Funny Poems About Tetractys or Tetractys Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Tetractys poems and/or funny poems about Tetractys. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Tetractys funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Tetractys Poems.

Poem Details | by Shani Fassbender |
Categories: funny


can settle
It lands on tables and under your bed
It also clings to your computer screen
on clothes it goes
and of course
up your

in your food
not in the mood
In the air, everywhere, I don’t care
You can have it mop, cloth, feather duster
I don’t want it
here or there
not one

go clean
all over
dust if you must
Scratch me a note of “clean me” on my shelf
If I dust today it will just come back
it settles
in my

Poem Details | by Rebecca Larkin |
Categories: friendship, funny, happiness, uplifting, boy,

The Flower Boy

Stands there
As flowers
Are placed in his
Ginger hair, the yellow and purple, blend

He smiles and poses for the camera
Glad to become
The ginger

Poem Details | by Tom Cunningham |
Categories: humor,

Mechanic Needed

Hey ! I want To borrow Your motor bike I'll let you have all the bits back later.
Written 22nd September 2019 Picture number 4. For make it five poetry contest Sponsored by Joseph May.

Poem Details | by Sidney Hall Mad Poet |
Categories: funny

The Smile For Rick Parise

Smile has
Two meanings,
One, contentment
Or a facial strain of... constipation

**Michael J. Falotico contest**

Poem Details | by Bill Lindsay |
Categories: funny,

Mischief Maker

An example of Double Tetractys

nip out
and visit
the Library
carrying a rabbit and ask the staff
where the reverse
spell casting
books are 


Poem Details | by Robert Pettit |
Categories: funny, on writing and words,

Blinking-Eye Cupid

I would like to stay here and comment more, but that blinking-eye Cupid drives me nuts!

Poem Details | by Constance La France |
Categories: funny,

Hey, Bandit

Hey Bandit ! Why are you sitting like that ? It is very undignified you know ! Oh, you ate a whole pepperoni sub ! Was it by chance over there Bandit cat ? You bad cat! See that was for my supper ! Would you like if I ate your food ? . . . OH YUCK !!! ____________________ October 21, 2017 Poetry/Tetractys/Hey, Bandit Copyright Protected, ID 17-9514-24-0 All Rights Reserved Written for the contest, Picture Prompt Contest: Write Me Something Funny sponsor, Julie Leigh Rodeheaver First Place

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: animal, anxiety, humorous,

She's Late, She's Late For a Very Important Date

Drat! My yoga teacher is late again I can’t hold on much longer... please send help! Image 3 chosen Make It Five Poetry Contest Sponsored by Joseph May Checked with how many syllables 9/21/19

Poem Details | by Hilo Poet |
Categories: allegory, animal, humor, imagery,

Oh Snap

Bushed scrambles straddles the belled flower strands for a treacherous hold camera pose 2019 September 21 #3 howmanysyllables 1,2,3,4,10

Poem Details | by Cecil Hickman |
Categories: animals, funny, life, pets

My Pet Goes (Tetractys)


She goes,

On a leash,

She walks with me,

Her poop drops out, around every tree.

Poem Details | by Kash Poet |
Categories: funny, loveme,

So That She Gets More Angry

Her red face firing eyes losing temper make me smile so that she gets more angry. Whenever she gives me a sudden kiss, talks lovingly.... something wrong I just frown. © kash poet(19th July 2011) ============================ Placement:None ;(July 2011) By:Kashinath karmakar Contest:Smiles and Frowns Sponsor:Michael J .Falotico

Poem Details | by Edward Ibeh |
Categories: humor, life, self, wisdom,

A Sense of Humor

To laugh at
Of life. Never take yourself seriously

Date written and posted: 06/27/2018

Poem Details | by Hilo Poet |
Categories: fear, funny, humorous, life, meaningful,

Chances Are

Fear being the closes maximizes being the slowest runner of the two. 2019 September 21 #4 howmanysyllables 1,2,3,4,10

Poem Details | by Charles Messina |
Categories: humor,

The Tse Fly's Last Voyage

Oh, my 
Said the cat... 
To the tse Fly 
Why did you land on the lash of my eye 

I shouted out "SHOO" tse fly...said the cat 
It was, just that 
Where you sat 
!!SPLAT!! OH... 

Poem Details | by Marty Owens |
Categories: food, funny

Body Enhancements

Body Enhancements




Juicy Donuts

Rolling one by one to my plate!

Poem Details | by Linda Alice Fowler |
Categories: evil, for teens, fun, halloween, holiday, humorous, magic,

Halloween Party

She peers through the window and views with awe as the evil mage casts spell after spell. His dark powers cruelly destroy the children’s plans for Halloween party fun. She decides to confer with the local dragon who can notably dispel spells. The dragon breaks the mage’s evil spells and kids celebrate Halloween party fun.

Poem Details | by Brian Strand |
Categories: funny, on writing and words,


on my heart
so lightly trips
riming riche every verse from my lips.

Poem Details | by Edward Ibeh |
Categories: autumn, humor, imagery, metaphor, seasons,

Fall Noon Ablaze

fire, fire
a bright fall noon
blanketed by a vast sea of red leaves
worker parts "Red Sea" with rake? who is that?
sure ain't Moses!
look, he's got...

Double Tetractys 8 Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Eve Roper
Photo chosen: 4
Date written: 08/23/2021