Funny Poems About Self or Self Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Self poems and/or funny poems about Self. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Self funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Self Poems.

Poem Details | by Lim'Rik Flats |
Categories: humor,

Self Talk

A man of wry wit
Wrote his own obit
He said,
I'm dead,
That's the end of it

Poem Details | by Virginia Waters |
Categories: friend, humor,

Friend - a Gift To Self

A friend I'd like - someone like me
Fun and cheeky, full of integrity.
Gardening lover, nature attuned
of life's useless baggage pruned
perhaps also a crafter of words
Enjoying too, the flight of birds
A hawk winding a spiral on the wing
is a particularly magical thing.

So here be a quirky, crazy, active sort
Uses gift of the gab in glowing retort.
Nature guardian and explorer of seaside pools
Crafty proponent for reading the rules!

Written 15 June 2018 for Contest: Qualities you admire in Friends

Poem Details | by Jessica Amanda Salmonson |
Categories: fun, funny, giggle, happiness, humorous, self, silly,

A Saturday Night Out

I want to wear
a bishop's hat
nothin' else
just that.

Poem Details | by David Crandall |
Categories: humor, poetry,

Note to Self

Grasshopper, you have learned in time,
All that’s poetry does not rhyme,
And now you must also learn to see -
All that rhymes is not poetry.

Poem Details | by Clive Culverhouse |
Categories: humorous, life, science fiction, self,


when I leave the house
sheep have been arranged in fields
and the allocations of cars 
have been made for today’s passing
with scripts sent out nightly
to those I might encounter
those set management guys
have been busy again
even the sky looks real
I’m sure someone must yell
when I fall asleep at night
and set up begins again

funny though
I feel like an extra
in my own show

Poem Details | by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: humorous,

- Self Image -

A hen behaved very hip
                                   nobody liked her ego trip
                                    Free cruise to Honolulu
                                     Her name is now Lulu
                                She enjoys life and skinny dip

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

Poem Details | by J.W. Earnings |
Categories: angst, change, childhood, confusion, depression, fear, feelings, children, kids, funny, growing up, home, homework, humor, inspiration, lonely, me, miss you, moving on, nature, pain, poetry, school, self, sorrow, stress, teen, time, writing, youth,

My Boredom Disease

Like sick allergies, 
Boredom can be passed around

Like a horrid storm,
Boredom can catch you off guard
Hold on for DEAR LIFE!

Like the whooping cough,
Boredom can be serious
If I were you, I’d
Get a vaccination !

Poem Details | by Teddy Kimathi |
Categories: art, crazy, death, funny, life, self,

The Lazy Man

"Working very hard to become very rich is not my style",
he mourns deep inside his soul. Suicide is his resolve, for when one dies,
there is no working; toiling in the Sun and rain. Running a home, firm, and his own personal life has been a burden to him.

"Death is my liberty!" he jubilates, as he jumps off a cliff.....

Poem Details | by Robert Candler |
Categories: angst, change, giggle, happy, how i feel, humorous, journey, judgement, life, philosophy, self, simple, success, truth, wisdom,

A Better Way

There must have been a better way.
There's just no way around it.
Family and friends kept saying so;
But, somehow, I've never found it.

Honestly, I really never looked,
Thought life was treating me well;
But to hear those folks tell it,
My life's a living Hell

Always fraught with bad decisions...
In their opinions, I should say.
I'm sure they all wonder how
I make it through each day.

They could by right, I guess;
Although I must say,
If they were all as happy as I,
They would think they'd found a better way.

Poem Details | by Mark Martin |
Categories: car, funny, humor, humorous, nonsense, technology,

Self Driving Cars - Bah

The car must become a freethinker
Case someone it might greatly injure
It clearly must steer
And brake and change gear
And give other bad drivers the finger

Poem Details | by Deborah Finneran |
Categories: beautiful, change, character, chocolate, food, fun, growing up, happy, heaven, humorous, i love you, imagination, inspiration, inspirational, introspection, joy, life, light, love, metaphor, philosophy, self, simple, strength, success, thank you, thanks, thanksgiving, time, today, truth, uplifting, visionary, wisdom, words,

Cookies-Food For Thought

Cookies -
Why can’t I have the chocolate one
I want more
She took my cookie
Hers is bigger than mine
I want to trade
That’s not fair

Cookies +
Thank you for the cookie
I love you
Thanks for all you do for me
I am satisfied
This is good
I am loved
Written By  Deborah Finneran :)  2013

Poem Details | by Audrey Haick |
Categories: funny, mystery, self,

A Mystery

Like smoke, the years accrue and vanish Still, I am a mystery unto myself! ~*~

Poem Details | by Paul Schneiter |
Categories: humor,

Self Propulsion

There was a wild drink-craving pair
Who an Aussie airliner’s fuel did share.
It made in their guts masses of gases
Propelling them south via their asses.
Maori swear they’re Maero from thin air.

Poem Details | by Kileem Al Lishmiin |
Categories: humor, loss, love, memory, relationship, self, time,

Love Stories

Tragedy and Comedy
Blended and Beaten
Memories last a lifetime

Poem Details | by Jacob Reinhardt |
Categories: analogy, art, change, city, class, community, culture, humor, humorous, identity, imagination, life, longing, philosophy, satire, self, senses, silly, slavery, social, society, time, today, truth, wisdom,


You sculpt the clay of my life
With your rigid hands,
Shouting your high commands through morning alarms. 
Accusations fly
As you collect your daily payment of attention.

