Humorous and funny Yellow poems and/or funny poems about Yellow. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Yellow funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Yellow Poems.
Poem Details | by
Paula Goldsmith |
day, flower, friend, giggle, humor, uplifting, yellow,
What a pretty day,
sitting watching bees play.
My yellow sunflower bends.
I am perched up high,
friends will go by.
Dragon fly and a fairy are friends.
Poem Details | by
Paula Goldsmith |
animal, food, friend, giggle, purple, sea, yellow,
Did you ever read a fairytale,
maybe the fun book was on sale.
I had a fairytale book with a huge purple whale,
riding on his back was a yellow fox with a pink tail.
the purple whale was large-scale,
the yellow fox loved wearing a ponytail.
They loved to drink ginger ale,
as they eat dishes of fruit cocktail.
Guess this is enough of my wild tale,
now off to buy a new fairytale book at a yard sale.
Poem Details | by
Jimmi Canada |
baptism, beauty, city, eve, first love, funny, gender, god, history, independence day, mystery, mythology, night, obituary, raven, sea, silly, summer, sweet, teacher, world, yellow,
Lauren Hill slow songs thrill,
they pop like a fast moving pill,
I am flopped on top of a junk food bill,
and running with a skunk who tells me to take in my fill-
like leading um' on into my dream,
I create a festering lean,
I rank every thought in order of how I like it,
and prep for a long time that's gonna break all the cycles.
Striding with my shrine,
as I shock a spine,
revitalize and prime-
as I preen and primp and chimp-
as I act like a pimp,
I black out and gimp,
skimp out on my dying moment because death is no shrimp!
Poem Details | by
Nigel Fox |
humor, malayalam, science, yellow,
That is what they drink
never water
on no account will a Commie ever drink water
and not without good reason
water that's what I'm getting at
water is the source of all life
seven tenths of this Earth's surface is water
why do you realize that 70 percent of you is water
as human beings you and I
need fresh pure water to replenish our precious bodily fluids.
are you beginning to understand
That’s why I drink only distilled water
or pure-grain alcohol
Have you ever heard of a thing called fluoridation
do you realize that fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived
the most and dangerous Communist plot we have ever had to face
Poem Details | by
Carolyn Dewey |
food, humorous, lust, yellow,
My teeth crunch into golden heaven,
savoring fresh cream and salt.
This is my tenth - wait, no - eleventh
cob of corn. Time for a malt.
Corn cob, Mom, Bob,
Can't have another?
We love each other,
so you must.
Cob of corn, my golden heaven,
After you I love to lust.
Poem Details | by
Rudolph Rinaldi |
body, funny, future, life, old, remember, yellow,
Get up
Pee in a cup
Cough - Give blood
Only when told
But don’t give too much
When you are old -
Urine’s no better
When you are told
Vary your stream,
Your colors
But – Don’t be too bold-
Not too fast-
Get a strong hold-
Try to remember
What’s in front -
And behind you -
When you are old
Poem Details | by
Iolanda Scripca |
Julia Roberts - The Run Away Bride
Had a dog Fido - loved water slides
He lifted his leg
Yellow train - an egg
The bride disappeared hurt in her pride...
Fido's bright smile showed whites of Colgate
When Lady appeared sealing his Fate
Human wedding planned
On a doggies' land
Long Live bride's old Pop and his charge plate!
Inspired by Carolyn Devonshire's limerick "Runaway Train"
An outdoor wedding, no sign of rain
The bride’s gown had a 10-foot train
Crossing the lawn to her bequeathed
Fido snatched the train in his teeth
And Pop watched eight grand go down the drain
Poem Details | by
Deborah Burch |
animals, children, funny,
Yellow Rhinoceros
I once saw a yellow rhinoceros
And everyone said, "That's preposterous!"
But soon they all went
Because of the scent
He'd farted and it smelled like phospherous!
deborah burch©
Poem Details | by
Brian Davey |
humorous, yellow,
United Colours: Yellow
Yellow Panda Bandit
Caution Beware we have reports that the Infamous Bumble Bee Panda Bandit is near,
He was seen in the light of the pale moon robbing the local Golden Spoon right here.
Believed to be armed and dangerous wielding his two Hornet Guns feeling courageous,
although his spine is yellow scared little fellow, your jaundiced fur is just outrageous!
Poem Details | by
Rudolph Rinaldi |
cry, dog, funny, humor, life, mirror, yellow,
the old shaggy yellow spotted dog
ran quickly around the drawing room
chasing a long tale
until it spotted itself
in a mirror on the wall
and was amazed
by how old it is looking
and how quickly
time passes
remembering its youth
it laid down in a cradle in the woom
and cried
Poem Details | by
Matt Caliri |
funny, love,
There is a blanket of yellow love.
