Humorous and funny Rabbit poems and/or funny poems about Rabbit. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Rabbit funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Rabbit Poems.
Poem Details | by
Paula Goldsmith |
fantasy, humor,
Down the rabbit hole
I fell hard and I went deep
I need to dig out
Date Written: 12/5/2021
2.) Down, Down, Down The Rabbit Hole
5 7 5 on Soup
Pick-A-Title, Vol 27 Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Edward Ibeh
Poem Details | by
Oma Bennett |
animals, food, funny, dog, dog,
The dog seen a rabbit and how he did chase
to catch that little critter and boy what a race
But one thing that rabbit knew as he ran away
he was not going to be lunch for that dog today
Around the tree and into the bushes he went
the dog was right after that little rabbit's scent
the dog was so busy that he never did see
that big old hornet nest way up in the tree
running and barking and making a sound
made all the hornets start buzzing around
They all made a dive and together they flew
when they hit the dog he knew he was through
He made up his mind right there and then
he would never go chasing that rabbit again
Poem Details | by
Frances King |
animals, children, funny
A very lucky rabbit
Is the northern snowshoe hare …
Each year he gets new furry boots,
And a fur coat with each pair!
Poem Details | by
Joe Flach |
My rabbit won’t come when called;
Misbehaving in every way;
But it’s the only way, being bald,
I’ll ever have a bad hare day.
Poem Details | by
Shadow Hamilton |
humor, humorous,
Hipperity hipperity hop
bunny so full he could pop
squeezes down his hole
bumping into mole
who gave his ear a sound wop
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
animal, humorous,
I purchased a rabbit named Brandy
By jingo, that young buck was randy
It caused such a to do
When he humped my left shoe
Thank goodness the hosepipe was handy!
Poem Details | by
John Wilmore |
1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, funny, giggle, hilarious, humor, humorous, nonsense, silly,
Mayo the rabbit has a very strange habit,
but he isn’t a monk or a nun.
He spreads out on ham, lettuce, cheese, bacon, spam
that’s been sliced up and placed in a bun.
Poem Details | by
Robert L. Hinshaw |
Jimmy was jes' relaxin' and enjoyin' a little bass fishin' on his pond,
When he was visciously attacked by a killer rabbit from the great beyond!
Now, the secret service fellers had never had to cope with such a situation,
But they gallantly fought it off to protect the leader of this great nation!
Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
© All Rights Reserved
Poem Details | by
Judy Ball |
fun, funny, garden,
A little old lady named Rosie,
Loved to plant things like veggies and posies.
Her garden a sight, the whole yard a delight,
And butterflies played ring round the Rosie.
Now rabbits got into her garden,
And ate everything to yard's end.
Out the back door she flew to round up the crew,
And proceeded to make rabbit stew.
Poem Details | by
Harold Hunt Sr |
The rabbit foot
Walking through the woods one day I spied a thing on the ground.
It happens to be a rabbit's foot. At least I thought.
In my pocket, it did go. Then the trouble it began to flow.
I fell down in a hole and broke my elbow.
Then I ran up the steps and in to the door. A black eye did have for a week I think.
The to the bath tube I went. With a splash. I didn't have time to take my close off.
To bed, I went with a bang as the bed fell apart.
And now I think with a sad face because I found out it wasn't a rabbit foot at all.
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
chocolate, easter, humorous,
Huge raffle prize proved quite a shock
A chocolate bunny in a 2 pound block
Son nibbles its ears and then its ...elbow
Dirty minds cease - this rabbit's a doe!
Poem Details | by
Stephen Parker |
Who did plod through the fresh laid sod
What plunderous rogue could be so treacherous
When did the fresh, bright mane garner brackish stain
Where did the stealthy herbivore dump digested core
Why did that silly hare his gastronomical fare share
Poem Details | by
Maryam Jameela Haniff |
The rabbit
The little black rabbit
oh so furry
today was he
in such a real hurry
He hopped a million
skipped a minute
jumped a billion
then again he did it.
Poem Details | by
Alex Klugman |
If husband his nails gnawing like rabbit,
I show the way to quit nasty habit.
No point to treat poor husband with scoff
Just rip off his teeth, or nails his rip off !
