Funny Poems About Honeymoon or Honeymoon Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Honeymoon poems and/or funny poems about Honeymoon. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Honeymoon funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Honeymoon Poems.

Poem Details | by Faye Gibson |
Categories: funny, marriage, vacation,

Honeymoon Vacation

Just a honeymoon beach vacation,
a fine nuptial love celebration;
   we arrived a night early,
   we would find hotel surely:
“No rooms” was the sad proclamation.

“An hour away you might find one.”
They were right for we only found…NONE!!
  We got off beaten path.
  too tired then to laugh,
looked for a place “mom and pop” run.

Well, it must have been close to midnight,
exhausted the lady and her knight;
  we found Motel Warwick,
  a guest house illicit,
and christened our honeymoon site.

Copyright, July 13, 2014
Faye Lanham Gibson

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: funny

The In-Sync Honeymoon Dreamers

On an island of love, side by side,
strolled Ron and his beautiful bride.
So like heaven it seemed,
the two of them deemed
that to be there, they both must have died!

“Are we possibly dreaming?” they said.
“If we’re dreaming, we really aren’t dead!”
Upon saying this rhyme
at the very same time,
they awoke in their very own bed!

“So in synche with our dreams we have been,”
Ron said to his wife with a grin,
“We need never leave home.
Make our next stop be Rome.
Close your eyes, dear; let’s DO IT again!”

For LInda-Marie's Contest:
"Loveland LImerick"

Based on photo JT76955-Edit jpg
Written by Andrea Dietrich

Poem Details | by Clifford Villalon |
Categories: cute love, feelings, for her, for him, funny love, love,


Hearts on fire

Over heads that sire

New couple on the double

Every action becomes triple

Yearning for each other's hand

Maneuvering who has a better hand

On truth or consequence

Or Games of the General

No arbiter is allowed... just being real and literal!

Poem Details | by David Fisher |
Categories: funny love,

Marooned Honeymoon

When we got married at twenty two
We said our vows beside a ski-doo
But then got marooned
So we honeymooned
In a five star, two story igloo

My wife said a stiff drink would be nice
But I couldn’t locate any ice
So I stripped to get numb-er
Then asked for a hummer
Hoping that my iced cubes would suffice

Poem Details | by Kash Poet |
Categories: funny

Honeymoon Or Divorce----Footle



© kash poet(15th July 2011)

Placement: 5th ;(July 2011)

Contest:A Free Choice

Sponsor:Brian Strand

Poem Details | by Kim Rodrigues |
Categories: humor,

The Honeymoon Plot

teach me, virgin-groom
and correct me if i’m wrong  ~

                   only if you dare

tears fall vaingloriously 
upon your befuddled grave

light verse via tanka

Poem Details | by Cheryl Hoffman |
Categories: humor, longing, sick,

Honeymoon Hanky Panky

Bless you!

Thank ye,

Got cold?
Blow nose...

Feel hot,
To trot!

Drug store,
Buy more!


Took swill,


Health crap,
Strength sap!

Hear snore,
Night bore,

Long sleep,
No reap,

No luck,
Gave up,


Cold dour…


Poem Details | by Elton Camp |
Categories: funny,

After the Honeymoon

After the Honeymoon

By Elton Camp

After the honeymoon’s all done
What’s next isn’t as much fun

But we have to take it with a grin
Because the routine of life sets in

There are then meals to prepare
Parents no longer put ‘em there

And there’s the mortgage to pay
Hope there’s money for the next day

Then it’s the note on the family car
Without that, won’t get very far

Plus the lawn just has to be mowed
Perhaps there’s a garden to be hoed

No matter how hostile you may feel
There are in-laws with which to deal

Every day there is cleaning to do
It seems like you’ll never get through

That’s the way it’ll be from now on
The carefree days of childhood gone

Poem Details | by Terry Ireland |
Categories: humor, love, marriage,

Honeymoon Planned

She’s the girl of my dreams
The darling of my life
Very soon to be 
My lawful wedded wife.
I want to offer her my everything
Lay the whole world at her feet
Want out honeymoon to be 
Such a very special treat.
I opened the world map
just for planning to start 
For her to choose our destination
By throwing of a dart
Though my plan was flawed
I’m a man of my word.
We’re spending our honeymoon
By the front room skirting board