Funny Poems About Identity or Identity Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Identity poems and/or funny poems about Identity. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Identity funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Identity Poems.

Poem Details | by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: adventure, caregiving, celebration, confusion, desire, feelings, funny, humor, identity, life, october,

Sweet and Salty -Libra Tale


Sweet and Sour hectic sign
Love me, trust me, the stars align
   Balance of truth and dare
   Good and Evil, full of care 
Blind when it comes to blood line

:) PD

Poem Details | by Pat Adams |
Categories: humorous, identity, jobs,

What They Do

Carpet layers have to be on the floor
Deep sea divers love to go down
Computer gamers can't seem to stop
Taxi drivers are all over town

A dentist will do it till it hurts
A sailor sure likes a big swell 
A hunter will do it with a bang
While a gymnast will dismount well

Lawyers reach into their briefs
A trash man holds on to his nose
Painters always use longer strokes
A ballerina stands on her toes

Salesmen have learned to use their mouth
While students try to use their head
The police will go on a big bust
And a maid always cleans the bed

Poem Details | by Pat Adams |
Categories: humorous, identity, imagery, mystery, nature, symbolism, tree,

Love Nuts

When coco de mer trees were found
Their nuts had most people enthralled
They all thought they looked erotic
So "Love Nuts" is what they were called

Still unknown how they reproduce
Explained in some of the wild tales
On stormy nights, the female trees
Are approached by uprooted males!

Viewing this mating process though
Would cause you to die or go blind
Seek not shelter under male trees
They might come at you from behind!

Poem Details | by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: books, character, humor, identity, word play,

A Bawdier Charles Dickens

Yesterday I swear I saw Charles Dickens
His quaint style today would take a lickin' --
   So he's changed up the Dodger
   Now he's the 'Artful Todger' --
He whips it out ~ the plot really thickens

Poem Details | by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: confusion, giggle, identity, philosophy,

Who Is Who

If I am I
                       and you are you
                      then I am really I
                      You are really you
                       And we agree on
                          Who is who  

                               But if
                         I am not really I
                   And you are not really you
            I am not really I you are not really you 
                    And it's anyone's guess
                        As to who is who

Poem Details | by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: fun, humor, identity, leadership, people,

Witnessed at a State Funeral

    Sparks of humanity 
       get a look-see

    Obama and Trump
       engaged in repartee

    a smile, a grin, a tee-hee
      POTUS’ acting like you and me

Poem Details | by Bhavna Khemlani |
Categories: age, change, character, conflict, hilarious, identity, imagery,

Mobile Phone

The mobile phone
          away peace . . .

Poem Details | by Lycia Harding |
Categories: clothes, fairy, fashion, funny, gender, humorous, identity,

I Like My Body

I like my body when it's with your clothes.
With your skirts and with your hose.
Panties, bras and stilettos -
you must let me BORROW those!
Oooh, they're tight... I don't suppose
you've got these in open toes...?

Lycia Harding

For the 'Complete the Line' Contest
Line 3:  ‘I like my body when it is with your..’---e.e. cummings

Poem Details | by John Posey |
Categories: humorous,

No Mistaken Identity

Some say I look like Hemingway Some say he looks like me. But six-toed cats cannot be fooled That’s why, from me, they flee. Written by John Posey 03-16-13

Poem Details | by Shadow Hamilton |
Categories: funny love, gender,

Mistaken Identity

Down around ankles were his trousers
as he caressed her he said wowzers
finding there no lady
it was all so shady
as he always seemed to pick posers

written 05/22/2014

contest Bawdy, Bawdy Bawdy Miss Clawdy

Poem Details | by Brandee Augustus |
Categories: body, celebration, feelings, funny, identity, image,

The Perfect Package

My body

But of course

Poem Details | by Rudolph Rinaldi |
Categories: age, funny, identity, journey, missing you, sad,

My Password

I think
My computer has dementia
It keep asking me for 
my password 
my password

my password
I keep telling it--
I think
it has forgotten it 
My password

Poem Details | by Jacob Reinhardt |
Categories: analogy, art, change, city, class, community, culture, humor, humorous, identity, imagination, life, longing, philosophy, satire, self, senses, silly, slavery, social, society, time, today, truth, wisdom,


You sculpt the clay of my life
With your rigid hands,
Shouting your high commands through morning alarms. 
Accusations fly
As you collect your daily payment of attention.

When I find myself savoring life’s sweetness,
You sprint behind my back.
And when pain drops my heart from my chest,
You linger, rubbernecking from the wall.

You enclose the whole of my life
In that circular frame,
Ever spinning in your infinite math,
Drunk with power!

I can take no more of your tyranny!
I can afford no more of your triple A battery lunches-
I am afraid you’ve run out of time.
So keep your hands out of my business, I’m sleeping in today.