Poem Details | by
Suzanne Carruthers |
animal, appreciation, cute love, devotion, funny,
My rabbit would say
I may not say a lot but be assured I'm thinking
I can stare at your for hours without blinking,
I know I'm cute and fluffy with ears so very long
I like to be cuddled in your arms so strong,
I didn't mean to chew through the telephone computer wires
It's my teeth that need to gnaw an instinct that never tires,
I'm sorry I bit you when you tried to clean my hutch
I was annoyed that you moved me and was I trying to look butch,
So when you feed me with lettuce and carrots in hand
I try to nibble fast as my big teeth can,
I may not look at you closely and say the words out loud
I really glad I'm part of you for that I'm really proud.
My Rabbit.
Poem Details | by
Gershon Wolf |
animal, anxiety, clothes, giggle,
Poor Nog Rafi had a funny habit
Unzipped his pants and out came a rabbit
This really wouldn't do
For the monks in his pew
You see ~ Rafi was their new head abbot
Poem Details | by
Randy Johnson |
funny, humor, humorous,
I'm the human version of the Energizer Bunny.
People laugh at me but I don't think it's funny.
I put on this rabbit costume and the zipper broke.
I'm stuck in this rabbit costume and that is no joke.
I'm trapped in this costume that is pink.
I've been trapped for three years and I sure do stink.
When I ask people for food, they give me carrots.
I hate being a vegetarian, I can no longer bear it.
I must get out of this costume and I have a damn good reason.
Hunters have rifles and tomorrow is the start of rabbit season.
I'm sick and tired of being a laughing stock to humanity.
Please get me out this costume before I lose my sanity.
Poem Details | by
John Lawless |
In the garden they just dig and grab it
They seem obsessed - they just have to have it
The scent of spring
Buddha Bing
I think they've got the rabbit habit
John G. Lawless
Poem Details | by
James Edward Lee Sr. |
analogy, animal, cat, funny,
the rabbit and cat
both ran across the street way
meow says the cat
hipity-hop goes
the short legged hare running
jumps over the cat
hipity-hop goes
both run back across the way
meow says the cat
the short legged hare running
now front to backwards
Written words by James Edward Lee Sr. 2021©
Poem Details | by
Damian Keady |
animal, humorous, nature, surreal,
For your information he is called Thumper
The trouble with him is he is a big jumper
I think he hopped over the fence
To where the grass was greener
Carrots as well are his favourites
And like Bugs Bunny he can’t help it
If you see him let me know
Because I need to get him back home
So I can make myself a winter jumper
From the fur of my dear Thumper
Poem Details | by
Caren Krutsinger |
The white rabbit had gone rogue as told.
His wife was at home with their child Bold.
Only one child? You are kidding right?
This was amazing for rodents who live in Bright.
White rabbit got more socialized too.
He wore a suit, and a tie fashioned of blue.
Took the commuter train every day to work.
He’s strange others said. His coffee doth perk!
He drinks coffee! This is not what a rabbit does.
This was stated by his cousins Once and Was.
The white rabbit paid no attention to them.
He wore a ring too with an emerald gem.
Poem Details | by
Caren Krutsinger |
10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 9th grade, baby, humor, humorous,
A rabbit an elk and a snowman walked into a bar.
I stared at this neonate.
Did eight month olds talk?
No wait. He is nine months old right?
I check the calendar.
Nine months going on ten.
My first time at babysitting him.
The bartender says.
I run to get a pencil to write this down.
He gurgles at me.
Loud gas bubble pops
I get out my phone to videotape him.
Go ahead, I say.
The door opens. His parents have returned.
His mouth slams shut.
Loud giggle.
You are diabolical I say.
A bad baby.
He laughs himself silly.
Poem Details | by
Randy Johnson |
(This is a fictional poem)
He tried to steal people's cereal and that was a bad habit.
I grabbed my shotgun and I took care of that damn rabbit.
I fired my gun and turned him into goo.
Tonight I will be dining on rabbit stew.
He was wearing a disguise but I knew it was him.
When he grabbed my Trix, his future became grim.
He started hopping around my kitchen and his long ears came flopping out.
He thought I was a bad shot but he didn't know what he was talking about.
Some people are very upset at me, they say that shooting him was a sin.
They should be thankful because they'll never be pestered by him again.
Poem Details | by
Daisy Ward |
happy, humorous,
The pink rabbit gets upset
Cause, his color looks silhouette
Pink tears streams his face
So he tries to erase
The pinkish color of his omelette
Poem Details | by
Kim Rodrigues |
animal, humor,
In the middle of the night rumbling starts.
The speckled bunny stretches, dips - no heart.
Then out his bummy,
relieved of tummy’s
upset, barks up deafening catcall fart.
True Story as told by my son-in-law
This limerick — 10/10/5/5/10 syllables
No regular meter