Humorous and funny Sun poems and/or funny poems about Sun. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Sun funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Sun Poems.
Poem Details | by
Paula Goldsmith |
day, fun, giggle, night, october, stars, sun,
As I sit here upon this full moon,
it is October not hot June.
The comets whiz by playing a happy tune,
they make me want to swoon.
The space between stars is not empty hooray,
it is filled with colors of blue and gray.
I love to watch by night and by day,
being filled with both the moon and sun spray.
I see this pretty space beltway,
the shinning diamond stars have much to say.
Each star has a roll to play,
out here in this pretty space buffet.
Poem Details | by
Lochan Chugh |
death, emotions, fear, humor, life, loneliness, sun,
It was a height of 250 metres,
But I wasn’t afraid;
I looked down
And there wasn’t even my shade.
The sun was already jumping
But with a low speed,
“ I can perform better,
I am not going to give the lead.”
Took a deep breath
And I was in air,
Time stopped,
And silence reached there.
The sun began moving upward,
Or I began moving downward,
I was flying,
But like a dead bird.
When from the ground,
I wasn’t really high;
Mind said,“ change in plan,
Let the sun first die”.
Poem Details | by
Mike Martin |
horse, humor, humorous, summer, sun, sunset,
Deep in the wilde of the Cypress mound on the lower Graburn run
The air is cool and clear by far for the eye of the setting sun
A ride along the turning valleys sight above the plain
The break of eve the sun is sank the day all ends aglow
Made for all by the hands of many of earth and tree and branch
Unwaving hospitality Historic Reesor Ranch
Poem Details | by
Harshath Vidheya |
earth, humor, planet, space, sun, universe, write,
Sun Writes Letters
To all the Planets, but None can Read
The Ashes.
Poem Details | by
Cj Krieger |
funny, philosophy, sound, bird, bird, sound, sun,
A Buddhist bird flies
Under the eyes
Of winter’s sun
As I watch his flight
Across a lonely wintry sky
Gazing up
At his long, long flight south
He diverts himself
From the chilly northern wind
A wind
That the sun cannot warm
He diverts himself
With a single thought
As only a Zen Buddhist bird might do
And asks
What is the sound
Of one wing flapping?
"the sound of one hand clapping"...(by J. D. Salinger) Thank you Leo
Poem Details | by
Chris Hagy |
anger, change, funny, how i feel, march, sun, voice,
Just a cold, hard slap in the face
Is Daylight Savings Time to morning place
Winter’s drive is dark and cold
Headlights searching for deer in the road
But March brings the sun like golden ripe fruit
To brighten my chores and morning commute
For just a while I pretend it will last
Try to keep winter’s veil in the past
But then the inevitable Monday comes
Because someone decided this silly thing should be done
I’ve changed the clock the night before
So once again only darkness awaits out my door
For another month
I keep the dark pace
Whoever thought of this needs a slap in the face!
Poem Details | by
Paula Goldsmith |
flower, humor, morning, rain, spring, sun, wind,
Spring is the time to venture out and play
the pretty flowers are wearing the bees
maybe it is bright and sunny all day
early morning may come with a cool breeze.
Did you remember to put on bug spray
or you will be lunch and eaten alive
make sure that you do not become their prey
watch out for the low large hanging beehive.
Springtime can bring sun and much needed rain
we sneeze and blow our nose as flowers grow
today their beautiful colors will reign
as the soft wind will magically blow.
I cannot wait for this warm special time
and hear the ringing sound from the wind chime.
Date Written:2/2/2023
4 Place
Poem Details | by
Cona Adams |
animal, humor, sun,
like a
Poem Details | by
Nitesh Aggarwal |
There once was a lady on the roof;
Basking on the sun, getting tanned, all aloof.
A towel covered her up.
She felt comfy like a pup .
Lying on the sunlit roof, oh what a goof!
Poem Details | by
Jacob Barros |
flower, giggle, meaningful, summer, sun,
Land of Summertime
Maroon Mums lay among white vast cushions.
So proud are Heathers far above Queen Buttons.
See hazy Coxcombs brush the Willy Willows while
Dandelions are resting upon white Angel Pillows.
Carmine Kangaroom paws hop, hop, and hop.
Lumonium, Gladiolus and Larkspur lazily stop.
Lisanthus, talebear and go tell the other Orchids!
Look, look, Snapdragons, scouting for Kings!
Adjoin virtuosity, there are inklings of scent!
Rose Spray whirls in the dancing breeze.
Astonished is Alabaster eyes and stance as
Xanthous Daffodils giggle and sneeze.
Aster nurtures the Baby's Breath without relent
As Spring and Summer embrace the scent.
Poem Details | by
Mary Rotman |
humorous, memorial, snow, summer, sun,
note: St. Jude is the patron saint of hopeless causes
Didja ever feel like a summer snowman?
Out of luck, living on borrowed time,
constructed from leftovers sentimentally
stored, given birth because Mom decided
to clean out the freezer.
