Funny Poems About Triolet or Triolet Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Triolet poems and/or funny poems about Triolet. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Triolet funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Triolet Poems.

Poem Details | by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: funny, humor,

3 Musketeers a Collaboration With Casarah Nance and Tim Smith

I wrote a poem of despair 
My hearts been tossed up into the air 

She wrote a limerick that was taboo 
She made me laugh when I was so blue 

Entering stage left was Tim 
Writing of past lovers sins in a hymn 

It seems that we laugh or we cry 
We live, we love, or we die 

The three of us, holding poetic swords up high 
Throughout the ages we all do fly 

No subject goes unspoken 
For the freedom of words we've awoken 

No battle to long or too fierce 
Our duels are true and unrehearsed. 

Through blood, sweat and tears 
A bond so strong that sweetens the years 

All for one and one for all 
Let us carry on and have a ball!

Poem Details | by Elisabeth Sheaffer |
Categories: humorous,

He Who Hesitates Is Lost

The cake which lay upon the plate,
I wanted it but was polite.
That was the one you grabbed and ate;
The cake which lay upon the plate
You ate at an alarming rate.
You said it was a sheer delight
The cake which lay upon the plate,
I wanted it but was polite.

Poem Details | by Rhona Mcferran |
Categories: animal, funny, humor, humorous, perspective, silly,

Seagulls Talking

Seagulls talking
what's the matter?
fussy squawking
seagulls talking...
Waddle walking
pavement patter-
Seagulls talking
what's the matter?

Birds discussing
“Took my breadcrumb!”
Angry fussing
birds discussing
seagull cussing
“Hey, I want some!”
birds discussing
“Took my breadcrumb!”

Poem Details | by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: dance, humorous,

Pole Dancer

I just love the way she dances.
The way around the pole she twirls.
With such confidence she prances.
I just love the way she dances!
She is not afraid to take chances.
Around the May pole with other girls.
I just love the way she dances.
The way around the pole she twirls!

Tell me which Triolet I should enter into Freddie's Contest

For Freddie's Triolet Contest.
Written September 27th, 2014.

Poem Details | by Pandita Sietesantos |
Categories: fashion, funny,



Poor Babette is a hot mess...			
She's a walking fashion disaster,		
Flouncing in her frilly, floral dress.		
Poor Babette is a hot mess...			
But she's not one to stress.			
Strutting like a proud rooster,	
Poor Babette is a hot mess...			
She's a walking fashion disaster.		

Date:      12-30-2021

Poem Details | by Marvin D. Schrebe |
Categories: kids, funny, nature, nostalgia, prayer, children, snow, children, snow,

Falling Snow

Outside the snow is falling
The children are sleighing
Sometimes they start snowballing
Outside the snow is falling
“Dinner is served”, their Mom is calling
The children don’t hear what she’s saying
Outside the snow is falling
The children are sleighing!

Poem Details | by Elisabeth Sheaffer |
Categories: humorous,

Advertising Doesn'T Pay

Most TV adverts are a waste of time
But useful when you need a cup of tea,
You can turn the sound down and watch them mime,
Most TV adverts are a waste of time.
I'll never buy the things they show but I'm
Most grateful how the break enables me,
Most TV adverts are a waste of time
But useful when you need a cup of tea.

Poem Details | by S.D. Tiwari |
Categories: hilarious, math,

Zero, the Hero

Put one, before, nine numbers of zero,
and take one off, have nine numbers of nine.
Grows a number ten times, zero, the hero. 
Put one, before, nine numbers of zero.
Centre of integers, is the number zero,
to the left and right, may go endless, fine. 
Put one, before nine numbers of zero
and take one off, have nine numbers of nine.


Zero and one make the computer byte. 
Zero is the dark and one is bright.
That is what the cycle of day night,
Zero and one make the computer byte.
From the zero and one, gets its life,
on binary system, computer does thrive.
Zero and one make the computer byte. 
Zero is the dark and one is bright.

1000000000-1 = 999999999

Poem Details | by Lycia Harding |
Categories: animal, cat, dog, humorous, pets,

When Duke Arrives


When Duke arrives,
don't be around...

No cat survives,
when Duke arrives.

Need all nine lives?
Don't make a sound!

When Duke arrives -
don't be around.


Poem Details | by Elisabeth Sheaffer |
Categories: humorous, life,

A Double Life

No one knew that Mavis was a stripper,
They thought she worked at Tesco on the till.
Most folk knew her since she was a nipper,
No one knew that Mavis was a stripper.
A woman always cheerful and chipper,
She twirled her tassels publicly, but still
No one knew that Mavis was a stripper,
They thought she worked at Tesco on the till.

Poem Details | by Caycay Jennings |
Categories: humorous,

My Wake Is Fake

My brain cannot alone perform. Without coffee, I am fog’s weight. Yes, old or new, just make it warm. My brain cannot alone perform. My wake is fake ‘till joe transforms. Without coffee, I will deflate. My brain cannot alone perform. Without coffee, I am fog’s weight. Each eve, I rig my morn caffeine. By hook or crook, coffee needs made. No coffee rates a tragic scene. Each eve, I rig my morn caffeine. Real talk takes sips to ease my mean. Coffee serves energy as aid. Each eve, I rig my morn caffeine. By hook or crook, coffee needs made.
... CayCay Jennings December 2, 2016

Poem Details | by Faye Gibson |
Categories: heart, humorous,

Lemon Pie

He stole her heart and her handbag;
she cooked his goose and lemon pie.
He planned the purse theft as a gag;
he stole her heart and her handbag.
Her heart also his, watch him brag,
but not so fast--she will deny
he stole her heart and her handbag;
she cooked his goose and lemon pie.