Jacob Reinhardt							09/05/2013

Poem Details | by Shanity Rain |
Categories: art, career, change, future, humor, humorous, identity, image, international, me, mystery, poetess, rain, symbolism, words, writing,

Shanity Rain

So many amazing Artist ~
             one would never complain

            Just to be amongst all Soup 
             my name will never be plain

            I love all indiscriminately 
            My friends you'll  remain 

            Not to confuse or cause pain
            for the reason lies not in Vain

             From now on just call me 
                Shanity Rain ~

           However my Children remind me , I'm Insane ~
        '   Shanity Rain  my new Pen name  '

Poem Details | by Rosemarie Rowley |
Categories: humorous, identity, image,

Trenchant Wench From the Unromantic Midlands


In the pub, I serve out the pints
My comely bosom gives a hint of home
And what men are escaping from – dreary sex
With housewives who scour the sink with vigour

Trim the joint and lard the fowl
Gristles of fat clinging to their knuckles
As the froth of beer clings to men’s beards.
England is a riff between the breakfast table and tea

Where homely condiments drown the flavour
Of each day, and newspapers live on scandal
The seamier the better.  It makes the ordinary man
Happier than ever not to be one of the toffs

Glad that she can be had for a song
Save the one that lies buried in her throat.

Poem Details | by Rudolph Rinaldi |
Categories: funny, identity, life, truth,

I Always Wondered-1

I always wondered 
if he knew my name
he called me Buddy.

Poem Details | by Cynthia Buhain-Baello |
Categories: funny, hilarious, humorous,

Secret Identity

"Are you a boy or a girl"?

Angry Dad asked son five times

Dunked in water,  his answer:

Son: (gasping)  "Mermaid!"

All rights reserved ~~Cynthia Buhain-Baello~~05.28.15

The Dodoitsu is a fixed folk song form of Japanese origin and is often about LOVE or HUMOR. It has 26 syllables, four lines of 7, 7, 7, 5 syllables respectively. It is unrhymed and non-metrical.

Poem Details | by Cynthia Buhain-Baello |
Categories: conflict, funny, gender, identity, psychological,

Sadly Confused

He said he was a "woman",

Just trapped in a wrong body.

When time came he had to pee-

Used the room.... for "Men".
All rights reserved~~Cynthia Buhain-Baello~~05.28.15

The Dodoitsu is a fixed folk song form of Japanese origin 
and is often about LOVE  or HUMOR. It has 26 syllables, 
four lines of 7, 7, 7, 5 syllables respectively. 
It is unrhymed and non-metrical.

Poem Details | by Teddy Kimathi |
Categories: humorous, identity, imagery, life, teenage, urban, vanity,

Urban Culture

My name is in the ID,
but I assume many personalities
of celebrities and socialites,
some who seem to be lost in utopia.
Speaking of utopia,
I believe in everything Hollywood
says about aliens being green,
with big heads, lasers and all...
I'll enjoy burger fries and milkshakes everyday,
and pray that God will somehow
cleanse my body system. 
Sex, partying and raving are the philosophies
I live by; You Only Live Once (YOLO).
Sometimes I'm tempted to sell my bed on eBay,
because sleep is not my friend;
I joke and drink all night with my friends.
Oh, back to my name!
Since I have multiple personalities,
you can call me a "Weapon of Mass Consumption".

Poem Details | by George Aul |
Categories: humor, irony,

Mistaken Identity

A bad crime has landed me in jail,
I also told the judge "Go to hell,"
for while serving the time
I did not do the crime...
Honest! It was my twin brother Sal.

Poem Details | by Duke Beaufort |
Categories: home, house, humor, identity, image,

Horsepower Makes Us Proud

Rednecks make parts in the basement 
They've mastered piston emplacement
They'll bore out a block
To be bigger than stock
Displacement has no replacement

Author's note.  A really great guy in the office has a classic '67 Firebird
that will go really fast and has fun taking it to car shows in the area.
This is part of American culture. Yahoooo!

Poem Details | by Cecil Hickman |
Categories: animals, confusion, funny, imagination, satire, sea

Mistaken Identity

There was an eel on the ocean floor,
Sammy his name, he knew the score.
His friends said, he was smart,
Then upon a dinner cart,
He said, Hey, I am not an albacore.

Poem Details | by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: fate, gender, heaven, humor, identity, language,

They Speak Australian In Heaven

There I was standing at the Pearly Gates
I was so excited to learn my fate
   First, they sat me down
   On my head a crown
Then the question ~ What are your pronouns, mate?!

Poem Details | by Volodymyr Knyr |
Categories: hero, history, humor, humorous, identity, men,

Robin Hood

If you are robin, you are good.
If even you are Hood.

Volodymyr Knyr

Poem Details | by Meline Ngo |
Categories: cute love, desire, fate, funny love, heartbreak, identity, love, love hurts, sad love, sexy,

Bitter Love


Such a handsome face
Can't stop looking
Heart can't find its pace
What am I feeling

My desire to catch a sight
Makes time so slow
When opportunity strikes
My stomach wants to blow

I've fallen so in love
I never knew
This excitement of love 
Is so brand new 

Whats on my mind
Is this for real
I want to bind 
Everything is jewel 

I love you
I really love you
What can I say
In what way shall I say

Oh no! what love did I find
Love can be so unkind
This is worst than a cross
But I don't want to curse

I've fallen in love to you
To a handsome as you
But how can this be
You're beautiful and sexy as me

@Copyright Meline Ngo.     August 27, 2015