Humorous and funny Super poems and/or funny poems about Super. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Super funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Super Poems.
Poem Details | by
William Robinson |
children, funny, people,
An Indian chief, named Bold Eagle,
Once lived with his faithful old beagle.
He maintained his station,
Without reservation,
In a style that was in tents, but regal.
Poem Details | by
Christy Hardy |
friendship, funny, life,
I love this place,
it puts a smile on my face.
Super Soupers, writing away,
making me smile, and wanting to stay.
New soupers, joining everyday,
a super place for poets to play.
Old friends, new friends,
all joining in.
We are so blessed,
this is as good as it can get.
Poem Details | by
Caren Krutsinger |
fun, funny, humor, humorous,
I have a superhighway in my front yard.
It appeared in the night.
As if by magic.
Ants are traveling along it
Whistling a tune I think it is a Maroon 5 song
But I am not sure
Some say I should get rid of it.
I am fascinated by it a superhighways
Begun with one giant wad
Of pink gum.
Ant traveled
Poem Details | by
James Fraser |
animals, funny, nature, sea
Scuba diving, oh! what a dream
In the Gulf, amidst the Sardines
With a Florida blond
Whom I've grown to be fond
It's dark, is it all that it seems
Our dive is going oh! so super
Boo! said the nosey big Grouper
Och! do you have to be mean
To these little Sardines
Your just a big party pooper
Told of he goes in a mood
Just like a big bully should
Hey! next time take better care
To these Sardines you did scare
It's impolite, and you've been oh! so rude
Poem Details | by
Poet. Undertaker |
Once there was an actor called Solomon” the Super star”
Demonstration of falseness and pretense for Oscar
A show of diligence
No show of dog race
Bloody, ultimately no gold is super star better hopeless star!
Poem Details | by
Ndaba Sibanda |
children, courage, hilarious,
From where l live
I see a silly monster
Trying to tiptoe and dive
At you as if it`s a star
Quickly I move in and check
Then like a super hero
I aim and really kick
It into a screaming zero!
(N.B For Carol Eastman`s
Superhero contest)
Poem Details | by
Kash Poet |
Super Mall
even the mannequin kid
taller than me
Poem Details | by
Timothy Brumley |
funny, inspirational, on writing and words
Come stroke my super ego
Please, come sit awhile and stay
I'll play my poetic show
And, we'll slowly drift away.
Come put a coin in my purse
And then I'll dance for you
A lovely ballet of verse
In a pair of rhyming shoes.
Come lend me your ears and time
And I'll take you far away
To lands made of verse and rhyme
In shades of golden yesterdays.
Come catch it as I throw it
A fresh ember of a dream
Come listen to a poet
And his witty rhyming schemes.
Come stroke my super ego
And you'll sure be glad you did
This is the 'Tim Dandy Show'
And today I feel splendid!
Timothy I. Brumley
Poem Details | by
Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen |
funny, sports,
Teams gather to play at the super bowl.
The Champion’s title is each team’s goal.
Quarterbacks lead with their might.
Folks cheer their best team, Go! Fight!
Fans: a couch, commercials, and jellyroll.
© February 8, 2011
Dane Smith-Johnsen
Poem Details | by
Jerry T Curtis |
humor, nonsense,
Unlike many super heros
I use a jet to fly
No flashy fancy costume
To streak across the sky
I really need these glasses
I don't, use them for disquise
No high-tech crazy gadgets
Or lasers from my eyes
I don't leap over buildings
and I can't climb like a cat
But I'm sure, I'd look the part
If I'd lose this belly fat
So, what's my secret power
I have used it all this while
It's one you can't resist
I've just made you stop and Smile
I just read this to my wife
No effect----did I mention my super weakness
Poem Details | by
Jimmy Anderson |
There once was a super bowl hero.
Who knew that he fiddled like Nero.
But Rome didn't burn.
His team did by durn.
All the way to the playoffs ate crow.
For Royal Trevinos "Super Bowl" contest.
Poem Details | by
Mya Thein |
funny, humorous,
“Super Golfer” “Limerick”
There was a weird Dictator around.
When he played eighteen holes of golf round
aides clasped ball with toes
and put it in holes.
He scored “three hole-in-ones”. What a clown.
Poem Details | by
Mc Mc |
childrenyellow, giggle,
Who's Yellow and Bubbly, Super-Soft and Cuddly?
