Humorous and funny Childhood poems and/or funny poems about Childhood. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Childhood funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Childhood Poems.
Poem Details | by
Rudolph Rinaldi |
childhood, funny,
the large crowd may boo you
the dead spirits may boo you
but the new boo boo
hurts the worst
when you're a child
boo hoo
boo hoo
Poem Details | by
Rico Leffanta |
beauty, giggle, girl, health, native american, relationship, river,
I met a girl in Cibecue
Who did not quite know what to do
Then down by the river
She turned Indian-giver
And I ended up with the flu
Poem Details | by
Tom Wright |
humor, sports,
Boo Hoo Lincoln
Miracle Man
Today Lincoln Riley might be missing O.U.,
for the ship he jumped to is going big time too.
His wish was to be a big fish in a small tank,
but in the big 10 he’ll walk the gang plank.
He showed his true character in the way he left,
taking players and coaches was next to theft.
But everything has a payday or so they say,
I wonder if Southern Cal he will also betray?