Funny Poems About Moose or Moose Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Moose poems and/or funny poems about Moose. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Moose funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Moose Poems.

Poem Details | by Kevin Shaw |
Categories: books, funny, silly,

Hippy Potty Moose

Hippy was a potty moose
Read three books by Dr Seuss
One about a Cat
One about a Hat
One about Horton on the loose

Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: humorous, native american,

Chief Randy Moose

His warriors called him Chief Randy Moose

   Since with young maidens he played fast and loose

      He was very prolific

         His stamina terrific

            He enlarged his tribe with many papoose

Poem Details | by Jim Slaughter |
Categories: animal, humor,

Critterature: Of Mice and Moose

If the plural of mouse is mice,
And more than one louse is lice,
Then it seems to me, that logically,
The plural of grouse should be grice.
A single goose duplicates into geese,
A mongoose produces mongooses,
So let me stick out my neck
And ask why the heck
The plural of moose is moose,
And not meese,
Or much better yet,
Why not mooses?

Author's note: Dear reader, if you're interested in a little more along this line, I invite you to take a look at my article/essay, "The Wonderfully Awful English Language".

Poem Details | by Barbara Cotter |
Categories: funny, lost love, love

Bull Moose

The wild-eyed dreamer knocked
upon her heavy oak door,
and though she seldom answered
to the woodland creatures,
she swung the big door open,
and saw not a bear or a raccoon,
but a man as large as a bull moose
and hairy as anything, too.

She caught her breath, surprised,
stepping backward into the room.
He took this as an invitation to come in.
What is a hag to do with a man
in the room, but bewitch him
with potions and brews,
strange stories, stew,
not half bad.

She gave him a bath,
shaved him clean
for extra pleasure
they used Vaseline,
but as things go,
so does the man, one day
the wild-eyes dreamer
strayed away.

Poem Details | by David Kavanagh |
Categories: allusion, humorous, perspective,

Dead Moose

life’s unstable death’s staid ~ recombobulation comes by getting laid 

clucked a hen to her sterile rooster ~ being axed by the kitchen maid

who was having a fling with the butler ~ he certainly made her grade

David Kavanagh