Funny Poems About Grook or Grook Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Grook poems and/or funny poems about Grook. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Grook funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Grook Poems.

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: funny,

America's Idle Pastime

America's (Idle) Pastime From New York, Austin, and L.A., From Cleveland and Seattle, Ingloriously they screech or bray In an auditioning battle. And by the time we all feel sick, (the judges homicidal!), we get to know from whom we’ll pick our next great Singing Idol. For the "A GROOK FOR ALL OCCASIONS" Poetry Contest of Suzzette Crous (using topic one, annoying sound and also etc topic, on a TV show I actually love!)

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: children, humorous, parents,

A Parents Grook

Small babies are unpredictable just like the weather Often wet; with sudden outbreaks of terrible wind But would I have altered anything, no never … Being a parent, you become very thick skinned! Contest: Grook Sponsor: Silent One 02~14~16

Poem Details | by Timothy Hicks |
Categories: animal, humorous,

Jealous Beast

When it comes to the vacuum cleaner
my dog is a jealous beast,
showing off his fangs and claws.
Does he not know that I'd feed
my Oreck less if he, now and then, but
wiped his paws?

Poem Details | by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: animals, funny, nature

Chihuahua Rides As Navigator

                                       Everywhere I go
                               My Chihuahua rides with me
                              In his McDonald's coffee cup
                               Right next to me on the seat

Poem Details | by Timothy Hicks |
Categories: analogy, deep, humanity, humor, imagination, introspection, wisdom,

Space Cadet

You'll find it is a good idea,
now and then,
to look at the bigger picture:
see with a broader view
the workings of your fellow men.
A word of advice, if I may,
please, don't stay too long,
be sure to always come back soon!
One learns next to nothing
about mankind
by looking at the earth
while standing on the moon.

NOTE: Another oldie.

Poem Details | by John Trusty |
Categories: funny

Möbius' Strip

Here’s to Möbius and his strip.

Like some attitudes, it is a circuitous

one sided trip!

© 2010 John M.Trusty

*For the Grook contest. Dedicated to A.F.Möbius (et al) and the attitude of some people, 
which will never be as fascinating as his strip.

Poem Details | by Andrew Crisci |
Categories: funny, rain, me,

Ah, Squeaky,Squeaky Shoes

Once my leather shoes made me proud with their softness and luster,
but after eleven months of heavy usage they have lost all glamor;
even small thorns and nails can penetrate their worn-out soles;
ah, squeaky, squeaky annoy me when steady rain falls!

Poem Details | by Timothy Hicks |
Categories: culture, funny, introspection, wisdom,


How redundant is it
to give out a word to the wise.
Is it not the fools
who most need the advice?

Poem Details | by Tim Ryerson |
Categories: funny, life,

Gotta Run Down To the Store

DAMN it, you stupid old fart!
Why did you pull out THAT cart?
That cart with the wobbly front wheel
And it squeaks! (How embarrassed I feel)
Oops! Beg your pardon sweet ma'am
Yes, I know who I think that I am
(Crash) Oh good god mercy me

Poem Details | by Sandy Ivy D |
Categories: funny,

Summer Fun


I take my clothe off' now that is fun.
My nipples get hard under the new summer sun.
Winter approaches'
And still my nipples are hard.


Poem Details | by Timothy Hicks |
Categories: childhood, computer, funny,

A Trip To the Woods

To the great outdoors
my grandparents love to go,
simply for the atmosphere it gives
like when they play Bingo.
I like to walk the trails, the mountains,
to get my wild nature fix.
They both have bad eyesight and can't quite comprehend
these crazy realistic graphics!

Poem Details | by John Beam |
Categories: allusion, death, funeral, funny, humorous, satire,


Post scriptum                                                                                                                                                             Written upon a lawyer's grave                                                                                                                                                      Oh! Now they tell me I must pay

Poem Details | by Sidney Hall Mad Poet |
Categories: funny

Back Pain

I sit here with lower back pain
Need to see the doctor
 ……………..pationnnnah driving me insane

*don't know if it would be classed as a grook, never wriiten one before*

Poem Details | by John Beam |
Categories: allusion, humor, irony, psychological, river, word play, youth,


When the young Nile decided to run opposite of its peers.

Poem Details | by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: funny

Alleviating Hunger

When feeding a family of four

From  a 16-inch terrarium

The secret is to eat less, not more

Or build a seafood aquarium

Poem Details | by Timothy Hicks |
Categories: humorous,

Obnoxious Laugh

It's funny when people complain
about you having an obnoxious laugh
(and yet they're as cold as ice).
There's no need to explain yourself to this person.
Not when a good drawn out fit of laughter
would suffice!

Poem Details | by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: humor,

Peanut Butter and Jelly On Toast

Dressed in fine attire Armani sleek for sure But his fingers must be flexible wire As they get peanut butter pure How gross for those that follow And want peanut butter And jelly but can't swallow

Poem Details | by John Beam |
Categories: allusion, funny, humor, integrity, poetry, satire,

Stove Top Stuffing

Puffy words never made the bird bigger

Poem Details | by John Beam |
Categories: allusion, funny, humorous, nonsense, poetry, rap, word play,


In my bonce when to nonce                                                                                                                                                    Just another sense but I never ponce

Poem Details | by John Beam |
Categories: community, green, humor, humorous, life, psychological, work,

Rose Colored Glasses

If grass is always greener                                                                                                 on the other side of the fence                                                                                             that means I would have                                                                                                   to mow more grass

Poem Details | by John Beam |
Categories: culture, humor, political, satire,

A Cracker

if you can’t laugh at yourself you are racist

Poem Details | by John Beam |
Categories: allusion, future, grave, humor, introspection, irony, word play,

Future Tense

The ghost of future past                                                                                                                                                                     lines chiseled upon his face                                                                                                                                                   at least they spelled my name right

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: funny,

Not In Your Hands

Those candy-coated chocolate pieces of world-wide fame since many years ago have made a silly half-true claim. In your mouth the advertisers say they melt. I should think that part is obviously true. But hold them in your hand a while; your palm will turn yellow, brown, green, red, orange, and/or blue! For the Meltdown Contest

Poem Details | by John Hamilton |
Categories: funny, god, prayer, pride,

Impatience of the Proud

Impatience of the proud

The proud and the selfish always need to be first in line
They cannot wait for anyone their self- importance is so sublime
They even pray to God 'Oh Lord please help me to be patient and be kind
But, can you hurry it up please, I'm really out of time'!

John Derek Hamilton

Poem Details | by Amy Green |
Categories: funny


I went to his door
After doing a bit of a crazy thing
My Doc told me this man could settle
my brain and it's loose spring
Was some kind of psychiatrist
But after reading the words beheld
on that door, 
I must admit- from that building I tore!

A. Green