And so, into existence, doomed from the start;
a pointless life lived for the amusement
of others, spent wearing black after Memorial Day
and wool in July, mouthing prayers to St Jude even
as the good saint's boss overrules and the
sun moves into position overhead.
Poem Details | by
Mario Cc |
funny, nature,
Sun is trying to kill me,
but it's too far,
however, it's raising our temperature bar.
Sun is trying to kill me,
but it's too weak,
Earth's atmosphere is to thick.
But that giant yellow thing is cunning,
it made us, circling, running, spinning,
it wants to kill everyone,
to be just as it was on the beginning.
I saw it, standing up on the sky
with that vengeful look on its face,
it calls it self a star, such a disgrace
Poem Details | by
Tony Lane |
funny, sun,
I saw a man today who was walking with a cane,
His knee would give him trouble whenever it was going to rain.
On his knee’s prognostication you could place a bet,
If you saw him limping by you know that you’d get wet.
But if you saw him walking by with a spring in his step,
There were only two reasons that could account for his pep.
It could be that the sun is high and will continue shinning bright,
Or it could be that he got lucky when he went to bed last night.
So if you wanted to know if it was the sun or an amorous interlude,
You’d have to meet up with his wife and check her attitude.
Poem Details | by
Thomas Martin |
how i feel, humor, rain, sun, wind,
gray skies
threatening winter rains
again would
brush the clouds from the sun
but can't move the wind
Poem Details | by
Rita A. Simmonds |
art, cry, funny, purple, sun, wine,
Deep purple days
the sun will rise
and squeeze like grapes
my bloodshot eyes
that cry red wine
to line my face.
A brighter day
draws Chardonnay.
January 28, 2019
for Purple2 Cash Prize Poetry Contest
Poem Details | by
Anula Aboobacker |
funny, nature, nostalgia,
Dawn breaks,
With a filmy twist;
As Mr Sun, cries to
the chirping birdies,
"Five more minutes...please!"
Poem Details | by
Gail Foster |
education, food, humorous, military, sun, time, war,
Tim went to the Bovington Tank Festival...
baking in hot sun
spud boy wargasms like blitzkrieg
contemplating tanks
injustice of war ice cream
chocolate shrapnel sprinkled
Poem Details | by
Celestine Ikwuamaesi |
community, humor,
A lizard lies in the sand,
In a blazing tropic sun.
Three kids chuckle under a shade,
Starring at the calm being.
One says, "Look, it must be dead."
Another, "Has tummy ache."
Another, "Just sunbathing."
The lizard nods, wags his tail.
Poem Details | by
Paula Goldsmith |
dream, humorous, life, moon, sleep, sun, today,
Life is a great dream
What a first rate dream
Sleep now not a scream
Slip into a dream
My coffee and cream
Today have a dream
Sun is filled with gleam
Life comes with a dream
Moon shines with a beam
Shining on my dream
Date Written 9/4/2020
Note: 5 Syllables-Rhyme
Poem Details | by
Kash Poet |
fantasy, funny, sun,
Let's have some fun
hide the sun once
and turn the time.
Call moon for light
day and night same
no bright sun there.
Who will do it?
Little bit tough
me eat my words.
© kashinath karmakar(6th Auigust 2011)
Placement: 3rd;(August 2011)
By:kashinath karmakar
Sponsor:Dr Ram Mehta
Poem Details | by
Paula Goldsmith |
body, giggle, red, sun, uplifting, weather, youth,
The sun was bright red and really hot
like a fresh crab I thought I had been caught
my skin was pink meat
blisters from the heat
feeling like I am in a boiling pot
Poem Details | by
Christie Mills |
animals, funny, life, nature, visionary, dog, dog, sun,
The sun shines gently upon me.
The birds are busy at play.
The children are sleeping.
The cats are out creeping.
And the dog has been barking all day.
The birds cackle and chirp;
As they play a round of hide and seek.
The dog watches with excitement,
as the cat strolls by so frail and meek.
A good morning kiss from the sun to the world.
Its a brand new day.
wake up boys and girls.
Poem Details | by
Jenish Somadas |
funny, sea, sun,
The Sun was far, hot and big
Before I trapped him in my camera;
Like the mighty sea lost its might
When carried away in a bucket.
Honorable Mention in STRAND SELECT 9 ,any form ,any theme Poetry Contest sponsored by Brian Strand
Poem Details | by
Robert L. Hinshaw |
humorous, morning, mountains, sun,
I anticipated a campin' trip in the mountains a few days ago.
Ah, the splendor of the risin' sun while slurpin' a mug o' joe!
I greeted one morn with a hearty "HOWDY!", I was so engrossed!
Alas, my euphoria was shattered when the echo replied, "GIT LOST!"
Poem Details | by
Robert Ronnow |
bird, change, fun, green, humor, spring, sun,
A robin hops, looks, pecks.
Looks, hops, pecks.
Pecks, looks, hops.