When I find myself savoring life’s sweetness,
You sprint behind my back.
And when pain drops my heart from my chest,
You linger, rubbernecking from the wall.

You enclose the whole of my life
In that circular frame,
Ever spinning in your infinite math,
Drunk with power!

I can take no more of your tyranny!
I can afford no more of your triple A battery lunches-
I am afraid you’ve run out of time.
So keep your hands out of my business, I’m sleeping in today.

Jacob Reinhardt							09/05/2013

Poem Details | by Sarita Milliner |
Categories: confusion, crazy, fantasy, children, funny, giggle, humor,

Silly Self-Talk

Silly Self-Talk

I had a conversation with myself, as many of us often do, 
I asked myself a question, and expected an answer too.

Did you ever take time out, to let your imagination run wild?
As you walked in the sand, bucket in hand like an innocent young child. 

Did you ever stop to wonder, what you would do?
If you looked outside, the sky was green and all the grass was blue.

Did you ever say to yourself, if not now, then when?
As you stood pool side and pondered, jumping into the deep end.

No, I never stopped to think what, when, where, why or how!
I just ran around in circles, trying to lasso a spotted cow.

Written By: Sarita A Milliner © 2/12/15

Poem Details | by Richard Nnoli |
Categories: africa, career, change, confidence, courage, humanity, humor,

Self Control

Self control 
When a man lacks
Self control 
He lacks 
Self pride 

So start from here 
If you ever think of 

Poem Details | by Dan Keir |
Categories: angst, confusion, courage, dedication, forgiveness, freedom, funny, humorous, on writing and words, parody, success,

Note To Self

Stop writing haikus
They don’t even make sense now
Something something cake

Poem Details | by Rudolph Rinaldi |
Categories: for her, friendship, funny, joy, life, self, technology,

Dear Old Boys -


I wanted to make smart boy toys
but instead made several smart joy toys
and tried them out 
in different colors and sizes

for me and my friends
electrified them
and gave them a brain
they can also be warmed up in a warm box
or cooled in an ice cold box 

kept one for myself
and gave some to my girlfriends 

And now
we don’t need old boys 
no more 
to find joy or jobs
or the meaning of life
since we now have and self control

called mine iTOYBOY for year-round iJOY and iJOBS
still COMES in different colors and sizes
Lovvvvvve Joy

Poem Details | by Amy Young |
Categories: confusion, education, family, funny, happiness, life, parody, people, school, social, teen, urban

Conflict of Self-Interest

By: Amy

I need  to study, cannot go out...
I’m so behind, I simply must work...

I have a paper, and test real soon...
I can’t take a hangover on a Sunday...

I’ve so much concern, my GPA’s sunk...
I’ll be too tired, the night gets so late...

Really, grades worry me, school’s been tough...

Poem Details | by Gail Debole |
Categories: funny, humorous,


January 17, 2016  
Updated February 18, 2016
Written by Gail DeBole

There once was a thief named Brooks
Who wrote a crook’s self-help book.
He charged a very small fee
But the thieves got it for free,
When they self-helped themselves to the books. 

Note: Illustrated in Coloring within the Limericks available on and other retail websites.

Poem Details | by Scribbler Of Verses |
Categories: home, hope, humorous, imagination, inspirational, introspection, journey, life, lonely, loss, lost, lost love, love, native american, on work and working, on writing and words, parody, passion, people, philosophy, relationship, romance, romantic,

Unashamed Self-Promotion


Greetings, good and kind fellow Soup-ers!

'Tis wonderful, I say,
to be a Soup-er, so if I may,

I humbly request you to lay down your pen dipped in fine ink,
and visit my blog which can be found at the following link: 

Now if this blatant self-promoting of mine seems rude,
I ask for your generous forgiveness, dear fellow Soup-er,

And wish you a day, that is peaceful, kind, and just plain super!

So cheers from the scribbler for now,
and as I take leave, my fellow Soup-ers,
I, in courtesy, to you all, do bow!


Poem Details | by Volodymyr Knyr |
Categories: humorous, loneliness, love, men, relationship, self, women,

An Egocentrist

An egocentrist
prefers to self-tryst.

Volodymyr Knyr

Poem Details | by Sandra Haight |
Categories: humor, poetess, self,

I Once Knew a Poet Named Sandy

I once knew a poet named Sandy*
who thought she wrote verses so dandy.
When she saw an NA
for a contest that day...
she questioned modus operandi.

Sandra M. Haight

~7th Place~
Contest: Sensitive Community *a pd contest*
Sponsor: Skat A
Judged: 03/14/2016

Poem Details | by Kewayne Wadley |
Categories: black african american, food, for her, fun, funny love, self,

Steak and Potatoes

In all honesty.
I think what I truly desired was to be put on a plate.
And be devoured piece by piece.
My attention, all my free time.
Everything that no one else could see.
With knife and fork.
T be taken apart and devoured tastefully.
With nothing left except the juice of where I laid.
The tough parts that take time to cut,
Revealed in an instant.
To be desired in mutual attraction, a certain craving.
Covered in salt, pepper, a slice of butter.
All of my interests, my habits.
The anticipation of being sizzled and flipped on a cast iron skillet.
Served fresh on a plate.
A baked potato on the side to bring out the taste.
In all honesty.
I think I'll have a steak