Funny Poems About Soccer or Soccer Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Soccer poems and/or funny poems about Soccer. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Soccer funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Soccer Poems.

Poem Details | by John Pen |
Categories: football, fun, funny, humor, humorous, soccer, sports,

World Cup 2014

Pain in Spain
Bland England
Shame in the game
Who do you blame
When your approach is lame
Three lions or three blind mice?
I wonder

Poem Details | by James Fraser |
Categories: humorous, soccer, sports,

Coach, Coached

Working in physical education Blond teacher had a realisation Spotting a young boy alone Standing all on his own Her curiosity, frustration Young man, why are you all on your own To the others, why are you disowned Well, I'm not the teams sweeper I'm their bloody goalkeeper Please Miss Coach, it's time you went home <*>

Poem Details | by Anthony Beck |
Categories: education, humorous, irony, soccer,

Ode To Dyslexics -- a Soccer Poem

Woe is us, we wretched Dyslexicons,
We visionary thinking paragons,
We the summer-school-room-dwelling patsies,
We the ostracized by Spelling Nazis.

(sorry, lied about the soccer)

Poem Details | by Richard Breese |
Categories: cheer up, confusion, farm, humorous, mother, mother son, soccer,


once an old con bob hanks

greeted tellers with thanks

please call me dom

named for my mom

then thieved his way through banks.

Poem Details | by James Edward Lee Sr. |
Categories: 3rd grade, analogy, funny, games, soccer,

Boy Playing Socks Her- -


A little small boy; On the field learning soccer; He runs, kicks, shutter the ball; ~ Trips falls ball rolls on, Opponents a little girl Sees, laughs he gets up "socks her"
8/29/19 Placed #2 in Contest Writing Challenge 3, August 2019 - Six Lines Sponsor, Dear Heart- Wiishkobi Ode