourself why?
Would you say its such a waste?
Would you wonder at the haste?