Humorous and funny Skunk poems and/or funny poems about Skunk. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Skunk funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Skunk Poems.
Poem Details | by
Brenda Mcgrath |
dog, funny, humorous,
One night in New Hampshire we let the dog out into the dark night,
And suddenly he took off running with all his might!
A skunk was waiting and the dog didn’t have a prayer,
Now he smelled so foul, it was beyond compare!
The cocker spaniel came flying back inside,
Unfortunately we had left the door opened wide!
He rubbed on the furniture and all over the floor,
While my husband tried to catch him and colorfully swore.
Our new house was now a smelly wreck,
While at midnight we bathed the dog in tomatoes on the deck.
The house and pet reeked for weeks on end…
The skunk had won the battle with man’s best friend.
Poem Details | by
Eve Roper |
humor, wisdom,
Stinky Skunk
Black, white furry skunk
Encounter sprayed accident
Sprayed again your fault
By Eve Roper 3/1/2015
Poem Details | by
Effie Blake |
animals, funny, nature,
polecat on front paws
a cross readdy to fire
run before discharge
Poem Details | by
Sabrina Robillard |
animals, funny, nature,
Go away!
Go away!
Shoo, shoo, shoo!
I don’t like skunks
You smell
Poem Details | by
Tom Cunningham |
animal, drink, funny,
The creature at the bar loved to get drunk
But townsfolk kept well away cos it stunk
At this bar with his friend
Drank whiskey till night's end
You’ve probably guessed its Sammy the skunk.
Joe the mayor asked the townsfolk to think
For an answer to that horrible stink
They came up with a plan
A huge extractor fan
Now skunks and townsfolk can both share a drink.
Written on 9th September 2018-09-09
For animal limerick contest sponsored by Charles Messina.
Poem Details | by
Lin Lane |
Born and raised a city girl, I moved to Colorado,
married a handsome cowboy I call my 'desperado.'
One night we were making love beneath the moon,
snuggled together. Oh, how that man could spoon,
when I caught a whiff of something awfully stinky.
I said, "Darlin,' are you doing something kinky?"
He laughed out loud and said, "Honey, get inside.
You've lots to learn about living in the west, my bride.
That stench you're smelling is the nasty odor of funk.
It's roadkill because it's the season of dead skunk."
Poem Details | by
Linda Alice Fowler |
animal, fun, funny, hilarious, humor, humorous, nature,
NOTE: This limerick posted 10/31/2020 in
Alexis Y.’s PEE YEW Collaboration
Take a look at the collaboration on her page! It's hilarious!
I once was peed on by a stinky skunk
Stinky not quite the word – he stunk!
I tried each known cure
Retained his allure
I am still surrounded by funk
Poem Details | by
Gershon Wolf |
animal, humorous, senses,
How would you like to be a skunk?
And told day and night that you stunk?
I wouldn't object
Or change the subject
That awful smell is just something I thunk
Poem Details | by
Leon Stacey |
animals, funny, nature, people,
Your fragrance is too loud!
One drop too much, my sweet- Strikes!
Lingers like road kill...
Poem Details | by
Jim Healey |
death, humorous,
After driving for miles on the highway,
I noticed a lump near my driveway:
a black and white chunk,
"Omigosh! It's a skunk
and he's gone to the 'Sweet By and By' way!"
I could tell it was dead because he
gave off a real hum. It was funky!
It was reeky and rank;
it was stale and it stank
and the stench of it really repulsed me!
Poem Details | by
Daisy Ward |
The baby skunk was so sad
Because his scent made people mad
So, he sat in a pond
A good fairy waved her wand
Suddenly he stopped smelling bad
Poem Details | by
Randy Johnson |
Women once loved me because I was a hunk.
But that ended after I was sprayed by a skunk.
I've taken eleven showers and I still smell.
Needless to say my love life isn't going well.
This stench is as bad as that car on Seinfeld.
All of the ladies run who I've held.
I would like to go back to the good old days.
But when people take a sniff, they run away.
I have some advice for you and I'm not funning.
If you see a skunk, you'd better start running.
Poem Details | by
Brandlynn Young |
animals, children, funny,
I ran over a suicidal skunk,
And mercy me! Did that thing stunk!
Ran across the lane in front of me.
And goodness me! PEW-WEE!
I saw his fur all white and black
I tried to miss him, but SMACK!
I heard a thump and heard a crunch,
And the smell would make you loose your lunch.
My eyes all watered up and burned.
If I’d known the skunk’s path, I would have turned.
When I got home and got our of my car,
It wasn’t the greatest smell by far.
After I ran over a suicidal skunk,
Goodness me did my car stunk.
Poem Details | by
Jeff W. Watson |
animal, drink, hilarious, humor, humorous, silly,
Drink to the rain falling down
Drink to the tears of a clown
Drink to get drunk
Drunk as a skunk
Drinks on the skunk, he's buyin' a round!
Has anyone seen a skunk drunk from a drink?
It's not a pretty sight you would think
They can hold their liqueur
And they can drink much quicker
They can't drive, but they do drink and stink!
Poem Details | by
Gershon Wolf |
bible, drink, humorous,
Noah, ‘a righteous man
pure in his generations’ (Genesis 6:9)
spent a year in the Ark
‘til on Mt. Ararat it parked
When he emerged
he got drunk as a skunk
Which just goes to show
it’s a whole bunch of bunk
That to be righteous and pure
ya gotta live like a monk
Poem Details | by
Jeff Kyser |
animal, bible, humor,
Skunk or a deer -
what was the varmint?
'Cuz Noah's buck naked,
without any garment! (Gen 9:21)
In response to Drunk as a Skunk by Gershon Wolf