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Funny Poems About Alliteration
Humorous and funny Alliteration poems and/or funny poems about Alliteration. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Alliteration funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Alliteration Poems.
Poem Details | by
Ink Empress |
Throned green eyed rat in
golden trap of cheesy poo
he rules like a king
Poem Details | by
Janet Eaton |
cat, funny, horror,
There once was Princess the cat
Who found a big fat hairy rat
She brought it in to play
But mother said no way
And found her a very big metal bat
Poem Details | by
Sara Kendrick |
Rat on crack cocaine
Found it in the sewage drain
Lives inner city
Poem Details | by
Patricia Sawyer |
adventure, animals, funny, imagination
quivering despair
heart throbbing ~ hair on end
eek! a mouse!
Poem Details | by
Tom Cunningham |
Vlad the Rat Putin has a pea sized brain
Decided to invade peaceful Ukraine
But Ukraine fought back
Thwarthed their attack
And now the world knows Rat Putins insane...
He tried to hold us to ransom with gas
A nice offer but I think we'll all pass
We no longer care
We'll get it elsewhere
And he can shove it right up his fat a.s.s...
Theres a big bounty on Rat Putins head
He's on the wanted list alive or dead
He's made the world cry
And deserves to die
Because his hands are dripping with blood red...
Written 26th March 2022.
Poem Details | by
Quintin Reda |
animal, cat, cool, family, funny, house, pets,
In circles and circles went the rat
On a family's front doorstep mat
A pet clawed for more
Then opened the door
Then was eaten by an indoor cat
Poem Details | by
Ram R. V. |
culture, funny, satire,
It’s called a rat race,
Though humans participate!
Very strange, isn’t it?
— Ram, R. V.
Poem Details | by
Dr. Robert Ippaso |
hilarious, humorous, parody, political, satire, usa, wisdom,
Cohen’s a snitch, an eel,
A despicable squeal,
Why I once trusted this horrible man,
This sniveling lawyer whose life is a sham,
Is simply beyond me a momentary lapse,
Yet one more sharp pain that my energy saps.
And while this all irks, stealing my time,
I revel in knowing the payback’s sublime.
His next stop a cell, depressing and cramped,
The perfect abode for this creep to be dumped.
As for these democrats digging for dirt
Little they realize their pistols just squirt,
I’ve the bazooka loaded and primed
Waiting to fire at the moment best timed,
So let them all revel while they still can
For I am the gale force to their puny fan.
Poem Details | by
Mick Talbot |
the greedy brown rat
was becoming obese
from stealing
food off our table
blasé he became
fearless no fright
he had a surprise
a trap, now he's a fable
Poem Details | by
Subimal Sinha-Roy |
cat, funny,
In the old house there once lived a fat cat
From half a mile she could smell a wet rat
She was too lazy to run
Spent her time under the sun
Lying on worn out black and white old mat.
One day when she did not find her food bowl
She was sure it was the sly rat that stole
Her stomach started to burn
She saw the rat on the run
Chased it blind, her head got stuck in the hole.
August 11, 2018
Syllable count : 10-10-7-7-10
(Checked on howmanysyllables.com)
Poem Details | by
Jennifer Smith |
funny, me,
you've heard me speak of zodiacs
your face is giving weird looks
with me staring right on back
so i started to read in one of my books
it's one of the books with signs in chinese
"so surprising" not what you'd expect
so i'm breaking you in with a tender ease
but with total honesty and respect
now i'll proberbly be causing myself alot of strife
but it says your a typical pig
no honest on my mundane life
not only that but it's written quite big
well i thought that sounded quite bad
my sign said i'm worse than that
when i turnt over the page and how sad
i ended up being a bloody rat!!!!
Poem Details | by
Subimal Sinha-Roy |
animal, cat, humorous, nursery rhyme,
A fat cat lived in a house on the mound
From a mile she could smell the brat rat around
She was too lazy to run about and hound
Spent time lying on frayed mat on the ground.
One day when in her bowl food wasn’t found
The sly rat stole it she knew and frowned
In empty stomach chased the culprit to pound
But her head got stuck in the rat hole round.
April 25, 2022
Contest : Nursery Rhyme 3
Sponsored by : Eve Roper
Poem Details | by
Jeff Kyser |
humorous, nature,
A tank rat is a throwback to
Another place and time,
For somehow all that armor grew
Amidst primordial slime,
And now protects them in their crime.
At night, they sneak into my yard,
Tear up the flower bed.
My wife has pressed me very hard;
The thought alone fills me with dread,
For she wants me to shoot those suckers dead!
I cannot bring myself to this
And so I bought a trap.
Though I will not impart a kiss
Or hold them in my lap,
I let them go because it seems I am a tank rat sap!
Seventh Place Winner
for "Quintain (English)" Poetry Contest, 2/4/22)
sponsored by Emile Pinet
Poem Details | by
Subimal Sinha-Roy |
cat, humorous,
In an old house there once lived a black cat
From half a mile she could smell a fat rat
She was too lazy to run
Liked to spend time in the sun
Lounging on worn out red and white frayed mat.
One day when she did not find her food bowl
She had no doubt it was the rat that stole
Her stomach began to burn
She saw the rat on the run
Chasing it her head got stuck in its hole.
November 26, 2022
Syllable count : 10 10 7 7 10 (HMS)
Contest : Children's Limericks
Sponsored by : Eve Roper
Poem Details | by
Ernesto P. Santiago |
funny, love, people, pets, social, teen,
Never kiss a rat
For it will make you flop
And will go away like rats
Throw it to a cat
Surely, will play and you’re on top
And won’t leave you like nuts
Poem Details | by
Newton Ranaweera |
hope, humorous, new year,
Year - end night here waits to birth
Lovelier princess, vaccine girl
Mountain high does labour earth
Squeaking rat now, leaps for a whirl.
Syllable count: 7/8/7/8
*4th Place* in the following contest (judged on Dec. 24, 2020)
Dec. 18, 2020
Christmas Chastushka – Rules Revised Poetry Contest
Contest Sponsor: Andrea Dietrich
Poem Details | by
Julie Grenness |
animal, appreciation, giggle, men,
Welcome New Year, 2022,
Meaning RAT tests for me and you,
I have a question to ask,
Do Oz males RAT tests pass?
Does it mean they're all good rats,
Do bad rats pass or fail? Drats!
Poem Details | by
Second Profile |
animal, funny,
The chubby rat sat,
On the soft and fluffy mat,
While watching the cat.
Note: Credit to Jaiah for giving me insperation
Poem Details | by
Gershon Wolf |
animal, giggle, satire, weather,
I’ve seen fewer rats in my alley this year
quickly credited it to climate change
But when I explained myself on local TV
the reporter found me quite strange
Poem Details | by
Salmon Oid |
11th grade, anger, funny,
• Snivelling spineless rat!
• Show yourself like a man
• Pull up your big boy pants
• And bring back my van!
Poem Details | by
Marinus Jansen |
10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, humorous, science, youth,
When you stop a sec to consider
all the genes you share with this critter,
it is so clear, right off the bat,
why you always act like a rat.
Don’t let this truth make you feel bitter.