Funny Poems About Weather or Weather Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Weather poems and/or funny poems about Weather. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Weather funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Weather Poems.

Poem Details | by Warren Doll |
Categories: animal, funny, rain, weather,


rain drops hit still pond
surface ripples spread outward
tickling frog bellies

Poem Details | by Kim Rodrigues |
Categories: humor, weather,

Winter Keeps Springing Up

Daffodils blooming,
Robins tweeting in trees,
Pollen is looming,
Sky falling like seas.

Atlanta’s warming -
Bless it’s peachy heart.
Isn’t it charming,
The chill will not part.

Can’t put my clothes away.
Winter keeps springing up.
My woollen socks sashay.
Taunt of sweaters: “Wuz up?”

Kids hop, skip and jump,
The joy of April,
Let go of the slump -
Could be they’re grateful…

Tender leaves unfold,
Sun is inviting,
But on the threshold,
The cold’s still biting.

Can’t put my clothes away
Winter keeps springing up
My woollen socks sashay
Taunt of sweaters: “Wuz up?”


Poem Details | by Key V. |
Categories: autumn, december, february, funny, summer, weather, winter,


I hate the cold weather, whether to say the least,
the cold weather hates me, i slipped and fell last week,
plus the warm weather's better, i'd rather sweat than freeze,
put the ice in my drinks not in my socks and sleeves, 
the reason i feel this way, stems from two things, 
maybe i'm a fall guy, with wants to see some leaves, 
or i just miss the summer days with vitamin ray beams, 
either reason or way my thoughts remain oblique,
because i hate the cold weather and cold weather hates me.

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: humorous, weather,

Summer - and It's Raining Again

Welcome to our ‘British’ summer It’s raining again – oh what a bummer Clear blue skies have turned to grey Think it’s time for a foreign holiday! 17th April 2015

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: clothes, humorous, weather,

There's a Nip In the Air

The north wind is blowing and it’s turning cold I’m feeling quite chilly I guess I’m getting old I’ve finally dug out my sexy thermal vest It’s snug and warm and covers my hairy chest It’s silky and soft and causes no ripples Hides my boobies and covers my nipples Jan Allison 15th October 2014

Poem Details | by Alex Frankel |
Categories: health, humor, humorous, weather,

Meteorological Migraine

There’s rain in my brain,
A pitter patter on the old grey matter,
Cats and dogs in the cerebral cogs,
A shower dampening my mental power.
There’s precipitation in my imagination,
A cloud collision in my vision,
A deluge in my centrifuge,
A tidal surge has overwhelmed my optimistic urge,
A tsunami is rampaging through my spiritual harmony,
A lighting strobe just struck my frontal lobe.
There’s a vortex in my cortex,
An eddy in my heady,
A blizzard in my gizzard,
Hail in my vapour trail,
Sleet on my feet,
Snow on my big toe
Making me feel low.

I’ll pop a pill and rest my head
Upon a bed of feather
And when I wake I’m hoping
For bright eyes and better weather.

Poem Details | by Simon Hamill |
Categories: fun, funny, nature, weather,

The Weatherman Says

Good morning ladies and gentlemen,
I'm just looking out my door.
It has been raining through the night,
Looks like we'll get some more.
But don't worry all you gardeners,
The sun will be out soon.
Just as quick as this snow melts,
Your flowers will start to bloom.
The wind will blow away the leaves,
So you can cut your grass.
I am your local weatherman,
A right pain in the ***.

You're a weather forecaster poetry contest
Sponsored by
Matt caliri

Poem Details | by Katherine Stella |
Categories: character, child, childhood, children, dog, fantasy, film, children, giggle, happiness, humorous, imagination, nature, nostalgia, remember, smile, storm, uplifting, visionary, weather,

There's No Place Like Home

Once was a gal who felt so alone
Tornato came up rooted farms home
Landed on wicked  witch
Munchkins came out of ditch
Gave dog lollypops instead of bone

Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: humorous, weather,

Punxsutawney Phil's Weather Forecast

Folks wait with bated breath 'cross the nation,

   For Phil's insightful prognostication.