Copyright, August 27, 2014
Faye Lanham Gibson

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: humorous, poetry,

Tedious Triolet

I think I’ll write a triolet With tedious repeated lines Can’t think of unique words today I think I’ll write a triolet I find them banal anyway To me their formation confines I think I’ll write a triolet With tedious repeated lines 3rd June 2016

Poem Details | by Brian Terry |
Categories: funny, pain,



They can be such a pain in the ****

Never listen unless it suits

Living with them is such a farce

They can be such a pain in the ****

Intelligence is rather sparse

Never listen unless it suits

They can be such a pain in the ****

Never listen unless it suits

If only the good Lord Had been an engineer

What bliss to be a fellow

They would have switches by their ear

If only the good Lord had been an engineer

Speech On or Off and fertile On or Off. That's clear

What bliss to be a fellow

If only the good Lord had been an engineer

What bliss to be a fellow

Poem Details | by Carma Sanderson |
Categories: food, funny, happiness,

Sloppy Brain Sandwich

Salami, Pastrami; or Provolone,
" Oh , Pepperoni, I Don't Know."
A Cream~Cheese Delight Disaster
Knowing My Mind Has Just Went,
Bubble~Gum. Dog gone it!!!

Poem Details | by George Stanworth |
Categories: england, humor, humorous, satire, sports,

I Aim For the Twenty, But Hit the Mc

I aim for the twenty, but hit the MC.
I'm doubting that darts will launch me to fame.
It must be bad luck. How tough can it be?
I aim for the twenty, but hit the MC.
I can't let it get the better of me.
I work hard in practice then play the next game.
I aim for the twenty, but hit the MC.
I'm doubting that darts will launch me to fame.

Poem Details | by Solomon Ochwo-Oburu |
Categories: humor, race, racism,

When a Black Man Is Right

Becomes browner
White man, whiter
Colored, a rainbow

Poem Details | by Brian Terry |
Categories: humorous,

One Damned Thing After Another

It's bloody raining again
	One damn thing after another
	My car is underwater
	It's bloody raining again
	I did not see it coming, it’s a fish. Oh my Gawd it's a shark
	One damn thing after another
	It's bloody raining again
One damn thing after another

One damn thing after another
	Oh well he'll have my neighbour Mark
	That'll teach him, lusting after her
	One damn thing after another
	Can't be all bad, she's lost an admirer
	Oh well he'll have my neighbour Mark
	That'll cool his ardour 
	Oh well he's had my neighbour Mark

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: funny,

I Started a Joke

I started a joke because I was bound

to be a comedian! No one laughed -

though one person made a small snorting sound!

I started a joke because I was bound

to be funny, but now it’s going around

that I’m just daft and no good at my craft.

I started a joke because I was bound

to be a comedian; no one laughed!

Nov. 29, 2017  for the "I Started a Joke" Contest of  Maria Williams

Poem Details | by Solomon Ochwo-Oburu |
Categories: humor, satire, sports,

Athletic Stars

hot ghost chasers
around track fields
rewarded for catching none

Poem Details | by Franklin Price |
Categories: humorous, ocean, sports,

The Curl Is Closing

The Curl is Closing – Visual 1

The curl is closing overhead,
I press to move the board along.
The shark is closing to my dread.
The curl is closing overhead,
maybe the shark has just been fed,
must not wipe out I could be wrong.
The curl is closing overhead,
I press to move the board along

Poem Details | by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: beautiful, birth, dedication, father, heart, humorous, marriage,

Double Up

I mean that fourteen different ways
The heat of summer
makes me sway

Sami Davis
Boy could he play
That was yesterday

Arthur have you heard?
Jean's now that's absurd
History always doubles up

Sami are you ok?
Cause I will delight if I may
Should a doctor smile and say


Poem Details | by Solomon Ochwo-Oburu |
Categories: humor, marriage,

My Husband Is a Genius

Wooed me in Chinese
Married me in Arabic
Divorced me in Latin

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: humorous, wedding,

Wacky Wedding

We giggled on Sue's wedding day
She walked with her dog down the aisle!
Fresh flower bouquet's  - so passé 
We giggled on Sues's wedding day
Sue held a quirky food bouquet!
Her canine bridesmaid made us smile
We giggled on Sue's wedding day
she walked with her dog down the aisle!

Try a Triolet Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Kim Merryman

checked with rhymezone
each line 8 syllables as per HMS

Inspired after seeing a picture of a bridal  bouquet made of bacon roses!


Poem Details | by Deborah Burch |
Categories: funny, health,



Stiff neck won't move this mornin'--"Ouch!"
Must come from sleepin' on the couch.
But why go sleep in that big bed
All by myself (a thought I dread)?
It's not as lonesome here--instead--
False comfort and illusion wed.
For this I can so often vouch...
My only price, is just this--"Ouch!"

2006©deborah burch