Funny Poems About Horny or Horny Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Horny poems and/or funny poems about Horny. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Horny funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Horny Poems.

Poem Details | by Harry Horsman |
Categories: funny,

Rash Horny Ram

When one is lonely and shy
and the whole world is passing by,
play this little game although quite tame,
key in your name in the anagram frame,
take flight from commonality
to change one’s personality
you may find it gives one a boost
a character from a novel by Proust,
aid one to participate, in a wee dram
become a sophisticated, Rash Horny Ram!

© Harry J Horsman  2011

Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: humorous,

Horny Toad

Said his lover to the horny toad:

"Buster, you can hit the road!

A 'horny' Romeo you ain't,

And here's the basis of my complaint!

I don't know why they call you 'horny'!

'Tis a gross misnomer and is so very corny!

When it comes to romance you are dead!

You're about as sensual as a loaf of moldy bread!"

Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
(c) All Rights Reserved

For those not acquainted with horny toads.  They are a species that sport horns on
their heads, therefore, called horned or horny toads and are quite common here in
Colorado.  I have no personal knowledge of a "horny" toad's sexual activities but 
apparently the little lady toadette in this poem is upset about it!

Poem Details | by L Milton Hankins |
Categories: humor,

The Horny Prince - Bawdy

Said the horny prince to the fairy queen I have the largest you've ever seen I’ll prove it, indeed, By planting my seed And we'll call it continuing my gene.
FOURTH PLACE WINNER written February 23, 2022 "A New Bawdy or Humorous Limerick" Poetry Contest sponsored by Tania Kitchin

Poem Details | by Ronda Aldridge |
Categories: adventure, animals, confusion, death, children, funny, lonely,

Horny Toad On a Lonely Road

She came across a bend
On a lonely road.
She walked upon some little rocks
And found a horny toad.
She cried as her heart then broke
cause that little toad there died.
She couldn't understand,
confused she stood and sighed.
That little horny toad
never moved or moaned at all.
As she stood there and stared,
not believing in that there she saw.
She wondered why she stumbled
on that little horny toad.
Where that toad there then died,
here upon a lonely road.

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: humorous,

A Bevy of Horny Fillies

A long lost uncle has suddenly died Leaving me a treasure that staggers the eyes A mansion imposing But therein disclosing A bevy of horny fillies, I began to cry