      What will his prediction be?

         We will have to wait and see,

            After Phil wakes from his hibernation!

Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
(c) 2014 All Rights Reserved

(Not for contest)

Poem Details | by Nick Bagnall |
Categories: funny, nature,

Weather Report


It's rain

Poem Details | by Ivor Davies |
Categories: humor, weather,

Raining Cats and Dogs

As cats and dogs fall from the sky
it isn't easy to keep dry.
Caught in the thumping, thudding pain
of the meowing, barking rain.

The pitter patter of their feet
at other times would be a treat,
but when they poke you in the eye,
it's times like these they make you cry.

The tears now streaming down your face,
the pitter patter speeds it's pace,
with pets now pouring from the sky
it's time to get inside... and dry!

Ivor G Davies

Poem Details | by Joseph Sergi |
Categories: humor, humorous, weather,

The Weatherman

I think tomorrow will be a better day,
I heard the weatherman say.
But when I woke up there was rain,
I guess he was wrong again.
He looks over that map on the wall,
with lines and symbols that cover it all.
I wonder it it's really true,
that he looks out the window like me and you.


Poem Details | by Sandra Haight |
Categories: humor, spring, weather, winter,

Ground Hog Day

Ground Hog Day We know every year comes the day We see if our Winter will stay… The Ground Hog will show By shadow we’ll know If we can put snow gear away. If he sees his shadow at all Then Winter will stay here on call… No shadow means great! Spring’s right at the gate! Let’s dance and go have us a ball! However I heard from good source Phil Ground Hog will have no remorse… He will not come out You better not pout If Springtime goes far off its course! © Sandra M. Haight 2014 All Rights Reserved ~NA~ Contest: Punxsutawney Phil Speaks Sponsor: John Lawless Judged: 02/02/2015

Poem Details | by Rufus Reed |
Categories: children, kids, funny, how i feel, humor, humorous, morning, sleep, weather,

Duvet Day

It's warm beneath this duvet.
Outside it's cold and grey.
I wish I could roll over
And stay in bed today.
There's things I should be doing,
But if you'd let me choose
I'd stay beneath this duvet
And keep on pressing snooze

Poem Details | by John Squires |
Categories: animal, fantasy, funny, weather,

Is It Spring Yet

Phil was a fuzzy groundhog
Sleeping peacefully below
He dreamed of warmer days
Days of no more snow
Then rough hands reached down
And pulled him from his sleep
What is going on, he shouted
Put me back you giant creep
Why did you drag me out right now
I don’t think you even care
Can’t you see it’s freezing out
Now put me back in there
I’ll come out when the time is right
But not now if you please
Spring will come in its good time
Put me back so I don’t freeze
You crazy men are worried
When will the winter end
It will come when days are warm
On that you can depend

Poem Details | by Charlie Knowlton |
Categories: autumn, birthday, football, funny, humor, november, weather,

Born In November

Birthdays, 1957-`66.
               Brown and gray, dead leaves allastray,
               stalks wither in mourning, pumpkins slayed.
               Dark at 5, little time to play,
               clocks retreat, set back to save.
               A gift wrapped football! Surprise! Again?
               What`s that make Ma?, 9 or 10? 
               Just finish your cake and when you`re through,
               homework then bed, tomorrow there`s school.
               Birthdays in Autumn, 
               of which I'm a member.
               70 in a row now, 
               all in November.

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: beach, body, holiday, humorous, weather,

A Bitterly Cold Day On a Nudist Beach Footle

Folks stare He’s bare! No smalls Cold balls! Chilly Willy Teeny Weeny Dinky Winkie Fig leaf Relief! 03~20~17

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: butterfly, humorous, insect, summer, sunshine, weather,

I Yearn For Long Summer Days

Anacreontic Verse Busy buzzing bees and beautiful butterflies sip nectar from pretty flowers in my garden. Colourful pansies, scented sweet peas, pink begonias and red carnations brighten the borders. I sit in the sun enjoying the warmth and beauty that surrounds me. Summertime - I just adore this season of the year albeit only for the few warm sunny rain free days that we get on my tiny isle in the UK! Anacreontic Verse 4 Contest Sponsored by Edward Ebbs 07~22~16

Poem Details | by Norman Littleford |
Categories: funny, rain, rain,

Weather Or Not

If there are 24 hours in a day
how can night exist?
What is the difference between a fog
and a very heavy mist?