O, Who lives in a Pineapple under the Sea
all yellow and bubbly ,super- soft and cuddly
Who has a pet snail who leaves a long trail
and who'll make you giggle and never fail
Who's obsessed with his job
and can sure cure any sob?
It's Spongebob-on kiddie TV!
Copyright McCuen 2008
Poem Details | by
Paloma Walker |
I'm the best snacker there ever
My hands fit chip bags like my
hands fit my gloves
I've got Chex Mix, Cheese-It's,
Pork-Rinds, Cheetos
Pretzels, Gardettos, dip and
I shovel it in morning, noon,
and night
I don't stop to breath, oh what
a sight
If you need snacking done,
remember what they say
Go grab that girl who can really
pack it away!
Poem Details | by
Randy Johnson |
bullying, funny, humor, strength,
I believed those cartoons when Popeye whooped Bluto.
If you're wondering if it was real, the answer is hell no.
When I watched those cartoons, I was dumb because I believed them fully.
I decided to eat a can of spinach and then face the neighborhood bully.
I believed the spinach would give me super strength, I had no doubt.
But that bully nearly broke my neck, he turned me inside out.
I was shocked and horrified when I didn't win.
I was humiliated, I'll never watch Popeye again.
Spinach is healthy, that is one hundred percent true.
But if you eat it and then face a bully, he will kill you.
Poem Details | by
Anna Hopper |
funny, graduate, high school, hilarious,
One skinny geek, one with stuffing
The third wheel went by “Mclovin”
A wasted girl
Began to hurl
Then the fat boy took off running
Poem Details | by
Rudolph Rinaldi |
computer, funny, future, growth, life,
look up in the sky information in the air able to leap over tall buildings information everywhere more speed than a locomotive more bytes than a mosquito stuffing my box
cramming my brain hope it will rain to slow it down for a nano-second so that I can take a
breath knowing that the machine can’t breathe yet!
Poem Details | by
Robert L. Hinshaw |
funny, sports
I'm crying in my beer for good reason
Super Bowl's the last game of the season
No more tater chips and beer
What am I to do all year
Except watch reruns of Jackie Gleason
Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
© All Right Reserved
Entry for Royal Trevino's "Super Bowl Sunday" Contest
Poem Details | by
Bill Lindsay |
where on
earth did I hang
my invisibility cloak?
Poem Details | by
Shane Solomon |
Stopped eating
from the trashcan
Long enough to hear
The meow's of a cat
who just so happened to fall
From an oak-tree in the backyard
She was in a hurry to climb up
In escape from the next-door Chihuahua
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
Autumn can be really depressing if you let it
Takes super human will power to smile, I'll admit
But stop for a minute
While eating your spinach
It's certainly not reason for murder to commit
© Jack Ellison 2015
Poem Details | by
James Horn |
Another Horn Super Horrible Haiku
BEST thing there can be
Is me and my poetry
And you should agree.
You all were smitten
By my poems badly written
While here and sitting.
Bad poems had to meet
Were all sour and not sweet
None should I repeat.
The whole earth they shook
So a scheme up tried to cook
Why not write a book.
Finished it today
Was disliked in everyway
Messed up minds away.
(Instead of Minds were blown away.)
Now for grand finale'.
Each line will agree
Free for you to read and see;
Am in poverty.
Jim Horn
Supposed to be classified as hilarious.
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
humorous, jobs,
When Sherlock Holmes is solving a case
the villains footsteps he must retrace
He's such an excellent sleuth
and will uncover the truth
his detection skills truly are ace!
Limerick 3 Contest
Sponsored by Joseph May
Poem Details | by
Seren Roberts |
my super power
is my ability to turn into the most beautiful flower
when someone bends to smell my perfume
I inject them with a potion to make them fun
Did you see Donald Trump smile
yep it was me..... when he stopped awhile
was harder to get her Majesty the Queen..... yet
on her ninetieth birthday a big smile was seen
Now Prince Phillip is another story,
still trying there, I will succeed.....don't worry
President Obama was an easy target
was smiling away as he walked the red carpet
So be aware your next on my list
to make you can't resist.
penned 19 June 2016
Poem Details | by
Gershon Wolf |
animal, humor, sick, strength,
There once was an athletic kangaroo
Who came down with a bad case of the flu --
He sneezed really loud
Jumped over a cloud --
Landed with a red cape and an achoo