Funny Poems About Superman or Superman Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Superman poems and/or funny poems about Superman. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Superman funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Superman Poems.

Poem Details | by Rob Cochran |
Categories: funny, metaphor, political,

Oh Superman

Hey you up there!
Flying around in your underwear
I know you’re busy
Saving the world and stuff
but I gotta tell ya
It ain’t enough.
Yes, you can jump buildings
In a single bound
But we really need you
Here on the ground.
Just look around, man.
I don’t understand
How you came to be
But defying gravity
Is not something most folks can do
And unlike you
We can’t stop a bullet
With a mullet and a Mountain Dew.
So you might as well come on down
And help us move some **** around
Cause we got a lot of work to do
And we could use a guy like you.
Or two.

Poem Details | by John Fenn |
Categories: childhood, father, funny, sondad, dad, me,


My dad told me when he was young
And fit as fit could be
As the best Saharan lumberjack
He cut down every tree

He rode a wild dinosaur
From York to Timbuctu
He took it back to London
And put it in the Zoo

Then later on in World War two
The German horde he beat
With just his trusty penknife
He forced them to retreat

He’s swam the Indian ocean
Ate crocodiles for tea
Paddled up Niagara falls
And still got home by three

I relate my fathers exploits
Friends give me such a ribbing
They say his tales are tall ones
And that my dad is fibbing

But I know my dads not lying
There is no way he can
I know my dads not fibbing
He’s a real life superman

Poem Details | by James Horn |
Categories: humorous, , cute,

Superman Show Was Cancelled

Superman Show Was Cancelled

Started to embark
We ran into Joan of Arc
Was with Kent a Clark.

Wrote cute canticle
And song purpose did fulfil
Then fired at w(W)ill.

Will had not been well
Our singing seemed to be swell
William had to t(T)ell

Recently had heard
Kent had been sealed in cement
So show was cancelled.

Like at Trump's inauguration 
which should have been in
Kenosha where everyone
never came and were
a no show. While being
condescending to Wisconsin
What we say on the horizon
was none other than Eddie
Munster in charge of all the
conciliatory representatives.
Have you noticed the
similarity lately?

Jim Horn

Poem Details | by Randy Johnson |
Categories: funny, games, humor,

Superman 64

My neighbor's son used to be cool but not anymore.
He stopped being cool because he loves Superman 64.
He actually loves the fact that Superman has to fly through rings all day.
He used to have a lot of friends but that lame game drove them all away.
He has become an outcast just as his family feared.
He doesn't understand that anybody who loves Superman 64 is weird.
He keeps playing this game even though the N64 is outdated.
He was once quite popular but now that popularity has faded.
Girls refuse to date him, he has lost all hope of ever getting laid.
And it's all because he loves the worst game that has ever been made.

Poem Details | by Elton Camp |
Categories: funny, time,

It Has Saved More Lives Than Superman

It Has Saved More Lives Than Superman

By Elton Camp

Even if it doesn’t actually save your life,
It can sure spare you from needless strife

It’s on your computer and quite easy to use
You are able to do it anytime you choose

Incriminating evidence it will take away
From anytime at all, even including today

A matter of seconds is all the time it’ll take
And failure to use it regularly is a mistake

It will protect one from anybody in the house
Especially needed when dealing with a spouse

So if you don’t know where “History” is found
Right now is the very best time to look around