What do we mean by a heavy wind?
How can rain give way to showers?
I’ve been told people work too long
but how can you have shorter hours?

We have heavy rain in the morning
light rain the rest of the day,
why don’t they just say we will have rain?
And who weighs it anyway.

The sun will break through in patches
said the weatherman sounding profound,
but there maybe thunder clouds overhead
and I thought they’d be on the ground.

Poem Details | by Brenda Mcgrath |
Categories: humorous, weather,

The Devil Won'T Be Serving Iced Tea

In Georgia we get a little taste of Hell with the summer heat,
Surely without our AC we would be dead meat.
It feels like a roaring campfire when you go outside,
You are covered in sweat, and want to run back inside.

It makes you wonder how hot Hell would be,
Although it feels like Hell now at 105 degrees!
We had better live as good as we can be...
The devil won’t be serving any southern iced tea!

Poem Details | by Christina Hons |
Categories: fun, hope, humor, light, river, water, weather,

What I Accomplished Today

What I had planned for the day is no longer an option for me.
20 minutes on a full body vibration machine
30 minutes in a sauna. Same for the oxygen bar.
A free lunch with my friend, but I cannot get to my car.
It has been pouring down rain for a few days. Everything is starting to flood.
Today I will be unable to meet my friend with a microscope who's fascinated by blood.
Turned on the television. Someone discussing Greek and Roman Parthenons.
Oh goody! What joy! It's an Ancient Aliens marathon.
Flipped open my journal looking for something to do.
Guess I'll enter a poetry contest or two.

May 15, 2015

Poem Details | by Julie Grenness |
Categories: adventure, car, funny, happy, storm, weather,

Parable In An Ode


My muse guides me to compose,
A Parable in an Ode.....
Once was driving on sodden roads,
Automobile went into overload,
Smoke emissions from transmission,
To car jam  I did not give permission,
Dialled Roadside assist on my mobile phone,
Ages passed, standing by side of road,
Then along drove  helpful mechanic guy,
Fixed my wheels, waved goodbye.
I drove again, wheels were turning,
Economising forever I am spurning,
Thought of this parable in an Ode,
"Always pay annual fee for assistance on the Road!!!"

Poem Details | by Gail Underwood |
Categories: funny, weather,

Infected By the 'Bug'

Infected By The 'Bug'

Thanks to ItsSpitting, 
I’ve started caching
Come wind, rain or shine
Getting out no matter what,
Walking here and there
During the day, or even in the dark
With ItsSpitting and Sprite our Geohound
From cycle paths to muddy tracks
And water filled lanes,
Geocaching is in my blood
And until the bug does one
It’s caching all the way!

Poem Details | by M. L. Kiser |
Categories: cool, cute, funny, nature, seasons, weather, winter,

I Want It Now

Right now I’m thinking, Beach, ocean, sea, waves and gulls around me; Sand and salty breezes in my hair; It’s nineteen degrees outside and I’m frigid, even here, inside. I don’t suppose an obliging house elf Would conjure it for me, would he? What am I saying? There he is, napping snugly beneath my electric blanket; The one he won from me in a poker game!

Poem Details | by Jimmi Canada |
Categories: cousin, culture, earth, emotions, family, fire, giggle, hyperbole, international, introspection, love, magic, simple, slam, thank you, today, voice, weather, wine,


Metti blic,

over-top soars of the harmonica,

the ancient way takes thee and smoke...

With soliloquies we join the mast-

sanctify the allegory,

sustain some good~ing!