Humorous and funny Shark poems and/or funny poems about Shark. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Shark funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Shark Poems.
Poem Details | by
Wren Rushing |
animal, food, humor,
In my soup I could have sworn I saw a shark.
Swimming in roux that was rather dark.
But to my relief,
the fin a bay leaf.
Now I wear glasses before each meal I start.
Poem Details | by
Barry Stebbings |
My Pet Shark
I took my pet shark to the swimming pool
To help him learn to swim.
Now my swimming instructor’s missing,
No one has heard from him.
Contest 'Make me actually laugh'
by Nina Parmenter
Poem Details | by
Caren Krutsinger |
cat, funny,
Shark, the cat, is sitting catty-wampus today. He is a contortionist. His head is to the north,
His tail to the west, paws to the east, crossed in a southwesterly way, except for one which is
Somehow sticking up in the air like a lone feather. He is licking his Neverland region, as I step
Over him. At first when I noticed him on the porch, with all these extensions, I thought he was a
Fat, giant spider. Shark is an older cat, there is no way he should have this kind of agility, but
He does, and I am in awe.
Poem Details | by
Mike Hauser |
fun, humor,
Finkle Rat and Derby Cat
Opened up a specialty shop
Which was running rather smoothly
Till kids teeth began to rot
For what it was they sold were
Candy apples, Sugar Cubes, and Lemon Drops
With Fizzie Soda to make their quota
On the loaner they had got
You see the latest shipment of Fizzies
Came from the loan shark Marco Mole
To save themselves a buck or two
Our naive friends both sold their souls
And Marco doesn't care about
Any kids or their rotten teeth
Cause he also owns a piece of Charlie Cockroach
The dentist down the street
Poem Details | by
Robert L. Hinshaw |
fish, food, humorous,
"Hey, Waiter! There's a shark doing the backstroke in my soup du jour!"
"I wouldn't worry too much about it sir! He won't eat much of it for sure!"
Entry for Anthony Slausen's "Shark In The Soup" Contest
Poem Details | by
Linda Alice Fowler |
fun, funny, games, giggle, humor, humorous, silly,
There once was a gambler named Mark
At cards he was somewhat a shark
he missed his cue
lost his juju
Now he sleeps in a public park
Poem Details | by
Wendy Watson |
Not an eyebrow was raised,
Not a shudder nor blood-curdling scream.
For in Peking you see, it's a delicacy
To consume shark fin soup it would seem.
But when diners looked round,
With his head in a bowl
Was renowned Casanova - Wang Yong.
And his date said : 'You cheat,! You're a shark on the beat!
So it's in that there bowl you belong!
'Shark in my soup' contest : sponsored by Anthony Slausin
Poem Details | by
Gary Smith |
fish, food, humorous,
"Waiter" I cried, "there's a shark in my soup
I saw a fin, somewhere in the gloop
Granted it's tiny, but it has me on edge
And it must be hungry, it's ate all the veg"
Entry for
Shark in the soup Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Anthony Slausin
Poem Details | by
Randy Freie |
In my pool, what did I see
A shark fin circling me
Could this be an illusion
Or an actual intrusion
My circumstance became clearer
As the shark kept drawing nearer
I felt a sharp pain in my seat
Soon my tail looked like shredded meat
A shark's a shark, I can't blame him
Why did I have to learn to swim
I survived to talk about it
But now I have nowhere to sit