She wrote to me of it
In an unleavened light letter,
Where my god is your god, and
Sudden drops of bereavement
leave a love nest of hands,
Making certain you knew you were part of the whole,
A vibrant pulsating joy button.
Your hands are there to hold not swat.
"Bread" in German is "Brot."
Poem Details | by
Arthur Vaso |
funny, humorous, yellow,
Small is sometimes a good thing
However these words of wisdom I do not bring
The wee of the wise
Sometimes we look to the skies
Relief in our eyes
When we need a pee, we wee
Oui oui?
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
humorous, snow,
Last Christmas I saw yellow snow
(Poor Rudolph could not stem his flow)
He now wears a nappy
And Rudolph's so happy
As snowflakes are pure white you know!
Inspired by walking in the snow contest
2 /19 /19
Poem Details | by
Charlie Knowlton |
dog, funny, good morning, morning, muse, pollution,
Wisping kitchen sunlight
through dust and wood smoke.
Golden hairs from her body
from a shake as she woke.
Rising up gently
slowly down as they float.
And brushing my oatmeal
with a fresh yellow coat.
Poem Details | by
Mary Rotman |
fruit, humorous, yellow,
an unappreciated fruit
sentenced to banananality
because yellow
is their long suit
Poem Details | by
Mc Mc |
childrenyellow, giggle,
Who's Yellow and Bubbly, Super-Soft and Cuddly?
O, Who lives in a Pineapple under the Sea
all yellow and bubbly ,super- soft and cuddly
Who has a pet snail who leaves a long trail
and who'll make you giggle and never fail
Who's obsessed with his job
and can sure cure any sob?
It's Spongebob-on kiddie TV!
Copyright McCuen 2008
Poem Details | by
Chris Yarnell |
This tee shirt is very bright
When you see it,fills you with delight
It's not extra large nor is it wide
The laundry detergent I use is tide
So whenever you see it be happy with glee
Because im the onlyone with this yellow tee
Poem Details | by
Jesse Jones |
funny, imagination, mystery, yellow,
Yellow plush car, yellow plush car
squishy squishy
plush yellow car
Poem Details | by
Duke Beaufort |
hair, humor, sin, women, yellow,
This is meant to be read with a French accent to aid the rhyme scheme:
WikiLeaks has tapes with Assange
Where Donald asks Vlad to arrange
More Russian hookers
Who are the best lookers
To pee and tint Trump’s hair orange
Author's note: His die hard supporters should be required to die their hair orange too. At least that would be funny.
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
car, humorous, jobs,
They hover around parked vehicles
Looking just like an evil wasp
Make sure you’re back in time
Or you’ll find out to your cost
A black and yellow summons
will be stuck to your windscreen
And when you see the parking fine
No doubt you’ll want to scream
So when you’re busy shopping
Don’t be tempted to browse or linger
And if you've obtained parking ticket
Don’t show them your middle finger!
Written after seeing a parking warden slap fines on 2 cars
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
car, humorous, jobs,
They fly around our streets in packs
We see them lurking almost every day
Don’t misjudge them in time or place
Or there will be more than hell to pay
Their beady eyes don’t miss a trick
Yellow jackets hover like pesky flies
One minute late and they will sting
The fine will be paid in painful cries
Arrive at your car in plenty of time
Don’t get there with a second to spare
Your car is marked, and they will swoop
Those yellow jackets make people swear!
Inspired after seeing two parking wardens in our village today.
(In the UK the traffic wardens wear black and yellow jackets)
Poem Details | by
Paula Goldsmith |
blue, cat, humor, purple, red, sleep, yellow,
Mommy do you see the pink fluffy cat,
she is wearing a big purple lace hat.
Mommy see the red polka dotted rat,
he ran fast with an orange and green bat.
In the storybook we count the blue sheep, my little one it is now off to sleep,
Here is your big Tom teddy you can keep,
now go off to dreamland and make no peep.
Date Written: 2/23/2023
"2 Place"
Poem Details | by
Paula Goldsmith |
food, humor, love, sweet, uplifting, words, yellow,
Guess you and I can finally meet
After sending me tweet after tweet
I am in love with yellow
Cover me in fun jell-o
My wonderful ripe banana treat
Poem Details | by
Sara Kendrick |
funny, imagination,
Y achting on a clear summer day
E agerness was devoid for 'twas afraid
L abel in my yellow sundress frayed
L eans toward vintage but stayed
O blique sailing was his tricky scheme
W ell my Yellow Polka Dot Bikini unseen!
Sponsor: Francine Roberts
Contest: Here Comes The Sun
Written: February 8, 2014
Poem Details | by
John Bertin |
blue, green, purple, red, yellow,
there was a redneck scarlet woman
who screamed blue murder
after seeing red in a blue movie
making purple passionate love in the pink
to the yellow peril who was green with envy